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Day 10 Part 1: Preparation for EVA Journal Home Page Day 11 Part 1: Trans-Earth Coast

Apollo 16

Day 10 Part 2 - EVA and Housekeeping

Corrected Transcript and Commentary Copyright © 2008 David Woods and Tim Brandt. All rights reserved.
Last updated: 2008-05-18

Start of Chapter.
Hatch Open, EVA Starts

Description of SM and SIM Bay Condition 219:02
MEED Experiment Setup 219:21
MEED Experiment Starts 219:28
MEED Experiment Complete 219:38
Hatch Closed 219:46
Start Stowing Equipment 220:11
Meal Period 224:53
Battery Compartment Report 226:17
Rest Period Starts 228:03
End of Chapter 235:02

218 47 06 Mattingly: Okay, it's unlatched.

218 47 12 Mattingly: That's affirmative. Okay, there. It's unlatched. [Vox] you. Okay.

Public Affairs Officer: Standing by now for hatch opening at 243 hours 34 minutes, [218:47] Ground Elapsed Time.

[The PAO, Mission Control and Crew are using the updated GET, intended to align events to the Flight Plan. At this stage in the flight, the difference from the actual GET is 24 hours, 45 minutes and 52 seconds. See here for more details.]

218 47 43 Mattingly: Okay, what do I do now? I've put the handle up and - Okay, it's set on L. It's stowed. I am. I am. It's stowed. How about the gear box? Okay, gear box is to latch. Okay. My inner visor is down. Okay.

Public Affairs Officer: [The] crew of Apollo 16 [is] now going through procedures for hatch opening.

218 48 59 Mattingly: Okay. How about if I get rid of the jett bag first? Okay. Yep. Yep.

218 49 17 Mattingly: Bye-bye, bag. Okay. Okay, I'll go out and get the TV.

Public Affairs Officer: That's Ken Mattingly reporting that he has jettisoned to [sic] the jet bag. The hatch [is] now open. He's going out to install the TV and the data acquisition camera. We'll stand by.

218 49 46 Mattingly (EVA): Ooh! Charlie, you'll need the outer visor as soon as you get into the hatch.

218 50 03 Mattingly (EVA): Okay.

218 50 14 Mattingly (EVA): You can use the visor shade, too, when you get out. How's that?

218 50 31 Mattingly (EVA): Oh, just me (laughter).

218 50 42 Mattingly (EVA): I did. Sorry about that (laughter). Oh-no. Okay, where's the camera? Yeah, get my - I've got to get my umbilical up here first, John.

218 51 07 Hartsfield: Charlie, could you check and see if the Glycol mixing valve got bumped into Auto, the Temp In?

218 51 15 Mattingly (EVA): John, you can check that.

218 51 22 Young: In Manual.

218 51 29 Hartsfield: Roger; copy Manual.

218 51 33 Young: Yeah, the Glycol Evaporator Temp In is in Manual.

218 51 43 Mattingly (EVA): John, I'm hung up on some cable there.

218 51 48 Young: There it is.

218 52 03 Mattingly (EVA): Yeah. All right. I will when I get here. Looks like it's hung up on something there.

218 52 17 Hartsfield: 16, if you'll take the Temp In switch to Auto, please.

218 52 28 Young: Okay.

218 52 38 Hartsfield: Okay, back to Manual on the Temp In.

218 52 44 Mattingly (EVA): I need some more cable there, Charlie.

218 52 57 Mattingly (EVA): Yep.

218 53 08 Hartsfield: Roger; you verify you're in Manual in Temp In?

218 53 14 Young: Yeah, that's affirmative.

218 53 25 Mattingly (EVA): Charlie, I'm going to have to back in here so I can get a little better grip. I've got to turn the pole around. Get my foot on something. Okay, thank you. See now - let me see if I can -

218 53 46 Duke: That's it. Panel 16 [sic] Power, On.

218 54 02 Mattingly (EVA): Yeah, I can feel it. How's the - how's the photos of the SIM bay? Does it - do I need to adjust it?

218 54 11 Hartsfield: Looks pretty good down here, Ken.

218 54 12 Mattingly (EVA): Houston, is that picture okay? All right, I'm going back to the SIM bay.

218 54 24 Mattingly (EVA): It - it really is ripe.

218 54 41 Mattingly (EVA): Okay.

218 54 56 Mattingly (EVA): Are you ready, Charlie?

218 55 01 Mattingly (EVA): Yeah, on your egress, you sure will.

218 55 10 Mattingly (EVA): All set?

218 55 17 Mattingly (EVA): Okay.

218 55 20 Hartsfield: Charlie, can you verify the TV pole's aligned?

218 55 24 Mattingly (EVA): Okay, I'd say the service module is pretty well blistered. Did the picture shift? Are you not getting a good picture, Hank?

218 55 38 Hartsfield: It looks like it might be swung - swung a little too far to the left. We're not sure. That would be to Charlie's left.

218 55 45 Mattingly (EVA): Okay, I'll fix that in a minute. All right. Okay. Stand by. No, we can't put it there without moving the door. Let's get this done. Number l, I'm at the Mapping Camera, and the Stellar cover door is open, and the Stellar cover is jammed out, and jammed against the handrail. Copy, Hank?

