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FDIC Consumer News

Spring 2007

A Final Exam: Test Your Money Management IQ

A quiz based on tips and information in this issue

  1. New high-tech cards and phones that can be used for banking and paying for purchases are so advanced that customers will have less of a need to safeguard passwords and monitor their bank accounts than with traditional banking services. True or False?

  2. If you have an adjustable-rate mortgage and you are not able to make the monthly payment when the interest rate goes up, you should discuss the situation with your lender as soon as possible. True or False?

  3. If you get an unsolicited investment offer that's very tempting and you're told you must make a quick decision, there's no harm in filling out an application that requests your Social Security Number, bank account or other personal information. True or False?

  4. The FDIC's official sign that institutions are required to display at teller stations and ATMs will be changing to highlight, among other things, that FDIC insurance is "backed by the full faith and credit of the United States government." True or False?

  5. According to the U.S. Treasury Department, paper checks account for more than 90 percent of the reported problems with its federal benefit payments, such as stolen Social Security checks, which makes direct deposit a safer option for consumers. True or False?

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Last Updated 05/08/2007


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