GLOBE Bulletin

May 09, 1997:
Washington, D.C. Students Demonstrate Importance of Internet

On May 9, 1997, high school seniors from the Model Secondary School for the Deaf (MSSD) Washington, D.C. participated in an international desktop video conference with schools around the world to demonstrate the importance of linking classrooms to the Internet. The students shared scientific research they had conducted, using Internet and the World Wide Web, with students in Johannesburg, South Africa, San Jose, Costa Rica and Sunnyvale, California. "GLOBE gives my students an opportunity to interact with other students and scientists all over the world and to be a part of real science research," stated MSSD teacher Mary Ellsworth. Using sign language, seniors Chris Kaftan, Stella Lee, Maria Silva, Jeremy Tharpe, and Tyese Wright described what they have learned about ozone by collecting and analyzing data from various sites on the World Wide Web. To see the students presentation, visit the special Netday WebSite they created. At the event, GLOBE also announced that it has formed a partnership with Gallaudet University to expand the opportunity for deaf and hard-of-hearing students to participate in GLOBE. Gallaudet University will begin training teachers of the deaf and hard-of-hearing at a campus workshop in June 1997. For information on the training sessions, contact Dr. H. David Snyder by email at

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