GLOBE Bulletin

November 18, 1997:
GLOBE Tests New Look!

With input from lots of teachers and students, the GLOBE systems team is working hard to re-design the GLOBE web site, making it easier for users to find their way through all of the thousands of GLOBE web pages. Beginning November 17, 1997, visitors to the GLOBE web site will have the opportunity to get a "Sneak Preview" of the new look.

The major change is the addition of a navigation bar on the left hand side or the bottom of each GLOBE web page. This navigation bar will make it easier for you to determine where you are in the GLOBE web site, and guide you in locating other GLOBE web sites. This navigation bar replaces the graphical icon button bar that is currently posted on the bottom of all GLOBE web pages. For example, when entering data, you will now select "Data Entry" from the navigation bar, instead of clicking on an icon at the bottom of the page.

IMPORTANT NOTE: The "Sneak Preview" is only a model of how the new GLOBE web pages will appear when they are fully operational. GLOBEMail and GLOBE Data Entry are NOT operational from the Sneak Preview. They will become operational in several weeks when the old GLOBE web site is completely replaced by this new look. Therefore, when you select "Sneak Preview," you will be a visitor to the GLOBE web site and your GLOBE ID will not be recognized. If you try to enter data or send GLOBEMail from the new interface, you will receive an error message. Return to the original GLOBE Web site if you would like to send GLOBEMail or submit GLOBE Data.

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