GLOBE Bulletin

April 08, 1997:
Canada Becomes 50th GLOBE Country!

The U.S. State Department announced that, as a part of Canadian Prime Minister Jean Chretien's visit to Washington, D.C., Canada has joined join the GLOBE Program. Fifty countries are now participating in GLOBE!

U.S. First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton and Canadian First Lady Mme. Chretien enjoyed a demonstration of GLOBEMail during a visit to the Burrville Elementary School in Washington, D.C. The Burrville Elementary students exchanged GLOBEMail with sixth graders at St. Elizabeth School in Ottawa, Canada and talked about their plans to work together in GLOBE. Mrs. Clinton and Mme. Chretien were both impressed with how the students were using technology to expand their knowledge about life in other countries and about the global environment.

The Canadian GLOBE Program will be coordinated by SchoolNet, a national organization that offers Internet-based educational services and resources.

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