GLOBE Bulletin

December 09, 1997:
Europeans Plan GLOBE CD

GLOBE Country Coordinators and teachers from the Netherlands, Finland and the Czech Republic have announced their plans to produce a CD with songs about GLOBE, the environment, sustainable development, and international cooperation. The CD will be multi-cultural with many different musical styles. The CD will be packaged with the song lyrics, in both the original language and in English, and with illustrations depicting GLOBE activities around the world. It is envisioned that the CD will be used to help with fundraising for GLOBE schools.

The GLOBE Music Expedition team is being organized by Martin Bosch of the Netherlands, Dana Votakpkova of the Czech Republic, and Mika Vanhanen of Finland. GLOBE schools are invited to submit original songs, preferably written and performed by students and teachers who are active in the GLOBE Program.

Tapes and lyrics must be submitted for review by March 15, 1998! Learn more about the GLOBE CD and how to submit compositions by going to the GLOBE Learning Expedition site, a link from the GLOBE Home Page, and selecting the Music Expedition link in the How to Participate section.

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