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King County, Washington Noxious Weed Identification and Control

Learn about Noxious Weeds

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Learn about the Noxious Weed Program

The King County Noxious Weed Control Board carries out the mandates of the state weed control law, Chapter 17.10 RCW. The King County Noxious Weed Control Program works throughout the county to prevent and reduce the economic, environmental and social impacts of noxious weeds in King County. The program's focus is to provide education and technical assistance to landowners and public agencies to help them find the best control options for noxious weeds on each site and to reduce the overall impact of noxious weeds throughout the county.

  • Noxious Weed Control Board  - information on the county weed board, meeting schedule
  • Program Information - explaining who we are, what we do and frequently asked questions
  • Annual Report - program performance and noxious weed trends in King County
  • Links - to county, state, federal and to other invasive plant information

Program offices are located at 201 S. Jackson St., Suite 600, Seattle, WA 98104. To contact a member of the King County Noxious Weed Control Program, or to report a weed site, please call 206-296-0290 or reach them by e-mail.