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Episode 1 - Why So Blue? (March 2007)

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Episode Overview
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Welcome to the first episode of Blueshift, from NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. This episode will tell you a little about what we do here, and features the inventions and innovations of the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST).

  • What is the Astrophysics Science Division, and what do we do here? (0:00 - 2:17)
  • Brain Teaser(2:18 - 3:13)
  • Featured Story: The Inventions and Innovation of the James Webb Space Telescope (3:14 - 10:25)
    Learn about this upcoming mission and some of the technology currently under development at Goddard.
  • What's coming up on future episodes of Blueshift? (10:26 - 11:16)
  • Brain Teaser - Answer (11:17 - 13:15)
  • Closing (13:16 - 14:01)