To offer a suggestion or report an error on the Natural Resources and Parks' Web site, please contact Fred Bentler, webmaster.

Northwest gardening and natural yard care

This page provides information and programs related to environmentally-friendly gardening and yard care. For information and programs about farming in King County, please visit our King County Agriculture page.

Composter illustration Composting and building healthy soil
This site provides a fascinating peek into the world of soil and its ecology and provides practical tips on how to build compost and worm bins, where to buy them at a discount, making compost, managing livestock manure, how pesticides and herbicides affect soil, and even how to sign up to teach others about composting. Also, learn about GroCo compost, a clean, nutrient-rich compost derived from King County's biosolids.

Insect illustration Safer Gardening and Pest Control - insecticides kill good bugs and bad bugs whether they're pollinators, predators or pests-- and can possibly get on kids or pets that use your yard or spread to creeks and lakes. Why not consider a different approach and learn some clever, time-tested tricks of ecologically-friendly gardening?

Wildlife and native plant illustration
Northwest Native Plant Guide -- learn how to plant right for your site or replace lawn with native plants from our illustrated tutorials. Northwest native plants are beautiful, provide habitat for you and wildlife, and help save water. Find where to order northwest native plants by checking our native plant nursery list and Envirostars landscapers and nurseries list (external link), and discover native plant books, gardens, other Web sites and references from our native plant resources page. Call Greg Rabourn for details about our native plant salvage program, our hands-on Naturescaping workshops, or to receive a free copy of our "Going Native" brochure.

Noxious weed illustration Identify noxious weeds
where you live. Aggressive exotic plants can produce immense numbers of long-lived seeds and may overwhelm native species, degrade habitat for wildlife, stick, stab and poke, and may even poison livestock or burn your skin. To help eradicate invasive weeds, King County provides a Web site with Noxious Weeds Identifications and practices for control of select weeds, and we're available to answer your questions at the Noxious Weed line, 206-296-0290.

Rain Barrel illustration Rain Barrel Info and Resources for the Pacific Northwest
How to set up rain barrels to water your plants while reducing your water bill, and where to buy them. Using rain barrels helps reduce stormwater runoff, recharges groundwater, and leaves some water in tapped rivers so aquatic creatures can live there.

Wildlife illustration Hazardous Wastemobile picks up garden chemical waste-- find out when the Wastemobile will be in your neighborhood or call 206-296-4692 for a schedule. Everyone prefers a clean, safe environment, so why not try safer alternatives to toxic garden and household chemicals?

WSU King County Cooperative Extension - Gardening Gardening - WSU King County Extension
Join the Master Gardeners program or find master gardener resources, peruse gardening topics for Western Washington, schedule presentations or get tips on pesticides-- world class, face to face.

Watch Yard Talk, with Greg Rabourn and Doug RiceRainy days were made for gardeners to watch Yard Talk, a new natural gardening show on King County Television (KCTV) that teaches viewers how to easily care for their yards and gardens in a way that's good for people, pets and the environment.

Mower illustration Natural Lawn Care
Save money and time on chemicals and watering

To get involved in natural yard and garden care, contact Doug Rice at 206-296-8360 for free classes and information. The Natural Yardcare Neighborhoods Program can help an entire neighborhood go natural! Here are some easy tips to try now:

  1. Grasscycle: Mow high, mow often and leave clippings to help fertilize your lawn. Grasscycling can provide almost ¼ of your lawn's fertilizer needs.
  2. Fertilize moderately in September and May with natural organic or slow release fertilizers or compost. Avoid weed and feed.
  3. Water your lawn deeply but less often to grow hardy, deep roots. A weekly sprinkling of about an inch of water in the morning or evening is best. See more water conservation tips.
  4. Improve lawns with aeration, overseeding, or compost. Or consider rebuilding the soil and replanting.
  5. Protect your kids and pets by using bug and weed killers sparingly, if at all. Lawn chemicals can be tracked into your house or rubbed off onto toys and skin.
  6. On steep slopes, in shady areas and near lakes, ponds, and streams replace lawns with native plants that can thrive in those tricky spots. The right plants will help slow the runoff of rain, soil and chemicals, and provide you with a beautiful Northwest look.

Puget Sound Fresh Resources for Northwest Gardeners from Puget Sound Fresh
Search by fruit, vegetable or other produce to find recipes that use them
Puget Sound region produce harvest calendar

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News and Features

Sept. 25, 2008
External opinion, Seattle P-I
Living food: Genius in farming

Sept. 22, 2008
External article, Seattle Times
Keep a green roof thriving with the right soil and plants

July 23, 2008
External opinion, Seattle P-I
Go native to help save the Sound

July 21, 2008
External article, Seattle P-I
Saving rain: How much is too much?
Collecting large amount runs afoul of 'archaic' law

July 14, 2008
External article, Enviromental News Service
Washington State Drafts Rainwater Collection Rule
Ecology seeks comment collection and use of rainwater

July 11, 2008
External opinion, Seattle P-I
Puget Sound: We're the polluters

June 3, 2008
External Link, Seattle P-I
Growing in Seattle: Food aid from the home front

June 3, 2008
External Link, King
More Seattleites taking up gardening

May 2, 2008
Hunt is on for noxious weeds in King County

April 24, 2008
Public invited to tour Brightwater habitat restoration site on Saturday, May 10

April 24, 2008
Signature Landscape Services, Inc. newest company to join EnviroStars network

April 2, 2008
Springtime brings green gardens and savings during Northwest Natural Yard Days

Lakeside Living Landscape Design

Feb. 20, 2008
Exercise your green thumb in a garden plot; King County rents community garden space in Kent

Feb. 19, 2008
Flower & Garden Show: Let King County’s experts help you ‘plant right for your site’

Jan. 16, 2008
King County’s Native Plant Salvage Program seeks volunteers for habitat restoration
February 2 and March 1, 2008

Jan. 4, 2007
King County Noxious Weed Board meets Jan. 16 to discuss weed control list
County panel mulls changes to weed list as state requires control of 5 new weeds

Oct. 17, 2007
Lend a hand digging local plants with King County’s Native Plant Salvage Program

Jul. 11, 2007
King County promotes the importance of healthy soil
Construction standards improve soils, help preserve the environment

Jun. 14, 2007
External Article, Seattle P-I
Rent-a-goats gain foothold
Critters grow popular in city as cheap, chemical-free way to clear vegetation

Apr. 27, 2007
King County wants to rip out noxious weed problem by the roots
King County Noxious Weed Program offering free workshops for landowners

» Archived Yard and Garden Features