GLOBE Bulletin

April 26, 1999:
Kuwait Joins the GLOBE Program!

On April 12, 1999, Kuwait joined the GLOBE Program. Dr. Abdul Aziz Al-Ghanim, Kuwaiti Minister of Education, signed the GLOBE agreement with U.S. Ambassador James A. Larocco at a special ceremony held at the Al-Najah Intermediate School, the first Kuwaiti school to be wired to the Internet. The Secretary General of the Kuwait National Commission for Education, Science, and Culture, Mr. Sulaiman Al-Onaize, also participated in the ceremony, which was extensively reported on by local television and newspapers.

In signing the agreement, Dr. Al Ghanim told a local news agency, "...we cannot live in a world without cooperating with others and exchanging views and information." Participants in the event also enjoyed a demonstration of the GLOBE Web site, led by Ms. Hanaa-Al-Sharrah, a teacher who will be coordinating Kuwait's participation in GLOBE.

GLOBE welcomes the students and teachers of Kuwait, the 82nd GLOBE Country.

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