National Leadership Workshop on Mentoring Women in Biomedical Careers

November 27–28, 2007, Natcher Conference Center, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland

Theme: “Mentoring is Everybody’s Business” – MRC Greenwood, Ph.D.

About the Workshop

On behalf of the NIH Working Group on Women in Biomedical Careers, the Office of Research on Women’s Health coordinated efforts for the National Leadership Workshop on Mentoring Women in Biomedical Careers, which was held at NIH on November 27–28, 2007. The workshop had over 500 registrants from government, academia, industry, and other organizations.

A videocast of the plenary sessions of the workshop is available from the NIH VideoCast Archive (Day 1, Day 2). Please see the final agenda for the start time for each plenary speaker and to download the speaker presentations.

The videocast, Perspectives on Approaches to Eliminating Bias and Barriers by Raynard Kington, M.D., Ph.D., NIH Deputy Director, is available for download as a self-contained presentation.

Please see the Concurrent Workshops page for information and materials from the breakout presentations.

Please e-mail to request a copy of the Meeting Proceedings


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This page last updated: December 31, 2008