GLOBE Bulletin

June 21, 1999:
GLOBE Reaches Over 10,000 Educators

On June 18, 1999, the Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE) Program reached a major milestone as the number of educators who have completed GLOBE training surpassed 10,000. GLOBE continues to grow rapidly with nearly 7,000 schools in 84 countries participating in the Program.

Since April 1995, GLOBE students have contributed over 3.5 million observations to the GLOBE Student Data Archive for use by scientists and by the students themselves in research studies. The students have contributed data in the fields of atmosphere, hydrology, land cover/biology, and soils.

In the next six months, over forty GLOBE Teacher Training workshops will be held as a result of aggressive implementation of the Program by international and U.S. Partners. At the workshops, educators receive hands-on training in the GLOBE science protocols and use of the Internet for reporting and analyzing scientific data.

"Unlike traditional school science programs, in which students perform isolated experiments with no consequences for increasing scientific knowledge, GLOBE involves students in actual investigations led by university and government scientists," stated Dr. Barbara Means of SRI's Center for Technology In Learning. In formal evaluations of the GLOBE Program, SRI has documented improved student achievement in a number of key math, science, and geography skill areas.

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