FAR -- Part 42Contract Administration and Audit Services

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FAR -- Part 42
Contract Administration and Audit Services

(FAC 2005-34)
(1 July 2009)

42.000 -- Scope of Part.

This part prescribes policies and procedures for assigning and performing contract administration and contract audit services.

42.001 – [Reserved].

42.002 -- Interagency Agreements.

(a) Agencies shall avoid duplicate audits, reviews, inspections, and examinations of contractors or subcontractors, by more than one agency, through the use of interagency agreements.

(b) Subject to the fiscal regulations of the agencies and applicable interagency agreements, the requesting agency shall reimburse the servicing agency for rendered services in accordance with the Economy Act (31 U.S.C. 1535).

(c) When an interagency agreement is established, the agencies are encouraged to consider establishing procedures for the resolution of issues that may arise under the agreement.

42.003 -- Cognizant Federal Agency.

(a) For contractors other than educational institutions and nonprofit organizations, the cognizant Federal agency normally will be the agency with the largest dollar amount of negotiated contracts, including options. For educational institutions and nonprofit organizations, the cognizant Federal agency is established according to Subsection G.11 of OMB Circular A-21, Cost Principles for Educational Institutions, and Attachment A, Subsection E.2, of OMB Circular A-122, Cost Principles for Nonprofit Organizations, respectively.

(b) Once a Federal agency assumes cognizance for a contractor, it should remain cognizant for at least 5 years to ensure continuity and ease of administration. If, at the end of the 5-year period, another agency has the largest dollar amount of negotiated contracts, including options, the two agencies shall coordinate and determine which will assume cognizance. However, if circumstances warrant it and the affected agencies agree, cognizance may transfer prior to the expiration of the 5-year period.

Subpart 42.1 -- Contract Audit Services

42.101 -- Contract Audit Responsibilities.

(a) The auditor is responsible for --

(b) Normally, for contractors other than educational institutions and nonprofit organizations, the Defense Contract Audit Agency (DCAA) is the responsible Government audit agency. However, there may be instances where an agency other than DCAA desires cognizance of a particular contractor. In those instances, the two agencies shall agree on the most efficient and economical approach to meet contract audit requirements. For educational institutions and nonprofit organizations, audit cognizance will be determined according to the provisions of OMB Circular A-133, Audits of Institutions of Higher Education and Other Non-Profit Institutions.

42.102 -- Assignment of Contract Audit Services.

(a) As provided in agency procedures or interagency agreements, contracting officers may request audit services directly from the responsible audit agency cited in the Directory of Federal Contract Audit Offices. The audit request should include a suspense date and should identify any information needed by the contracting officer.

(b) The responsible audit agency may decline requests for services on a case-by-case basis, if resources of the audit agency are inadequate to accomplish the tasks. Declinations shall be in writing.

42.103 -- Contract Audit Services Directory.

(a) DCAA maintains and distributes the Directory of Federal Contract Audit Offices. The directory identifies cognizant audit offices and the contractors over which they have cognizance. Changes to audit cognizance shall be provided to DCAA so that the directory can be updated.

(b) Agencies may obtain a copy of the directory or information concerning cognizant audit offices by contacting the –

Subpart 42.2 -- Contract Administration Services

42.201 -- Contract Administration Responsibilities.

(a) For each contract assigned for administration, the contract administration office (CAO) (see 48 CFR 2.101) shall --

(b) The Defense Contract Management Agency and other agencies offer a wide variety of contract administration and support services.

42.202 -- Assignment of Contract Administration.

(a) Delegating functions. As provided in agency procedures, contracting officers may delegate contract administration or specialized support services, either through interagency agreements or by direct request to the cognizant CAO listed in the Federal Directory of Contract Administration Services Components. The delegation should include --

(b) Special instructions. As necessary, the contracting officer also shall advise the contractor (and other activities as appropriate) of any functions withheld from or additional functions delegated to the CAO.

(c) Delegating additional functions. For individual contracts or groups of contracts, the contracting office may delegate to the CAO functions not listed in 42.302: Provided that --

(d) Rescinding functions. The contracting officer at the requesting agency may rescind or recall a delegation to administer a contract or perform a contract administration function, except for functions pertaining to cost accounting standards and negotiation of forward pricing rates and indirect cost rates (also see 42.003). The requesting agency must coordinate with the CAO to establish a reasonable transition period prior to rescinding or recalling the delegation.

(e) Secondary delegations of contract administration.

(f) Special surveillance. For major system acquisitions (see Part 34), the contracting officer may designate certain high risk or critical subsystems or components for special surveillance in addition to requesting supporting contract administration. This surveillance shall be conducted in a manner consistent with the policy of requesting that the cognizant CAO perform contract administration functions at a contractor’s facility (see 42.002).

(g) Refusing delegation of contract administration. An agency may decline a request for contract administration services on a case-by-case basis if resources of the agency are inadequate to accomplish the tasks. Declinations shall be in writing.

42.203 -- Contract Administration Services Directory.

The Defense Contract Management Agency (DCMA) maintains the Federal Directory of Contract Administration Services Components. The directory lists the names and telephone numbers of those DCMA and other agency offices that offer contract administration services within designated geographic areas and at specified contractor plants. Federal agencies may access it on the Internet at http://www.dcma.mil/ . For additional information contact--

Defense Contract Management Agency


6350 Walker Lane

Alexandria, VA 22310-3226.

Subpart 42.3 -- Contract Administration Office Functions

42.301 -- General.

