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Who Are We?

I. The Montana Historical Society

Girls with Indian Shirt

Created: February 2, 1865; became a state agency March 4, 1891.

Governed by: 15 member Montana Historical Society Board of Trustees who are appointed by the Governor. Trustees select the Society Director and set policy.

Statutory Mandate: " . . .an agency of state government for the use, learning, culture, and enjoyment of the citizens of the state and for the acquisition, preservation, and protection of historical records, art, archival, and museum objects, historical places, sites, and monuments and the custody, maintenance, and operation of the historical library, museums, art galleries, and historical places, sites, and monuments." 22-3-101 MCA

Roles and Responsibilities:

  1. Preserve for future generations representative selection of all historic resources (art, records, books, photographs, oral histories, artifacts, journals, sites, buildings) important to an understanding of Montana history.

  2. Present and provide educational and public programs, reference services, exhibits, and publications that interpret Montana's past to a broad public.

  3. Provide technical assistance to all organizations that preserve and interpret additional historic resources that help Montanans and her visitors understand the region's past.

Current Director: Richard Sims

Current President of Board: James W. Murry

Original Governor's Mansion

Created: Acquired by the State in 1913 as the first official governor's residence.The Society assumed administrative responsibility for the State in 1981 and now operates it as a historic house museum.

Advisory Board:14 member Helena-based Original Governor's Mansion Restoration Board. Note advisory role only. This property is directly administered by the Museum's program of the Society.

Roles and Responsibilities:

1. Preserve the building and grounds as a professionally presented historic house museum.

2. Provide opportunities for educational tours and events.

Interim Administrator: Jennifer Bottomly-O'looney, for the Society

Current Board Chair: Norma Jean Kelly

II. Entities Administratively Attached to the Montana Historical Society

Moss Mansion

Created: 1985

Governing Boards: communitypreservation boards who hire local site managers and set policy.

Statutory Responsibility:". . . allow payment of inheritance and estate taxes by the transfer to the state of unique objects of significant historical or artistic interest, extremely unique sites or buildings of historical interest, and easements and other recognized interests in land to conserve unique open space and to preserve wildlife habitat, park, recreational, historic, aesthetic, cultural, and natural values on or related to land, while limiting the impact of such transfers on the revenue collected under this chapter." 72-16-445 MCA

Roles and Responsibilities:

Assume responsibilities for preservation, public accessibility, and public education at these state-owned historic properties.

Relationship to the Montana Historical Society : Society owns this properties for the State, the City of Billings holds a 38.5% interest in the property, and delegates all administrative responsibility to local boards via legal agreements which give the Society oversight of physical changes to the property or actions which could encumber the state.

III. Other Private Sector Players:

A. Montana History Foundation: A 501 (c) (3) organization created to raise endowments, large gifts, and administer special campaigns on behalf of the Montana Historical Society and associated sites.


Montana Historical Society report on Services by County