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FORUMS: GardenWeb | That Home Site |

Home Forums

The GardenWeb Home Forums comprise one of the largest communities of home related interests on the Internet. Whether you're a home buyer, an antique collector, or a renovator, here you will find like-minded people and friendly discussions. If this is your first visit to the forums, you might want to visit our Using the Forums page, and please read over the instructions carefully. The forums are divided into several lists to make it easy to find a particular subject. Each forum is listed in more than one list. You might want to browse through each list to get a feel for what's here.

  • This image denotes forums which have a number of unanswered queries. If you can help answer some, it would be greatly appreciated!
  • This image denotes forums which have galleries and allow image uploads.
  • This image denotes forums with exchanges where members can arrange trades of plants and seeds.
  • instructions
  • * Before posting a message, make sure you have chosen the most appropriate forum from the list. Off-topic posts will be deleted at our discretion.
  • * You may want to Search to see if your question has already been answered by another user.
  • * Since the subject line of your message is indexed for searching, try to include important keywords in the subject. Do not post messages with subject lines in all capitals or consisting of simple subjects like "Help!"
  • * Posting a message is a two step process. You will first have a chance to preview your message and verify its contents.
  • * After posting your message, you may need to reload the forum page in order to see it listed.
  • * html codes are allowed in the message field only.
  • * No advertising is allowed in any of the forums.
  • * All posted material becomes the property of this site.
  • * A special test forum has been provided if you just want to see how the forums work.
  • * See the Help Page if you are having problems or have further questions.

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