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Author > Moseley, Samuel H. 

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Title: Superconducting Detectors Come of Age, or Ready to Leave the Lab
Author(s): Moseley, Samuel H.
Abstract: Cryogenically cooled superconducting detectors have become essential tools for a wide range of measurement applications, ranging from quantum limited heterodyne detection in the millimeter range to direct searches for dark matter with superconducting phonon detectors operating at 20 mK. Superconducting detectors have several fundamental and practical advantages which have resulted in their rapid adoption by experimenters. Their excellent performance arises in part from reductions in noise resulting from their low operating temperatures, but unique superconducting properties provide a wide range of mechanisms for detection. For example, the steep dependence of resistance with temperature on the superconductor normal transition provides a sensitive thermometer for calorimetric and bolometric applications. Parametric changes in the properties of superconducting resonators provide a mechanism for high sensitivity detection of submillil.neter photons. From a practical point of view, the use of superconducting detectors has grown rapidly because many of these devices couple well to SQUID amplifiers, which are easily integrated with the detectors. These SQUID-based amplifiers and multiplexers have matured with the detectors; they are convenient to use, and have excellent noise performance. The first generation of fully integrated large-scale superconducting detection systems is now being deployed. Improved understanding of the operation of these detectors, combined with rapidly improving fabrication techniques, is quickly expanding the capability of these detectors. I will review the development and application of superconductor-based detectors, the ultimate limits to their performance, and consider prospects for their future applications. Continued advances promise to enable important new measurements in physics, and with appropriate advances in cryogenic infrastncturem, ay result in the use of these detectors in everyday monitoring applications.
NASA Center: Goddard Space Flight Center
Publication Date: November 17, 2008
Document Source: Other Sources
No Digital Version Available: Go to Tips On Ordering
Available Data: Abstract Only
Document ID: 20080044726
Publication Information: Number of Pages = 1
Meeting Information: Astrophysics Detector Workshop, 17-20 Nov. 2008, Nice, France
Accessibility: Unclassified; No Copyright; Unlimited; Publicly available;
Updated/Added to NTRS: 2009-01-14

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