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Insurance Programs


FEGLI Program Booklet For Federal Employees

  • If eligible, you are automatically enrolled in Basic insurance, unless you waive it.
  • You must elect Optional insurance, within strict time limits, if you want it.
  • You must be enrolled in or elect Basic insurance in order to elect Optional insurance.
  • The Government pays one-third of the cost of your Basic life insurance. You pay 100% of the cost of Optional insurance.
  • You can voluntarily waive/cancel insurance coverage at any time unless you have assigned your coverage. If you cancel Basic insurance, you automatically cancel all forms of Optional insurance.
  • For some types of coverage, you can elect more coverage by submitting satisfactory medical information or by experiencing a qualifying life event.
  • Open Seasons are held infrequently. The 1999 and 2004 Open Seasons are the most recent.
  • It is your responsibility to know the amount of your coverage, when it starts, when it stops, and who is entitled to payment of the death benefits.

  If You Do Nothing If You WAIVE* it DURING Your First Pay Period If You WAIVE* it AFTER Your First Pay Period
Coverage Begins on the first day you're in a pay and duty status. Your coverage is voided. Ends on the last day of the pay period in which your agency receives your waiver.
Deductions Begin the first pay period you're in a pay and duty status. No deductions. End after the last day of the pay period in which your agency receives your waiver.

  If You Do Nothing If You Elect* it Within the 31 Days After Your Appointment to an Eligible Position If You Want it After Those 31 Days
Coverage No Coverage Begins on the first day you're in a pay and duty status on or after the date your agency receives your election. Your Opportunities to Elect Optional Coverage After Those 31 Days are Limited. See pages 11 - 12
Deductions No deductions. Begin the first pay period you're in a pay and duty status after your agency receives your election.

* "Elect it" and "Waive it" means your human resources office received a properly completed SF 2817 "Life Insurance Election" from you.