
Contact Water Quality

Inquiries and complaints should be directed to the Water Quality Information Line at 857-8260 or

Mailing Address:
Water Quality
Water Systems Division
Water Utility Department
P.O. Box 1293
Albuquerque, NM 87103

(505) 857-8260

(505) 857-8206


2007 Water Quality Report

water quality report

Water Quality Report

We want our customers to have accurate information about the quality of their drinking water. Read our Water Quality Report 2007 for more information.

San Juan-Chama Newsletter


San Juan Chama Newsletter

Read the latest San Juan-Chama Drinking Water Project newsletter.

San Juan-Chama Drinking Water Project

San Juan Chama Project

San Juan-Chama Project

We’ve passed the halfway point in construction of the San Juan-Chama Drinking Water Project, which will end decades of unsustainable aquifer depletion by providing purified surface water to area residents and businesses. Learn more about this project

Home arrow Your Drinking Water arrow Water Resources arrow Water Recycling
Water Recycling PDF Print E-mail
southside recycling program

Using the same water for more than one purpose not only conserves water, it conserves the energy and other resources needed to pump and treat that water. That's why the Water Authority is engaged in two major water recycling programs.

The first is the Southside Recycling Program, which uses treated wastewater from the Authority's Southside Water Reclamation Plant and clean industrial wastewater from PNM/Cobisa to irrigate turf at the UNM Sports Complex, golf courses and other sites.

The second is the North I-25 Industrial Program, in which the Water Authority — in partnership with businesses such as Honeywell, Sumitomo, Silmax, CTS Wireless Components, and Centex— is recycling non-potable but clean industrial wastewater to irrigate the Balloon Fiesta Park, soccer fields and Journal Center.

North I-25 Industrial Program
Last Updated ( Tuesday, 01 April 2008 )

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Albuquerque Bernalillo County Water Utility Authority
P.O. Box 1293, Albuquerque, NM 87103
Phone: (505) 768-2500 | Fax: (505) 768-2580 | Email:

Albuquerque Bernalillo County Water Authority