United States Department of Health & Human Services

HHS Information Quality Web Site

Information Requests for Corrections and HHS' Responses

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March 10, 2004

Mr. Neil J. King
Wilmer, Cutler & Pickering
2445 M. St. N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20037-1420

RE: Request for Reconsideration Submitted November 17, 2003

Dear Mr. King:

I want to provide you with a status update regarding your request for appeal submitted under the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Quality Guidelines. Those guidelines state that it is NIH's goal to respond to each request for reconsideration within 60 days of receipt either by providing a decision on the request or, if the request will require more than 60 days to complete, informing the complainant that more time is required.

We wrote to you on January 16, 2004, indicating that we would need additional time to complete our response to your request and expected to reply within 60 days. At this time, we are continuing to prepare our response but require additional time to coordinate Agency review. We anticipate that a response providing the Agency's views will be forwarded to you within 60 days.

Thank you for your interest in the quality of information disseminated by NIH. Should you have any questions, please contact me on 301-496-5633.


Susan R. Cornell
Office of Communications and Public Liaison, NIH
Building 31, Room 5B35
9000 Rockville Pike
Bethesda, MD 20892

cc: B. Greenberg, DHHS

NIH/OD/OCPL/FOI:SCornell:August 23, 2004

Official File located in OD/OCPL/FOI

Last Revised:  August, 2004

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