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Review and Compliance

Orphan Girl Mineyard, Butte MT

The National Historic Preservation Act declared that the preservation of our irreplaceable heritage was in the Nation's interest, and called upon federal agencies to partner with states, Indian Tribes, local governments and the public in a spirit of stewardship. Montana's State Antiquities Act also makes provision for the safeguarding of our collective heritage. Montana SHPO's Review and Compliance staff help ensure that federal and state agencies carry out their obligations under these Acts. By consulting with agency managers, by reviewing project reports, and by offering our informed guidance, Montana SHPO works with other public servants to ensure that our historic resources are protected for the enjoyment of future generations.

Wolf Point Bridge

For more information about the Review & Compliance please check out our FAQs page, contact Josef Warhank at: (406) 444-0388 E-mail to:, or check out our Consulting with Montana SHPO. For information on guidelines for cell tower review please click here.
Click here to view Consulting with the Montana SHPO