Ohio State University Extension Bulletin

Brambles - Production Management and Marketing

Bulletin 782-99

Prepared By

Richard C. Funt, Horticulture and Crop Science
Michael A. Ellis, Plant Pathology
Roger Williams, Entomology
Doug Doohan, Horticulture and Crop Science
Joseph C. Scheerens, Horticulture and Crop Science
Celeste Welty, Entomology


We extend grateful appreciation to the following persons who have contributed their talent to this publication.
Pamela Mayfield, Graduate Student, School of Natural Resources
Joy Ann Fischer, Technical Editor, Communications and Technology
Brian Deep, Graphics, Communications and Technology

The Ohio State University

The original bramble bulletin was written by Richard C. Funt, Michael A. Ellis, Roger Williams, William J. Twarogowski, Ronald L. Overmyer, Steve Bartels, Harold Schneider, Henry Bartholomew, and Stephen T. Nameth.


Trade names, suppliers, or other private labels are used for identification. No product endorsement is implied nor is discrimination intended toward similar products or materials not mentioned or listed. OSU Extension makes no warranty or guidance of any kind, expressed or implied, concerning the use of these products.

All educational programs conducted by Ohio State University Extension are available to clientele on a nondiscriminatory basis without regard to race, color, creed, religion, sexual orientation, national origin, gender, age, disability or Vietnam-era veteran status.

Keith L. Smith, Associate Vice President for Ag. Adm. and Director, OSU Extension.

TDD No. 800-589-8292 (Ohio only) or 614-292-1868

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