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Previous Issues of Science

Previous issues of Science are available in two archives:

Science, January 1997 to present

How to access: The full text of Science issues since January 1997 is available online to AAAS members, to users at subscribing institutions, and on a pay-per-article basis. After one year, the full text of the research content in this part of the collection is available online without cost for individuals who register for access.

Most Recent Issues

19 September 2008 Cover

19 September 2008
Vol. 321 (#5896) Pages 1589-1724

12 September 2008 Cover

12 September 2008
Vol. 321 (#5895) Pages 1401-1588

5 September 2008 Cover

5 September 2008
Vol. 321 (#5894) Pages 1268-1374

29 August 2008 Cover

29 August 2008
Vol. 321 (#5893) Pages 1117-1256

Science Classic, July 1880 to December 1996

science classics gifHow to access: The full text (in PDF form) of the Science Classic collection is available online to individual AAAS members, and to nonmembers on a pay-per-article basis. Institutions gain access to the archive through a separate subscription (in addition to the subscription fee for more recent issues).

Change in Content Coverage to Science Online: A small number of issues from 1996 formerly included in a current Science Online subscription are now in the Science Classic archives. These issues cover the last quarter of 1996 (Volume 274, 4 October - December 1996).

Gaps in Backfiles: Sourcing of backfile volumes for digitization can be difficult for some journals and for older material in particular. If you spot any missing issues or missing articles within the digitized backfile, please let us know by contacting sc-feedback{at} The three issues noted below are missing and we are in the process of tracking them down. Donations are welcome.
1. Volume 3, No. 80, Jan. 14, 1882
2. Volume 3, No. 81, Jan. 21, 1882
3. Volume 3, No. 82, Mar. 4, 1882

Gaps in Reference Links: We are still setting up the reference links and therefore some are missing. We appreciate your patience until we complete this process.

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Science. ISSN 0036-8075 (print), 1095-9203 (online)