Reptiles & Amphibians

Using images, sounds, and movies from

All of the images and sounds and videos used on this site are protected by copyright. Please respect the copyright laws.

Using images © Gary Nafis, or G. Nafis
(This includes any image with no name credited directly below the picture where the name is printed on the picture itself.)

In the interest of advancing public awareness and appreciation of reptiles and amphibians, images of mine used on this web site are available to be used for free for non-commercial use. This use is limited to images that you can download directly from the web site without my help. (If your company is getting paid by an organization to help them with some type of environmental education - that does not constitute non-commercial educational use.)

Please do not Hotlink any images on this site (ie. post a direct link to one of this site's photos on your site.) Download an image file and host it on your own server, then link to that image file, otherwise you are using my bandwidth for your site which is not cool.

As a rule, I do not send out high-resolution images without some compensation, though I have donated high-resolution images to many environmental organizations, wildlife organizations, state and federal wildlife management organizations, and more, and I will continue to do so.)

Please credit any usage appropriately, citing Gary Nafis and I always appreciate knowing how the images are used, so please email me with the details and send me the URL if you are using them online so I can check out your site.

Please contact me to discuss using my images for commercial purposes. For a low price I can provide you with a digital image of much higher quality than you can download from the web site. My photographs from this web site have been used on other web sites, in textbooks, field guides, scientific journals, magazines, newspapers, children's books, government reports, company brochures, training manuals, outdoor signs, airport, museum, and aquarium displays, DVDs and more.

Using Images Credited to Other Photographers

Many photographers and organizations have generously contributed their images to this web site for free. Please be aware that they maintain all rights for the use of their images and that they all have their own guidelines for allowing the use of their images. Permission to use their photographs is at their discretion, and you must contact them yourself to get their permission. Below is a list of these photographers. To send email, click on a name link.

If you do not find the email address here, or if you write to an address listed here and you do not get a response from the photographer, please do not use the image. If you try the address listed here and get no response then I can't help you. They probably won't respond to me either. If you find that the address listed here is invalid because your mail bounced back, contact me and I will try to get the correct address, though usually that's the only address I have.

The picture of a snake shown on this sign was taken from a photograph posted on this web site. Whoever made this sign did not get permission from the photographer, Brian Hubbs, and is in violation of the use policy explained above. Please get permission to use the work of any photographer other than Gary Nafis even if the use is non-commercial, and even if your intentions are good.

Using Sounds and Video

Unless otherwise noted, all sounds and video on this web site are © Gary Nafis and may not be copied or used without permission. Please contact me if you want to use a sound or video for any purpose.

To help prevent the malicious collection of email addresses from this list, since June 2008 I have added a # symbol before each email address. You will need to remove this # symbol when you send email to a particular email address. I realize this is a pain, but don't blame me, blame those annoying spammers...

Contributing Photographers (in alphabetical order by last name) with links to their Email Address
(Remove the leading #)
Todd Accornero
Douglas Aguillard
Brad Alexander
Ronn Altig
Melissa Amarello
Lawrence Anderson
Kevin Andras
Dick Bartlett
Alan Barron
Sean Barry
Todd Battey
Robert Beecroft
Joe Bouvier
Eric Boyer
Jerry L. Boyer
Steve Broggie
Olly Burrows
Bon Terra Consulting (Sam Stewart)
Patrick Briggs
Chris Brown
Carl R. Brune
Greg Buchanok
Tim Burkhardt
Jason Butler
Luke Caldwell
Steven Caldwell
Jen Castle
Emily Chebul
John Chevalier
Michael Clarkson
Karen Cooper
Gerald & Buff Corsi
Michele Coughlin
Terry Cox
Earl Curran
Jonathan Daehnke
Carlos Davidson
Harold DeLisle
Guntram Deichsel
Kimberly Deutsch
Ed Dickie
Rory Doolin
Jeremiah Easter
Joe Eastham
Bruce Edley
Carla England
Geoff Fangerow
Pierre Fidenci
William Flaxington
Bill Ford
Mela Garcia
Mario Garcia Paris
Mark Gary
Richard Gentile
Benjamin German
Matthey Godfrey
Gary Grantham
Harry Greene
Pamela Greer
Nancy Gribler
Joyce Gross
Erik Grouell
Chris Gruenwald
Bob Haase
Steve Haimwertz
Andrew Harmer
Ryan Henson
Brian Hinds
Ryan Hoyer
Brian Hubbs
Jeremy Huff
Don Huffman
John Huffman
Michael Inaba
Steve Ivie
David Jahn
Chris Johnson
Don Johnson
Oscar Johnson
Jason Jones
Thomas Kavenaugh
Max Kelley
Dan Kennedy
Suzanne Kennedy
David Kositchek
Steven Krause
Maureen Krinsky
Chad Lane
Kevin Law
Dr. Robert Lawson
William Leonard
Alan E. Leviton
Stephanie Mastriano
Joy Lutz-Mizar
Bobby MacGregor
Matt Maxon
Allen McConnell
Erin McGuire
Anthony Mercieca
Jerry McMurray
John Michels
David Mikkelsen
Jessica Miller
Jeff Mintz
Linda Morgan
Bruce Montgomery
Brad Moon
Becca Morn
Albert Most
K. Moussally
Carlos Rodriguez Munoz
Sam Murray
Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, UC Berkeley (David Wake)
Gary Nafis
Julie Nelson
Edgar Ortega
Ricky Ortiz
Ross Padilla
Joshua C. Pace
Duncan Parks
Mike Pecora
Jason Penny
Michael A. Peters
Ed Pirog
Ken Pitts
Lisa Powers
Loren Prins
Mark Pugs
Joshua Puhn
Scott Ray
Jeff Rice  (Western Soundscape Archive)
Will Richardson
Molly Rinaldi
Darrell Roberts (photo not available for re-use.)
Josh Rosenstein
Mike Ryan
Michelle Scharer
Donald Schultz
Richard Seaman
Lynette Schimming
John Schilling
Vince Semonsen
Ryan Shatto
Jackson Shedd
Bill Stagnaro
Rick Staub
John Stephenson
Eric Stitt
John Stoklosa
Zack Sturbaum
John Sullivan
K. S. Swigart
John Tashjian
Jean Taves
Emily Taylor
Jeff Teel
David Tobler
Becky Trask
Glen Vargas
Vance Vredenburg
Sandra Wagner
Henk Wallays
David Walton
Roxanne Ward
David Wake
Will Wells
John White
Karen Wyld Karen
Trevor Yehle
Anish Yelekar

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