When a contract is assigned for administration under Subpart 42.2, the contract administration office (CAO) shall perform contract administration functions in accordance with 48 CFR Chapter I, the contract terms, and, unless otherwise agreed to in an interagency agreement (see 42.002), the applicable regulations of the servicing agency.

42.302 -- Contract Administration Functions.

(a) The contracting officer normally delegates the following contract administration functions to a CAO. The contracting officer may retain any of these functions, except those in paragraphs (a)(5), (a)(9), and (a)(11) of this section, unless the cognizant Federal agency (see 2.101) has designated the contracting officer to perform these functions.

(b) The CAO shall perform the following functions only when and to the extent specifically authorized by the contracting office:

(c) Any additional contract administration functions not listed in 42.302(a) and (b), or not otherwise delegated, remain the responsibility of the contracting office.

Subpart 42.4 -- Correspondence and Visits

42.401 -- Contract Correspondence.

(a) The contracting officer (or other contracting agency personnel) normally shall

(b) The CAO shall send the contracting office a copy of pertinent correspondence conducted between the CAO and the contractor.

42.402 -- Visits to Contractors’ Facilities.

(a) Government personnel planning to visit a contractor’s facility in connection with one or more Government contracts shall provide the cognizant CAO with the following information, sufficiently in advance to permit the CAO to make necessary arrangements. Such notification is for the purpose of eliminating duplicative reviews, requests, investigations, and audits relating to the contract administration functions in Subpart 42.3 delegated to CAO’s and shall, as a minimum, include the following (see also paragraph (b) of this section):

(b) If the visit will result in reviewing, auditing, or obtaining any information from the contractor relating to contract administration functions, the prospective visitor shall identify the information in sufficient detail so as to permit the CAO, after consultation with the contractor and the cognizant audit office, to determine whether such information, adequate to fulfill the requirement, has recently been reviewed by or is available within the Government. If so, the CAO will discourage the visit and refer the prospective visitor to the Government office where such information is located. Where the office is the CAO, such information will be immediately forwarded or otherwise made available to the requestor.

(c) Visitors shall fully inform the CAO of any agreements reached with the contractor or other results of the visit that may affect the CAO.

42.403 -- Evaluation of Contract Administration Offices.

Onsite inspections or evaluations of the performance of the assigned functions of a contract administration office shall be accomplished only by or under the direction of the agency of which that office is a part.

Subpart 42.5 -- Postaward Orientation

42.500 -- Scope of Subpart.

This subpart prescribes policies and procedures for the postaward orientation of contractors and subcontractors through --

(a) A conference; or

(b) A letter or other form of written communication.

42.501 -- General.

(a) A postaward orientation aids both Government and contractor personnel to

(b) Postaward orientation is encouraged to assist small business, small disadvantaged, women-owned, veteran-owned, HUBZone, and service-disabled veteran-owned small business concerns (see Part 19).

(c) While cognizant Government or contractor personnel may request the contracting officer to arrange for orientation, it is up to the contracting officer to decide whether a postaward orientation in any form is necessary.

(d) Maximum benefits will be realized when orientation is conducted promptly after award.

42.502 -- Selecting Contracts for Postaward Orientation.

When deciding whether postaward orientation is necessary and, if so, what form it shall take, the contracting officer shall consider, as a minimum, the --

(a) Nature and extent of the preaward survey and any other prior discussions with the contractor;

(b) Type, value, and complexity of the contract;

(c) Complexity and acquisition history of the product or service;

(d) Requirements for spare parts and related equipment;

(e) Urgency of the delivery schedule and relationship of the product or service to critical programs;

(f) Length of the planned production cycle;

(g) Extent of subcontracting;

(h) Contractor’s performance history and experience with the product or service;

(i) Contractor's status, if any, as a small business, small disadvantaged, women-owned, veteran-owned, HUBZone, or service-disabled veteran-owned small business concern;

(j) Contractor's performance history with small, small disadvantaged, women-owned, veteran-owned, HUBZone, and service-disabled veteran-owned small business subcontracting programs;

(k) Safety precautions required for hazardous materials or operations; and

(l) Complex financing arrangements, such as progress payments, advance payments, or guaranteed loans.

42.503 -- Postaward Conferences.

42.503-1 -- Postaward Conference Arrangements.

(a) The contracting officer who decides that a conference is needed is responsible for --

(b) When the contracting office initiates a conference, the arrangements may be made by that office or, at its request, by the contract administration office.

42.503-2 -- Postaward Conference Procedure.

The chairperson of the conference shall conduct the meeting. Unless a contract change is contemplated, the chairperson shall emphasize that it is not the purpose of the meeting to change the contract. The contracting officer may make commitments or give directions within the scope of the contracting officer’s authority and shall put in writing and sign any commitment or direction, whether or not it changes the contract. Any change to the contract that results from the postaward conference shall be made only by a contract modification referencing the applicable terms of the contract. Participants without authority to bind the Government shall not take action that in any way alters the contract. The chairperson shall include in the summary report (see 42.503-3 below) all information and guidance provided to the contractor.

42.503-3 -- Postaward Conference Report.

The chairperson shall prepare and sign a report of the postaward conference. The report shall cover all items discussed, including areas requiring resolution, controversial matters, the names of the participants assigned responsibility for further actions, and the due dates for the actions. The chairperson shall furnish copies of the report to the contracting office, the contract administration office, the contractor, and others who require the information.

42.504 -- Postaward Letters.

In some circumstances, a letter or other written form of communication to the contractor may be adequate postaward orientation (in lieu of a conference). The letter should identify the Government representative responsible for administering the contract and cite any unusual or significant contract requirements. The rules on changes to the contract in 42.503-2 also apply here.

42.505 -- Postaward Subcontractor Conferences.

