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Briefing Rooms

Food Assistance and Nutrition Programs: Competitive Grants and Cooperative Agreements Program


The Competitive Grants and Cooperative Agreements Program encourages new and innovative research and joint projects with ERS researchers. The program awards grants and cooperative agreements between $100,000 and $400,000.

  • Grants are awarded when the research project supports the research mission and does not require substantial involvement between ERS staff and the extramural researchers during the research period.

  • Cooperative agreements, awarded when the research project requires more substantial involvement between ERS and the extramural researchers, allow ERS staff to supplement their own expertise with the knowledge and resources of academic and private institutions.

2008 FANRP Competitive Grants and Cooperative Agreements Awards Program

In fiscal 2008, ERS's Food Assistance and Nutrition Research Program (FANRP) accepted proposals for grants and cooperative agreements. The three priority research areas were:

  • Food Choices: Economic Determinants and Consequences
  • Economic Incentives in Food Assistance Programs
  • Food Assistance as an Economic Safety Net

The publication, Food Assistance and Nutrition Research Program, Fiscal 2008, Competitive Grants and Cooperative Agreements Program: Description and Application Process describes the research areas and application requirements. The deadline for proposal submission was May 19, 2008.

The proposal evaluation process included peer review panels consisting of experts from academia, government, and the private sector. In addition to reviewer’s comments, FANRP’s selection process considered coverage of priority research areas, overlap between proposals and ongoing projects, program needs, potential benefits from research collaborations on particular projects, and availability of funding. The fiscal 2008 awards will be announced in mid-October 2008. Descriptions of awards from previous years are available.

Food Assistance and Nutrition Research Program, Final Report: Fiscal 2007 Activities—Provides an overview of FANRP's research themes, principles, publications, and activities and describes the objectives of individual research projects.

FANRP also indirectly supports extramural research through the RIDGE Program. 

Visit to find and apply for grants available across the Federal Government.



For more information, contact: Victor Oliveira

Web administration:

Updated date: September 29, 2008