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Bureau of Substance Abuse & Addiction Services

Locate Substance Abuse or Gambling Treatment Help Get Help Now
In need of treatment services for Substance Abuse or Gambling for you, a family member, or friend? Click the map for a local phone number to call for assistance.

    Welcome to our website.  We invite you to browse our website to find information about alcohol, drug, and gambling addictions, and the services that are available to help Michigan families facing these problems.  We continually develop these services to meet the ever-changing needs of our communities.
    This site also provides information on educating youth and adults about addictions, collaborating with law enforcement, eliminating illegal drugs, reducing drug-related violence, and stopping underage alcohol and tobacco use.

Latest information and news related to substance abuse services in Michigan.
ODCP Strategic Plan Survey

Most recent data on Persons Served & Outcomes, and Quick Facts about ODCP activities.

Information for substance abuse programs, staff, counselors, and others.
New certification information

Information on safeguards for protecting your rights when receiving services.

Treatment & Recovery
Treatment and Recovery Services & Information DUI, Methadone, Women's Treatment Programs, Recovery Resources
Prevention Services & Information Underage Drinking and Tobacco Use, Binge Drinking, Communicable Disease, Parenting Awareness
Education Services & Information Safe & Drug Free Schools and Communities, School Formula Grants, Governor's Discretionary Grants
Law Enforcement
Law Enforcement Services & Information Byrne JAG, Asset Forfeiture Reports, Meth Watch, Methamphetamine, Prescription Drug Abuse
Problem Gambling
 Problem Gambling Services & Information 24 hour Help-line, Assessment Questions, Speakers Bureau

    The Office of Drug Control Policy (ODCP) oversees treatment, prevention, education, and law enforcement efforts related to substance abuse in Michigan.  We are the Single State Agency (SSA) for substance abuse treatment and prevention, the State Administrative Agency (SAA) for law enforcement efforts, and the designated authority to administer the Safe and Drug Free Schools and Communities Act for schools and community organizations.  We administer federal grants that help fund these efforts.  ODCP also contracts with service providers to assure publicly funded substance abuse and problem gambling services are available for all Michigan residents.  Please click About ODCP to learn more about our office.

    If you currently have a grant or contract agreement with ODCP, please click Business Partners for related information.

    ODCP has tried to arrange this website so it's easy to use. If you're unable to find something, or if you have a problem with this website, please click here to email us.


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