(a) The prime contractor is generally responsible for conducting postaward conferences with subcontractors. However, the prime contractor may invite Government representatives to a conference with subcontractors, or the Government may request that the prime contractor initiate a conference with subcontractors. The prime contractor should ensure that representatives from involved contract administration offices are invited.

(b) Government representatives--

Subpart 42.6 -- Corporate Administrative Contracting Officer

42.601 -- General.

Contractors with more than one operational location (e.g., division, plant, or subsidiary) often have corporate-wide policies, procedures, and activities requiring Government review and approval and affecting the work of more than one administrative contracting officer (ACO). In these circumstances, effective and consistent contract administration may require the assignment of a corporate administrative contracting officer (CACO) to deal with corporate management and to perform selected contract administration functions on a corporate-wide basis.

42.602 -- Assignment and Location.

(a) A CACO may be assigned only when

(b) A decision to initiate or discontinue a CACO assignment should be based on such factors as the --

(c) Responsibility for assigning a CACO shall be determined as follows:

(d) The directory of contract administration services components referenced in 42.203 includes a listing of CACO’s and the contractors for which they are assigned responsibility.

42.603 -- Responsibilities.

(a) The CACO shall perform, on a corporate-wide basis, the contract administration functions as designated by the responsible agency. Typical CACO functions include --

(b) The CACO shall --

Subpart 42.7 -- Indirect Cost Rates

42.700 -- Scope of Subpart.

This subpart prescribes policies and procedures for establishing--

(a) Billing rates; and

(b) Final indirect cost rates.

42.701 -- Definition.

“Billing rate,” as used in this subpart, means an indirect cost rate--

(1) Established temporarily for interim reimbursement of incurred indirect costs; and

(2) Adjusted as necessary pending establishment of final indirect cost rates.

42.702 -- Purpose.

(a) Establishing final indirect cost rates under this subpart provides --

(b) Establishing billing rates provides a method for interim reimbursement of indirect costs at estimated rates subject to adjustment during contract performance and at the time the final indirect cost rates are established.

42.703 -- General.

42.703-1 -- Policy.

(a) A single agency (see 42.705-1) shall be responsible for establishing final indirect cost rates for each business unit. These rates shall be binding on all agencies and their contracting offices, unless otherwise specifically prohibited by statute. An agency shall not perform an audit of indirect cost rates when the contracting officer determines that the objectives of the audit can reasonably be met by accepting the results of an audit that was conducted by any other department or agency of the Federal Government (10 U.S.C. 2313(d) and 41 U.S.C. 254d(d)).

(b) Billing rates and final indirect cost rates shall be used in reimbursing indirect costs under cost-reimbursement contracts and in determining progress payments under fixed-price contracts.

(c) To ensure compliance with 10 U.S.C. 2324(a) and 41 U.S.C. 256(a) --

42.703-2 -- Certificate of Indirect Costs.

(a) General. In accordance with 10 U.S.C. 2324(h) and 41 U.S.C. 256(h), a proposal shall not be accepted and no agreement shall be made to establish final indirect cost rates unless the costs have been certified by the contractor.

(b) Waiver of certification.

(c) Failure to certify.

(d) False certification. The contracting officer should consult with legal counsel to determine appropriate action when a contractor’s certificate of final indirect costs is thought to be false.

(e) Penalties for unallowable costs. 10 U.S.C. 2324(a) through (d) and 41 U.S.C. 256 (a) through (d) prescribe penalties for submission of unallowable costs in final indirect cost rate proposals (see 42.709 for penalties and contracting officer responsibilities).

(f) Contract clause.

42.704 -- Billing Rates.

(a) The contracting officer (or cognizant Federal agency official) or auditor responsible under 42.705 for establishing the final indirect cost rates also shall be responsible for determining the billing rates.

(b) The contracting officer (or cognizant Federal agency official) or auditor shall establish billing rates on the basis of information resulting from recent review, previous rate audits or experience, or similar reliable data or experience of other contracting activities. In establishing billing rates, the contracting officer (or cognizant Federal agency official) or auditor should ensure that the billing rates are as close as possible to the final indirect cost rates anticipated for the contractor’s fiscal period, as adjusted for any unallowable costs. When the contracting officer (or cognizant Federal agency official) or auditor determines that the dollar value of contracts requiring use of billing rates does not warrant submission of a detailed billing rate proposal, the billing rates may be established by making appropriate adjustments from the prior year’s indirect cost experience to eliminate unallowable and nonrecurring costs and to reflect new or changed conditions.

(c) Once established, billing rates may be prospectively or retroactively revised by mutual agreement of the contracting officer (or cognizant Federal agency official) or auditor and the contractor at either party’s request, to prevent substantial overpayment or underpayment. When agreement cannot be reached, the billing rates may be unilaterally determined by the contracting officer (or cognizant Federal agency official).

(d) The elements of indirect cost and the base or bases used in computing billing rates shall not be construed as determinative of the indirect costs to be distributed or of the bases of distribution to be used in the final settlement.

(e) When the contractor provides to the cognizant contracting officer the certified final indirect cost rate proposal in accordance with 42.705-1(b) or 42.705-2(b), the contractor and the Government may mutually agree to revise billing rates to reflect the proposed indirect cost rates, as approved by the Government to reflect historically disallowed amounts from prior years audits, until the proposal has been audited and settled. The historical decrement will be determined by either the cognizant contracting officer (42.705-1(b)) or the cognizant auditor (42.705-2(b)).

42.705 -- Final Indirect Cost Rates.