218 56 13 Hartsfield: Roger; copy.

218 56 17 Mattingly (EVA): I am.

218 56 29 Mattingly (EVA): Yeah.

218 56 59 Mattingly (EVA): Oh, man. Man, the old Moon's out there. Okay, going after the Pan Camera. Okay, here comes the hard cover ... gone.

Public Affairs Officer: Ken Mattingly will first receive - retrieve the Pan Camera cassette -

218 57 32 Mattingly (EVA): Soft cover has gone. Okay, I'm going after the hook.

Public Affairs Officer: He will return this to the hatch, and Lunar Module pilot, Charlie Duke, will attach a tether ...

218 57 43 Mattingly (EVA): Okay, good.

218 58 00 Mattingly (EVA): Boy, that old visor of yours - that outer visor on the glare shield really comes in handy. Okay.

Public Affairs Officer: Duke will attach a tether, a large hook to the cassette and lock.

218 58 23 Mattingly (EVA): The pip pin is out, and I'm throwing it away.

Public Affairs Officer: He will now squeeze the handle and remove the cassette.

218 58 35 Mattingly (EVA): Oh, they'll open, not much I bet. Not at all, there it is, it's out.

Public Affairs Officer: Mattingly reports he's got the cassette. The Pan Camera cassette weighs 72 pounds in one g. It'll now be returned or transferred to the hatch.

218 59 11 Mattingly (EVA): Okay, get my feet out. There's one. There's two.

Public Affairs Officer: He was taking his feet out from the restraint.

218 59 28 Mattingly (EVA): Okay.

Public Affairs Officer: You now see the cassette being returned to Lunar Module Pilot Charlie Duke.

218 59 40 Hartsfield: Ken, the TV is just right. It doesn't need adjustment.

218 59 49 Mattingly (EVA): All right.

Public Affairs Officer: The cassette will be stowed on the Lunar Module Pilot's couch.

219 00 33 Mattingly (EVA): It is that, all right. I don't even see any stars.

219 01 10 Mattingly (EVA): Okay, Charlie, will you hook that back to my ring?

219 01 24 Mattingly (EVA): You don't need to lock it.

219 01 28 Duke: Thank you.

219 01 30 Mattingly (EVA): All right, going back for the mapper.

Public Affairs Officer: Ken Mattingly now returning for the map camera cassette.

219 01 47 Mattingly (EVA): No, the mapper is still out here, I betcha.

219 01 54 Mattingly (EVA): Oh, man!

219 02 10 Mattingly (EVA): All righty. I got my feet well locked, and I got a good suit pressure, and cooling is just fine, and let me tell you a few things about the old SIM bay. Okay. The first thing that's real obvious to you out here is the - is the amount of bubbling on the service module paint. It's more - it's a bit more than I anticipated seeing and the radiator panel down to the right side of the SIM bay looks nice and clean. There's no bubbles on the paint or anything like that. The area right under the quad - I'll have to raise my visor to see - Yeah, I got the inner one still down. I will. Yeah, you don't need to remind me of that one.

219 03 13 Mattingly (EVA): Okay, the area directly under the quad doesn't look to me like it's blistered any more than the areas everywhere else around here. That's just a qualitative comment. The - in fact, the paint on the quad itself is as blistered. The area directly under the nozzle on the - the plus-Z jet on Quad B is all blistered. I can see that in the Sun. I can't tell about the other surfaces. Okay, looking now at the mapping - at the Mass Spec and the Gamma Ray, I'm going to have to move aft to do that.

219 03 51 Hartsfield: Ken, I'd like to caution you on the Mass Spec to steer clear of that door there. It's very soft and it could bend and break and leave a jagged edge.

219 04 01 Mattingly (EVA): Roger. I won't touch it.

Public Affairs Officer: This is Ken Mattingly providing a narrative of what he's seen during his rest period prior to retrieving the Mapping Camera cassette...

219 04 10 Mattingly (EVA): Yeah.

219 04 17 Mattingly (EVA): Sorry about that.

219 04 33 Mattingly (EVA): Okay, I've got a good handhold over here on the Pan Camera - this rail, so that's a good one, and now I'm over the Gamma Ray door and it's about open at, say, 30 degrees.

219 04 58 Mattingly (EVA): And I can't - I can nudge it, and it looks like it's hitting on the top of the Gamma Ray spectrometer itself. No, it isn't. It's not touching the Spectrometer. And I'm not real sure what it is jammed on. I can't see anything anywhere. The cover just feels like it's a little bit loose at about a 30-degree jiggle, and I can't see the mechanism to tell whether it's broken. The ...

219 05 32 Hartsfield: Roger; can you see if the guide rails come through the SIM?

219 05 34 Mattingly (EVA): ... Mapping Camera - Oh, let me take a look; I don't think I can get my head over there far enough to tell that. Yes, they do. They come right up to the pointed edge.

219 05 49 Hartsfield: Roger. Copy.

