GLOBE Bulletin

March 10, 1999:
Hungary Joins the GLOBE Program!

Hungary FlagOn March 10, 1999, Hungary becomes the 81st GLOBE country. Dr. Norbert Kroo, Deputy State Secretary for Public Administration and International Relations of Hungary's Ministry of Education, and NOAA Administrator D. James Baker are signing the GLOBE Agreement at a special ceremony at the GLOBE Office in Washington, D.C..

Later this month, the Ministry of Education plans to assign a national institution to organize a nationwide competition for high schools interested in participating in GLOBE. Fifteen Hungarian schools will participate initially, beginning in Fall 1999. Already, the Hungarian national "Internet in the Schools Program" has connected every secondary school in the country to the Internet.

Plans are also underway to send representatives to the June 1999 GLOBE International Training Workshop in Estonia. The GLOBE Program welcomes Hungary!

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