(a) Final indirect cost rates shall be established on the basis of--

(b) Within 120 days (or longer period, if approved in writing by the contracting officer), after settlement of the final annual indirect cost rates for all years of a physically complete contract, the contractor must submit a completion invoice or voucher reflecting the settled amounts and rates. To determine whether a period longer than 120 days is appropriate, the contracting officer should consider whether there are extenuating circumstances, such as the following:


42.705-1 -- Contracting Officer Determination Procedure.

(a) Applicability and responsibility. Contracting officer determination shall be used for the following, with the indicated cognizant contracting officer (or cognizant Federal agency official) responsible for establishing the final indirect cost rates:

(b) Procedures.

42.705-2 -- Auditor Determination Procedure.

(a) Applicability and responsibility.

(b) Procedures.

42.705-3 -- Educational Institutions.

(a) General.

(b) Predetermined final indirect cost rates.

42.705-4 -- State and Local Governments.

OMB Circular No. A-87 concerning cost principles for state and local governments (see Subpart 31.6) establishes the cognizant agency concept and procedures for determining a cognizant agency for approving state and local government indirect costs associated with federally-funded programs and activities. The indirect cost rates negotiated by the cognizant agency will be used by all Federal agencies that also award contracts to these same state and local governments.

42.705-5 -- Nonprofit Organizations Other than Educational and State and Local Governments.

(See OMB Circular No. A-122.)

42.706 -- Distribution of Documents.

(a) The contracting officer or auditor shall promptly distribute executed copies of the indirect cost rate agreement to the contractor and to each affected contracting agency and shall provide copies of the agreement for the contract files, in accordance with the guidance for contract modifications in Subpart 4.2, Contract Distribution.

(b) Copies of the negotiation memorandum prepared under contracting officer determination or audit report prepared under auditor determination shall be furnished, as appropriate, to the contracting offices and Government audit offices.

42.707 -- Cost-Sharing Rates and Limitations on Indirect Cost Rates.

(a) Cost-sharing arrangements, when authorized, may call for the contractor to participate in the costs of the contract by accepting indirect cost rates lower than the anticipated actual rates. In such cases, a negotiated indirect cost rate ceiling may be incorporated into the contract for prospective application. For cost sharing under research and development contracts, see 35.003(b).


(c) When ceiling provisions are utilized, the contract shall also provide that --

42.708 -- Quick-Closeout Procedure.

(a) The contracting officer responsible for contract closeout shall negotiate the settlement of indirect costs for a specific contract, in advance of the determination of final indirect cost rates, if --

(b) Determinations of final indirect costs under the quick-closeout procedure provided for by the Allowable Cost and Payment clause at 52.216-7 shall be final for the contract it covers and no adjustment shall be made to other contracts for over- or under-recoveries of costs allocated or allocable to the contract covered by the agreement.

(c) Indirect cost rates used in the quick closeout of a contract shall not be considered a binding precedent when establishing the final indirect cost rates for other contracts.

42.709 -- Scope.

(a) This section implements 10 U.S.C. 2324(a) through (d) and 41 U.S.C. 256(a) through (d). It covers the assessment of penalties against contractors which include unallowable indirect costs in --

(b) This section applies to all contracts in excess of $650,000, except fixed-price contracts without cost incentives or any firm-fixed-price contracts for the purchase of commercial items.

42.709-1 -- General.

(a) The following penalties apply to contracts covered by this section:

(b) These penalties are in addition to other administrative, civil, and criminal penalties provided by law.

(c) It is not necessary for unallowable costs to have been paid to the contractor in order to assess a penalty.

42.709-2 -- Responsibilities.

(a) The cognizant contracting officer is responsible for --

(b) The contract auditor, in the review and/or the determination of final indirect cost proposals for contracts subject to this section, is responsible for --

42.709-3 -- Assessing the Penalty.

Unless a waiver is granted pursuant to 42.709-5, the cognizant contracting officer shall --

(a) Assess the penalty in 42.709-1(a)(1), when the submitted cost is expressly unallowable under a cost principle in the FAR or an executive agency supplement that defines the allowability of specific selected costs; or

(b) Assess the penalty in 42.709-1(a)(2), when the submitted cost was determined to be unallowable for that contractor prior to submission of the proposal. Prior determinations of unallowability may be evidenced by --

(c) Issue a final decision (see 33.211) which includes a demand for payment of any penalty assessed under paragraph (a) or (b) of this section. The letter shall state that the determination is a final decision under the Disputes clause of the contract. (Demanding payment of the penalty is separate from demanding repayment of any paid portion of the disallowed cost.)

42.709-4 -- Computing Interest.

For 42.709-1(a)(1)(ii), compute interest on any paid portion of the disallowed cost as follows:

(a) Consider the overpayment to have occurred, and interest to have begun accumulating, from the midpoint of the contractor’s fiscal year. Use an alternate equitable method if the cost was not paid evenly over the fiscal year.

(b) Use the interest rate specified by the Secretary of the Treasury pursuant to Pub. L. 92-41 (85 Stat.97).

(c) Compute interest from the date of overpayment to the date of the demand letter for payment of the penalty.

(d) Determine the paid portion of the disallowed costs in consultation with the contract auditor.

42.709-5 -- Waiver of the Penalty.

The cognizant contracting officer shall waive the penalties at 42.709-1(a) when --

(a) The contractor withdraws the proposal before the Government formally initiates an audit of the proposal and the contractor submits a revised proposal (an audit will be deemed to be formally initiated when the Government provides the contractor with written notice, or holds an entrance conference, indicating that audit work on a specific final indirect cost proposal has begun);

(b) The amount of the unallowable costs under the proposal which are subject to the penalty is $10,000 or less (i.e., if the amount of expressly or previously determined unallowable costs which would be allocated to the contracts specified in 42.709(b) is $10,000 or less); or

(c) The contractor demonstrates, to the cognizant contracting officer’s satisfaction, that --

42.709-6 -- Contract Clause.

