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Traveling Exhibits

For more information about these exhibits or to procure them, please call the Museum Program at (406) 444-4719, or write to P.O. Box 201201, 225 North Roberts Street, Helena, Montana 59620-1201

Montana by Food: A Taste of the Past

Watermelon Party near Helena, ca. 1900
 MHS Photograph Archives #PAc 2004 -6.4

In conjunction with the Montana Committee for the Humanities, Montana's Museum cooked up this celebration of the Treasure State's unique culinary traditions, from the 1880s to the recent past. Montana by Food serves up varied helpings of this all-important topic, including food production, distribution, preparation, service, and consumption. It examines the "what and why" of the eating habits of former generations of Montanans while illustrating how things have changed over the years, and how they haven't. The exhibit features appetizing images from the Photograph Archives of the Montana Historical Society, graphic reproductions of historic artifacts from Montana's Museum, and tasty vintage recipes from the MHS Library's Community Cookbook Collection.

On Track: The Railroad Photographs of Warren McGee

Milwaukee Railroad, Engine 36, Moving snow, Ringling, MT, 1942. 
 By Warren McGee
 MHS Photograph Archives #Pac97-93.11087.

Jointly sponsored by the Northern Pacific Railway Historical Association, the Montana Department of Transportation, and the Montana Historical Society, On Track: The Railroad Photographs of Warren McGee features the stunning photographs taken by Warren McGee over a 60-year period, beginning in the 1930s and continuing through the 1990s. The exhibit celebrates the photograph collection as it chronicles and pays tribute to trains in 20th century Montana and the surrounding region.

Photographing Montana 1894-1928: The World of Evelyn Cameron

Self-portrait kneading bread
 by Evelyn Cameron
 MHS Photo Archives #PAc 80.87.35-5

For more than thirty years spanning the late nineteenth and twentieth centuries, Evelyn Jephson Cameron photographed the landscape, wildlife, and people of eastern Montana. Evelyn took thousands of photographs of her world?the rural life, badlands, and ranch characters of the real west. Over 40 large format prints made from Cameron's original glass-plate and nitrate negatives are featured in this exhibit, which is based on the book Photographing Montana by Donna Lucey, a former editor with Time-Life Books. Both in Lucey's book and in the exhibit, Cameron's own words? culled from 30 years of her diaries and biography?are used to reveal Evelyn's personal feelings behind her photographs. Photographing Montana offers an intimate view of rural life on the Northern Plains.