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Take Our FDA Consumer Quiz

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Do you know which pets normally carry some Salmonella in their intestinal tract? How about when ultrasound imaging generally is considered safe? Do you know what causes ringworm? To find out how much you know about these and other health-related topics, take our 10-question quiz.

Hint: The answers to all these questions can be found in the January–February 2004 issue of FDA Consumer.

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1. How much of the U.S. food supply comes under FDA regulations?

a. 20 percent

b. 50 percent

c. 80 percent

d. 100 percent

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2. In what year was the last confirmed case of smallpox reported in the United States?

a. 1932

b. 1949

c. 1964

d. 1972

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3. About what percentage of children and adolescents are overweight?

a. 5 percent

b. 10 percent

c. 15 percent

d. 25 percent

e. 50 percent

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4. Which pets normally carry some Salmonella in their intestinal tract?

a. Dogs and cats

b. Ferrets and chinchillas

c. Lizards and snakes

d. Horses

e. Parrots and other birds

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5. Ringworm is caused by:

a. Microscopic worms

b. Worms visible to the naked eye

c. Worms that move in a circular motion

d. Several different types of fungi

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6. How many cases of cat-scratch disease occur in the United States each year?

a. About 5,000

b. Less than 10,000

c. More than 20,000

d. About 40,000

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7. A bacterial illness that can be transmitted through the bite or scratch of a rodent or by ingesting food or water contaminated with rodent feces is called:

a. Rodentia bacillus

b. Rat-bite fever

c. Rat-scratch fever

d. Rodentitis

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8. How many deaths in the United States (estimated) could be attributed to cervical cancer in 2003?

a. Less than 5,000

b. More than 5,000

c. More than 10,000

d. More than 25,000

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9. The procedure in which a doctor looks at the cervix for abnormal cells through a special magnifying instrument is called:

a. Biopsy

b. Colposcopy

c. Pelvic exam

d. Cryotherapy

e. Endocervical curettage

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10. Ultrasound imaging generally is considered safe when:

a. The expectant mother waits to have it done until she's six months pregnant

b. Important medical information is needed about the health of an unborn baby or its mother

c. Family members are sure there is no risk involved

d. It is performed in the first trimester of pregnancy

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Your Score is:


9 to 10 points: Excellent! Go to the head of the class.
6 to 8 points: Not too bad. You can skip cleaning the chalkboard erasers today.
5 points and below: Oops! Stay after school and reread the appropriate chapters.

Go to the Answers Page

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