Use the clause at 52.242-3, Penalties for Unallowable Costs, in all solicitations and contracts over $650,000 except fixed-price contracts without cost incentives or any firm-fixed-price contract for the purchase of commercial items. Generally, covered contracts are those which contain one of the clauses at 52.216-7, 52.216-16, or 52.216-17, or a similar clause from an executive agency’s supplement to the FAR.

Subpart 42.8 -- Disallowance of Costs

42.800 -- Scope of Subpart.

This subpart prescribes policies and procedures for --

(a) Issuing notices of intent to disallow costs; and

(b) Disallowing costs already incurred during the course of performance.

42.801 -- Notice of Intent to Disallow Costs.

(a) At any time during the performance of a contract of a type referred to in 42.802, the cognizant contracting officer responsible for administering the contract may issue the contractor a written notice of intent to disallow specified costs incurred or planned for incurrence. However, before issuing the notice, the contracting officer responsible for administering the contract shall make every reasonable effort to reach a satisfactory settlement through discussions with the contractor.

(b) A notice of intent to disallow such costs usually results from monitoring contractor costs. The purpose of the notice is to notify the contractor as early as practicable during contract performance that the cost is considered unallowable under the contract terms and to provide for timely resolution of any resulting disagreement. In the event of disagreement, the contractor may submit to the contracting officer a written response. Any such response shall be answered by withdrawal of the notice or by making a written decision within 60 days.

(c) As a minimum, the notice shall --

(d) The contracting officer issuing the notice shall furnish copies to all contracting officers cognizant of any segment of the contractor’s organization.

(e) If the notice involves elements of indirect cost, it shall not be issued without coordination with the contracting officer or auditor having authority for final indirect cost settlement (see 42.705).

(f) In the event the contractor submits a response that disagrees with the notice (see paragraph (b) of this section), the contracting officer who issued the notice shall either withdraw the notice or issue the written decision, except when elements of indirect cost are involved, in which case the contracting officer responsible under 42.705 for determining final indirect cost rates shall issue the decision.

42.802 -- Contract Clause.

The contracting officer shall insert the clause at 52.242-1, Notice of Intent to Disallow Costs, in solicitations and contracts when a cost-reimbursement contract, a fixed-price incentive contract, or a contract providing for price redetermination is contemplated.

42.803 -- Disallowing Costs After Incurrence.

Cost-reimbursement contracts, the cost-reimbursement portion of fixed-price contracts, letter contracts that provide for reimbursement of costs, and time-and-material and labor-hour contracts provide for disallowing costs during the course of performance after the costs have been incurred. The following procedures shall apply:

(a) Contracting officer receipt of vouchers. When contracting officers receive vouchers directly from the contractor and, with or without auditor assistance, approve or disapprove them, the process shall be conducted in accordance with the normal procedures of the individual agency.

(b) Auditor receipt of vouchers.

Subpart 42.9 -- Bankruptcy

42.900 -- Scope of Subpart.

This subpart prescribes policies and procedures regarding actions to be taken when a contractor enters into proceedings relating to bankruptcy. It establishes a requirement for the contractor to notify the contracting officer upon filing a petition for bankruptcy. It further establishes minimum requirements for agencies to follow in the event of a contractor bankruptcy.

42.901 -- General.

The contract administration office shall take prompt action to determine the potential impact of a contractor bankruptcy on the Government in order to protect the interests of the Government.

42.902 -- Procedures.

(a) When notified of bankruptcy proceedings, agencies shall, as a minimum --

(b) The contracting officer shall consult with legal counsel, whenever possible, prior to taking any action regarding the contractor’s bankruptcy proceedings.

42.903 -- Solicitation Provision and Contract Clause.

The contracting officer shall insert the clause at 52.242-13, Bankruptcy, in all solicitations and contracts exceeding the simplified acquisition threshold.

Subpart 42.10 -- [Reserved]

Subpart 42.11 -- Production Surveillance and Reporting

42.1101 -- General.

Production surveillance is a function of contract administration used to determine contractor progress and to identify any factors that may delay performance. Production surveillance involves Government review and analysis of --

(a) Contractor performance plans, schedules, controls, and industrial processes; and

(b) The contractor’s actual performance under them.

42.1102 -- Applicability.

This subpart applies to all contracts for supplies or services other than construction contracts, and Federal Supply Schedule contracts. See part 37, especially Subpart 37.6, regarding surveillance of contracts for services.

42.1103 -- Policy.

The contractor is responsible for timely contract performance. The Government will maintain surveillance of contractor performance as necessary to protect its interests. When the contracting office retains a contract for administration, the contracting officer administering the contract shall determine the extent of surveillance.

42.1104 -- Surveillance Requirements.

(a) The contract administration office determines the extent of production surveillance on the basis of --

(b) Contracts at or below the simplified acquisition threshold should not normally require production surveillance.

(c) In planning and conducting surveillance, contract administration offices shall make maximum use of any reliable contractor production control or data management systems.

(d) In performing surveillance, contract administration office personnel shall avoid any action that may --

42.1105 -- Assignment of Criticality Designator.

Contracting officers shall assign a criticality designator to each contract in the space for designating the contract administration office, as follows:

42.1106 -- Reporting Requirements.

