Medication Error Quality Initiative

NC Dept of Health & Human Services
Division of Health Service Regulation

MEQI - Medication Error Quality Initiative

Welcome to the Medication Error Quality Initiative (MEQI) website.

MEQI is the mandatory reporting of all medication errors and potential errors observed in nursing homes in the State of North Carolina.

In 2003 the North Carolina General Assembly passed Senate Bill 1016 addressing medication management in the State's nursing homes and requiring, among other things, the development of a Medication Management Advisory Committee and an annual report of medication errors. The State of North Carolina contracted with the Cecil G. Sheps Center for Health Services Research ( Sheps Center) at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill to implement the reporting system. All licensed nursing homes in NC are required to report. We currently have two systems available for error reporting:

MEQI-IE (MEQI-Individual Error)

MEQI-IE is our preferred reporting system. This system was developed in 2006 for reporting of medication errors throughout the year using a password accessed interactive web-based system that allows sites to access their own data. After a pilot study was conducted, this system was made available to all sites in October 2006. Those NC nursing homes interested in signing up to use this new system should contact the Sheps Center at 919-966-7927.

MEQI-AR (MEQI- Annual Report)

MEQI-AR was the initial reporting system. Sites using this system submit an online annual report of errors once a year during the month of October. This report is a summary of all errors that happened during the reporting year, October 1 to September 30 and is a one-time only use form.