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The Move to the NIH (1949)

n 1949 Dr. James Shannon, leader of the antimalarial research effort at Goldwater, was named director of the laboratories and clinics of the newly created National Heart Institute (NHI) at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in Bethesda, Maryland. He recruited researchers from Goldwater, including lab technician Julius Axelrod and Drs. Bernard Brodie, Sidney Udenfriend, Robert Berliner, and Robert Bowman. Because of their interest in fluorescence in medicine that originated with antimalarial drug research, one of the group's early projects was the development of a new instrument that could help them learn more about how fluorescence could be utilized in scientific research.

Dr. Robert Bowman of the Laboratory of Technical Development took the lead on the project in the early 1950s.

He was known for his talent in instrument-making, an indispensable skill in a research environment where scientists need good tools with which to test their theories and to lead them to new ideas.

Photograph of Laboratory of Technical Development staff at the National Heart Institute, early 1950s

The Laboratory of Technical Development at the National Heart Institute, early 1950s. Front row, left to right: Johnnie B. Langer, Hillary V. Trantham, Dr. Bert R. Boone, Robert E. Gorman, Patricia A. Caulfield. Back row, left to right: Dr. Harold J. Morowitz, Dr. Robert L. Bowman, Norman M. Garrahan, Dr. John L. Stephenson, Frank W. Noble.

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