(a) When information on contract performance status is needed, contracting officers may require contractors to submit production progress reports (see 42.1107(a)). Reporting requirements shall be limited to that information essential to Government needs and shall take maximum advantage of data output generated by contractor management systems.

(b) Contract administration offices shall review and verify the accuracy of contractor reports and advise the contracting officer of any required action. The accuracy of contractor-prepared reports shall be verified either by a program of continuous surveillance of the contractor’s report-preparation system or by individual review of each report.

(c) The contract administration office may at any time initiate a report to advise the contracting officer (and the inventory manager, if one is designated in the contract) of any potential or actual delay in performance. This advice shall --

42.1107 -- Contract Clause.

(a) The contracting officer shall insert the clause at 52.242-2, Production Progress Reports, in solicitations and contracts when production progress reporting is required; unless a construction contract, or a Federal Supply Schedule contract is contemplated.

(b) When the clause at 52.242-2 is used, the contracting officer shall specify appropriate reporting instructions in the Schedule (see 42.1106(a)).

Subpart 42.12 -- Novation and Change-of-Name Agreements

42.1200 -- Scope of Subpart.

This subpart prescribes policies and procedures for --

(a) Recognition of a successor in interest to Government contracts when contractor assets are transferred;

(b) Recognition of a change in a contractor’s name; and

(c) Execution of novation agreements and change-of-name agreements by the responsible contracting officer.

42.1201 – [Reserved].

42.1202 -- Responsibility for Executing Agreements.

The contracting officer responsible for processing and executing novation and change-of-name agreements shall be determined as follows:

(a) If any of the affected contracts held by the transferor have been assigned to an administrative contracting officer (ACO) (see 2.1 and 42.202), the responsible contracting officer shall be --

(b) If none of the affected contracts held by the transferor have been assigned to an ACO, the contracting officer responsible for the largest unsettled (unbilled plus billed but unpaid) dollar balance of contracts shall be the responsible contracting officer.

(c) If several transferors are involved, the responsible contracting officer shall be --

42.1203 -- Processing Agreements.

(b) The responsible contracting officer shall --

(c) Upon receipt of the necessary information, the responsible contracting officer shall determine whether or not it is in the Governments interest to recognize the proposed successor in interest on the basis of --

(d) The execution of a novation agreement does not preclude the use of any other method available to the contracting officer to resolve any other issues related to a transfer of contractor assets, including the treatment of costs.

(e) Any separate agreement between the transferor and transferee regarding the assumption of liabilities (e.g., long-term incentive compensation plans, cost accounting standards noncompliances, environmental cleanup costs, and final overhead costs) should be referenced specifically in the novation agreement.

(f) Before novation and change-of-name agreements are executed, the responsible contracting officer shall ensure that Government counsel has reviewed them for legal sufficiency.

(g) The responsible contracting officer shall --

(h) Following distribution of the agreement, the responsible contracting officer shall --

42.1204 -- Applicability of Novation Agreements.

(a) 41 U.S.C. 15 prohibits transfer of Government contracts from the contractor to a third party. The Government may, when in its interest, recognize a third party as the successor in interest to a Government contract when the third party’s interest in the contract arises out of the transfer of --

(b) A novation agreement is unnecessary when there is a change in the ownership of a contractor as a result of a stock purchase, with no legal change in the contracting party, and when that contracting party remains in control of the assets and is the party performing the contract. However, whether there is a purchase of assets or a stock purchase, there may be issues related to the change in ownership that appropriately should be addressed in a formal agreement between the contractor and the Government (see 42.1203(e)).

(c) When it is in the Government’s interest not to concur in the transfer of a contract from one company to another company, the original contractor remains under contractual obligation to the Government, and the contract may be terminated for reasons of default, should the original contractor not perform.

(d) When considering whether to recognize a third party as a successor in interest to Government contracts, the responsible contracting officer shall identify and evaluate any significant organizational conflicts of interest in accordance with Subpart 9.5. If the responsible contracting officer determines that a conflict of interest cannot be resolved, but that it is in the best interest of the Government to approve the novation request, a request for a waiver may be submitted in accordance with the procedures at 9.503.

(e) When a contractor asks the Government to recognize a successor in interest, the contractor shall submit to the responsible contracting officer three signed copies of the proposed novation agreement and one copy each, as applicable, of the following:

(f) Except as provided in paragraph (g) of this section, the contractor shall submit to the responsible contracting officer one copy of each of the following documents, as applicable, as the documents become available:

(g) If the Government has acquired the documents during its participation in the pre-merger or pre-acquisition review process, or the Government’s interests are adequately protected with an alternative formulation of the information, the responsible contracting officer may modify the list of documents to be submitted by the contractor.

(h) When recognizing a successor in interest to a Government contract is consistent with the Government’s interest, the responsible contracting officer shall execute a novation agreement with the transferor and the transferee. It shall ordinarily provide in part that --

(i) The responsible contracting officer shall use the following format for agreements when the transferor and transferee are corporations and all the transferor’s assets are transferred. This format may be adapted to fit specific cases and may be used as a guide in preparing similar agreements for other situations.

Novation Agreement

(a) The parties agree to the following facts:

(b) In consideration of these facts, the parties agree that by this Agreement --

United States of America,

By ____________________________________________

Title ___________________________________________

ABC Corporation,

By ____________________________________________

Title ___________________________________________

[Corporate Seal]

XYZ Corporation,

By ____________________________________________

Title ___________________________________________

[Corporate Seal]

[Corporate Seal]

[Corporate Seal]

42.1205 -- Agreement to Recognize Contractors Change of Name.

