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Living In Space
Space Food

Space Food

What's Cookin'?

Space Wear

Space Wear
Time to Get Dressed!
Eating and Drinking: How do you cook, prepare and store food in space?
Hygiene: How do you take a shower and use the restroom in space? (Microbes)
Space Water: Where do astronauts in space get water?
Space Breathing: How do astronauts breathe in space?
Space Training: Preparing for a mission is a lot of hard work for astronauts and their trainers. (fact sheet)
Space Sleep: What is it like to sleep on the shuttle and on the International Space Station? (more)
Virtual Astronaut: An interactive, 3-D suite of instructional materials that demonstrate the activities of astronauts on board the International Space Station, including NASA’s scientific research.
Wheels in the Sky: The pioneering space station concepts of the mid-1950's don't look much like the erector-set habitat in orbit today.

The above interactive requires Flash Player. Also, check out the latest Expedition crew timelines.
Construction: How many astronauts does it take to build a space station? Hint: More than it takes to change a light bulb!
Talking to friends and family: Astronauts use ham radio and private channels to talk to Mission Control, and a Softphone to call directly home!
Space Work

Space Work

It's Always Tool Time!

Space Fun

Space Fun
This is Cool Stuff!

Curator: Kim Dismukes | Responsible NASA Official: John Ira Petty | Updated: 05/21/2004
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