GLOBE Bulletin

September 20, 1999:
GLOBE and UNEP to Cooperate on Environmental Education

In a move that will benefit GLOBE schools worldwide, the GLOBE Program and the United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP) have agreed to cooperate on environmental education and training and the collection of environmental data. Through this partnership, GLOBE and UNEP will share educational materials and promote collaboration of UNEP regional offices with GLOBE countries in their regions. In addition to being a general resource for environmental education, UNEP will provide GLOBE Country Coordinators access to their networks of scientists.

GLOBE countries are encouraged to take advantage of this new partnership by contacting Dr. Christian Holger Strohmann (, head of UNEP's Environmental Education and Training Unit, to request UNEP materials and to establish relationships with UNEP offices in their regions. Working through their Country Coordinators, GLOBE schools can also take advantage of UNEP's resources, which include environmental education and training materials, conferences, training workshops, and various directories, such as the Compendium of Environmental Education and Training Opportunities Worldwide.

Visit the UNEP educational web-site at:

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