(a) If only a change of the contractor’s name is involved and the Government’s and contractor’s rights and obligations remain unaffected, the parties shall execute an agreement to reflect the name change. The contractor shall forward to the responsible contracting officer three signed copies of the Change-of-Name Agreement, and one copy each of the following:

(b) The following suggested format for an agreement may be adapted for specific cases:

Change-of-Name Agreement

(a) The parties agree to the following facts:

(b) In consideration of these facts, the parties agree that --

United States of America,

By ____________________________________________

Title ___________________________________________

ABC Corporation,

By ____________________________________________

Title ___________________________________________

[Corporate Seal]


[Corporate Seal]

Subpart 42.13 -- Suspension of Work, Stop-Work Orders, and Government Delay of Work

42.1301 -- General.

Situations may occur during contract performance that cause the Government to order a suspension of work, or a work stoppage. This subpart provides clauses to meet these situations and a clause for settling contractor claims for unordered Government caused delays that are not otherwise covered in the contract.

42.1302 -- Suspension of Work.

A suspension of work under a construction or architect-engineer contract may be ordered by the contracting officer for a reasonable period of time. If the suspension is unreasonable, the contractor may submit a written claim for increases in the cost of performance, excluding profit.

42.1303 -- Stop-Work Orders.

(a) Stop-work orders may be used, when appropriate, in any negotiated fixed-price or cost-reimbursement supply, research and development, or service contract if work stoppage may be required for reasons such as advancement in the state-of-the-art, production or engineering breakthroughs, or realignment of programs.

(b) Generally, a stop-work order will be issued only if it is advisable to suspend work pending a decision by the Government and a supplemental agreement providing for the suspension is not feasible. Issuance of a stop-work order shall be approved at a level higher than the contracting officer. Stop-work orders shall not be used in place of a termination notice after a decision to terminate has been made.

(c) Stop-work orders should include --

(d) Promptly after issuing the stop-work order, the contracting officer should discuss the stop-work order with the contractor and modify the order, if necessary, in light of the discussion.

(e) As soon as feasible after a stop-work order is issued, but before its expiration, the contracting officer shall take appropriate action to --

42.1304 -- Government Delay of Work.

(a) The clause at 52.242-17, Government Delay of Work, provides for the administrative settlement of contractor claims that arise from delays and interruptions in the contract work caused by the acts, or failures to act, of the contracting officer. This clause is not applicable if the contract otherwise specifically provides for an equitable adjustment because of the delay or interruption; e.g., when the Changes clause is applicable.

(b) The clause does not authorize the contracting officer to order a suspension, delay, or interruption of the contract work and it shall not be used as the basis or justification of such an order.

(c) If the contracting officer has notice of an unordered delay or interruption covered by the clause, the contracting officer shall act to end the delay or take other appropriate action as soon as practicable.

(d) The contracting officer shall retain in the file a record of all negotiations leading to any adjustment made under the clause, and related cost or pricing data, or information other than cost or pricing data.

42.1305 -- Contract Clauses.

(a) The contracting officer shall insert the clause at 52-242-14, Suspension of Work, in solicitations and contracts when a fixed-price construction or architect-engineer contract is contemplated.


(c) The contracting officer shall insert the clause at 52.242-17, Government Delay of Work, in solicitations and contracts when a fixed-price contract is contemplated for supplies other than commercial or modified-commercial items. The clause use is optional when a fixed-price contract is contemplated for services, or for supplies that are commercial or modified-commercial items.

Subpart 42.14 – [Reserved]

Subpart 42.15 -- Contractor Performance Information

42.1500 -- Scope of Subpart.

This subpart provides policies and establishes responsibilities for recording and maintaining contractor performance information. This subpart does not apply to procedures used by agencies in determining fees under award or incentive fee contracts. However, the fee amount paid to contractors should be reflective of the contractor’s performance and the past performance evaluation should closely parallel the fee determinations.

42.1501 -- General.

Past performance information is relevant information, for future source selection purposes, regarding a contractor’s actions under previously awarded contracts. It includes, for example, the contractor’s record of conforming to contract requirements and to standards of good workmanship; the contractor’s record of forecasting and controlling costs; the contractor’s adherence to contract schedules, including the administrative aspects of performance; the contractor’s history of reasonable and cooperative behavior and commitment to customer satisfaction; the contractor’s record of integrity and business ethics, and generally, the contractor’s business-like concern for the interest of the customer.

42.1502 -- Policy.

[see DoD deviation below]

(a) Past performance evaluations shall be prepared as specified in paragraphs (b) through (g) of this section at the time the work under the contract or order is completed. In addition, interim evaluations shall be prepared as specified by the agencies to provide current information for source selection purposes, for contracts or orders with a period of performance, including options, exceeding one year. These evaluations are generally for the entity, division, or unit that performed the contract or order. The content of the evaluations should be tailored to the size, content, and complexity of the contractual requirements.

(b) Except as provided in paragraphs (e), (f) and (h) of this section, agencies shall prepare an evaluation of contractor performance for each contract that exceeds the simplified acquisition threshold.

(c) Agencies shall prepare an evaluation of contractor performance for each order that exceeds the simplified acquisition threshold placed against a Federal Supply Schedule contract, or under a task order contract or a delivery order contract awarded by another agency (i.e., Governmentwide acquisition contract or multi-agency contract). This evaluation shall not consider the requirements under paragraph (g) of this section.

(d) For single-agency task order and delivery order contracts, the contracting officer may required performance evaluations for each order in excess of the simplified acquisition threshold when such evaluations would produce more useful past performance information for source selection officials than that contained in the overall contract evaluation (e.g., when the scope of the basic contract is very broad and the nature of individual orders could be significantly different). This evaluation need not consider the requirements under paragraph (g) of this section unless the contracting officer deems it appropriate.

(e) Past performance evaluations shall be prepared for each construction contract of $550,000 or more, and for each construction contract terminated for default regardless of contract value. Past performance evaluations may also be prepared for construction contracts below $550,000.

(f) Past performance evaluations shall be prepared for each architect-engineer services contract of $30,000 or more, and for each architect-engineer services contract that is terminated for default regardless of contract value. Past performance evaluations may also be prepared for architect-engineer services contracts below $30,000.

(g) Past performance evaluations shall include an assessment of contractor performance against, and efforts to achieve, the goals identified in the small business subcontracting plan when the contract includes the clause at 52.219-9, Small Business Subcontracting Plan.

(h) Agencies shall not evaluate performance for contracts awarded under Subpart 8.7.

[Deviation per DAR Tracking Number: 99-o0002, until further notice]

42.1502 Policy.

(a) [(1)] Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section, agencies shall prepare an evaluation of contractor performance for each contract' in excess of [--

* * * *

42.1503 -- Procedures.

(a) Agency procedures for the past performance evaluation system shall generally provide for input to the evaluations from the technical office, contracting office and, where appropriate, end users of the product or service. Agency procedures shall identify those responsible for preparing interim and final evaluations. Those individuals identified may obtain information for the evaluation of performance from the program office, administrative contracting office, end users of the product or service, and any other technical or business advisor, as appropriate. Interim evaluations shall be prepared as required.

(b) Agency evaluations of contractor performance prepared under this subpart shall be provided to the contractor as soon as practicable after completion of the evaluation. Contractors shall be given a minimum of 30 days to submit comments, rebutting statements, or additional information. Agencies shall provide for review at a level above the contracting officer to consider disagreements between the parties regarding the evaluation. The ultimate conclusion on the performance evaluation is a decision of the contracting agency. Copies of the evaluation, contractor response, and review comments, if any, shall be retained as part of the evaluation. These evaluations may be used to support future award decisions, and should therefore be marked “Source Selection Information.” Evaluation of Federal Prison Industries (FPI) performance may be used to support a waiver request (see 8.604) when FPI is a mandatory source in accordance with Subpart 8.6. The completed evaluation shall not be released to other than Government personnel and the contractor whose performance is being evaluated during the period the information may be used to provide source selection information. Disclosure of such information could cause harm both to the commercial interest of the Government and to the competitive position of the contractor being evaluated as well as impede the efficiency of Government operations. Evaluations used in determining award or incentive fee payments may also be used to satisfy the requirements of this subpart. A copy of the annual or final past performance evaluation shall be provided to the contractor as soon as it is finalized.

(c) Agencies shall submit past performance reports electronically to the Past Performance Information Retrieval System (PPIRS) at www.ppirs.gov . The process for submitting such reports to PPIRS shall be in accordance with agency procedures.

(d) Any past performance information systems used for maintaining contractor performance information and/or evaluations should include appropriate management and technical controls to ensure that only authorized personnel have access to the data.

(e) Agencies shall use the past performance information in PPIRS that is within three years (six for construction and architect-engineer contracts) of the completion of performance of the evaluated contract or order.

Subpart 42.16 -- Small Business Contract Administration

42.1601 -- General.

The contracting officer shall make every reasonable effort to respond in writing within 30 days to any written request to the contracting officer from a small business concern with respect to a contract administration matter. In the event the contracting officer cannot respond to the request within the 30-day period, the contracting officer shall, within the period, transmit to the contractor a written notification of the specific date the contracting officer expects to respond. This provision shall not apply to a request for a contracting officer decision under the Contract Disputes Act of 1978 (41 U.S.C. 601-613).

Subpart 42.17 -- Forward Pricing Rate Agreements

42.1701 -- Procedures.

(a) Negotiation of forward pricing rate agreements (FPRA’s) may be requested by the contracting officer or the contractor or initiated by the administrative contracting officer (ACO). In determining whether or not to establish such an agreement, the ACO should consider whether the benefits to be derived from the agreement are commensurate with the effort of establishing and monitoring it. Normally, FPRA’s should be negotiated only with contractors having a significant volume of Government contract proposals. The cognizant contract administration agency shall determine whether an FPRA will be established.

(b) The ACO shall obtain the contractor’s proposal and require that it include cost or pricing data that are accurate, complete, and current as of the date of submission. The ACO shall invite the cognizant contract auditor and contracting offices having a significant interest to participate in developing a Government objective and in the negotiations. Upon completing negotiations, the ACO shall prepare a price negotiation memorandum (PNM) (see 15.406-3) and forward copies of the PNM and FPRA to the cognizant auditor and to all contracting offices that are known to be affected by the FPRA. A Certificate of Current Cost or Pricing Data shall not be required at this time (see 15.407-3(c)).

(c) The FPRA shall provide specific terms and conditions covering expiration, application, and data requirements for systematic monitoring to ensure the validity of the rates. The agreement shall provide for cancellation at the option of either party and shall require the contractor to submit to the ACO and to the cognizant contract auditor any significant change in cost or pricing data.

(d) When an FPRA is invalid, the contractor should submit and negotiate a new proposal to reflect the changed conditions. If an FPRA has not been established or has been invalidated, the ACO will issue a forward pricing rate recommendation (FPRR) to buying activities with documentation to assist negotiators. In the absence of an FPRA or FPRR, the ACO shall include support for rates utilized.

(e) The ACO may negotiate continuous updates to the FPRA. The FPRA will provide specific terms and conditions covering notification, application, and data requirements for systematic monitoring to ensure the validity of the rates.

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