219 05 52 Mattingly (EVA): Okay, and on the Mass Spec, there's nothing there but the door wide open. Was there something in particular you'd like me to look at back here - on the Mass Spec?

219 06 03 Hartsfield: Negative.

219 06 06 Mattingly (EVA): Okay, anything else on the aft end? I don't see any blistering of paint or anything. It's all clean in the aft shell.

219 06 17 Hartsfield: Okay. Copy.

Public Affairs Officer: Two hundred and 43 hours, 52 minutes [219:05] Ground Elapsed Time. Sixteen now at a distance of 173,406 nautical miles.

219 06 32 Mattingly (EVA): All right; thank you, Charlie. Now, I'll put my feet in here, and we'll take a look at the old mapper. Okay, while I'm standing on top of the DAC camera, the V-over-H sensor looks perfectly clean. There's nothing on the sensor. I see no evidence of contamination on the sensor, either the - the light meter or the V over H. The barrel is clean, all the decks and surfaces of the Pan Camera installation are clean.

219 07 13 Hartsfield: Very good, Ken.

Public Affairs Officer: Ken Mattingly now securing himself with his foot restraints. Preparing to retrieve the Mapping Camera cassette. The -

219 07 28 Mattingly (EVA): Okay, here comes the Mapping Camera cover - hard cover. The soft cover. Okay, that'll be next. Yeah, that's my wrist tether.

Public Affairs Officer: The Mapping Camera cassette weighs 20 pounds in one g, it will be passed along in much the same way as the Pan Camera was, attached to a...

219 07 55 Mattingly (EVA): Okay.

219 08 12 Mattingly (EVA): Ready?

219 08 26 Mattingly (EVA): Okay, I'm putting the tether on now, John.

Public Affairs Officer: ...attached to the Commanders tether large hook, to the cassette, it's locked and then stored what's returned to the cabin.

219 09 05 Mattingly (EVA): Oh, I'm having trouble with this hook. I - If I can get it on, I can get it locked.

Public Affairs Officer: 233 hours, 56 minutes [219:09] Ground Elapsed Time. Apollo 16 now 173,275 nautical miles away.

219 09 48 Mattingly (EVA): Stand by.

219 10 41 Mattingly (EVA): Oh, yeah. I just can't get the darned insulation out of the way. It's a little stiffer than the -

219 10 56 Mattingly (EVA): Okay, it's on.

219 11 20 Mattingly (EVA): Okay.

219 11 49 Mattingly (EVA): Okay, why don't you wait until I get to the hatch?

219 12 12 Mattingly (EVA): I see them.

219 12 24 Mattingly (EVA): Yes, sir. Yes, sir.

Public Affairs Officer: The mapping cassette now being passed inside.

219 12 39 Mattingly (EVA): If you get it hooked on, you can pull the tether off my hand there, Charlie.

Public Affairs Officer: Ken Matting]y will next rest in the batch.

219 12 53 Mattingly (EVA): No, sir. Okay, how we doing on umbilical now? How we doing on umbilical? You got most of it inside? Okay. Go ahead.

219 13 21 Mattingly (EVA): Yes, after Charlie gets in.

219 14 07 Mattingly (EVA): Hey, let's go on back to the - Let's see - okay. Yeah, yeah. Let me - turn around here and get my feet in.

219 14 40 Mattingly (EVA): Okay, wait a minute. Got to - Let me see if I can find a place to put my feet here. Is that a safe place for my right foot? Okay.

219 15 07 Mattingly (EVA): You got - You got anything on the TV?

219 15 12 Hartsfield: Not right now. Yeah, we got something there.

219 15 20 Mattingly (EVA): Yeah, I'm not very steady here.

219 15 24 Hartsfield: Looks like the old Moon.

Public Affairs Officer: That's Ken Mattingly pointing the camera towards the Moon. He will then store the TV and the data acquisition camera under a couch before unstowing the MEED experiment. Ken Mattingly will then move inside and the spacecraft will be repositioned for attitude for the experiment.

219 15 28 Mattingly (EVA): That's her, babe. Right off the nose.

219 15 35 Mattingly (EVA): Okay. that's all for today on that.

219 15 48 Mattingly (EVA): Okay, I'm going to have to pull myself in. Let me - send this thing in to Charlie. All righty.

219 16 23 Mattingly (EVA): Okay.

219 16 24 Duke: Go ahead.

219 16 25 Mattingly (EVA): Let me get my umbilical down here. Yes, sir. Okay, Houston, we're maneuvering to the MEED attitude,

219 16 43 Hartsfield: Roger.

219 16 50 Mattingly (EVA): Don't move my feet. I'll lift.

Public Affairs Officer: MEED is an acronym for Microbial Ecology Evaluation Device.

219 17 01 Mattingly (EVA): Out the - All you got to do is pull the - Okay.

219 17 11 Mattingly (EVA): I got the pole. Okay.

219 17 24 Mattingly (EVA): Okay, let me pull this rail down to hold on to and we'll play ride'em cowboy.

219 17 45 Mattingly (EVA): Is that enough out of the way, Charlie? Okay.

219 18 06 Mattingly (EVA): Easy. How's that?

Public Affairs Officer: The MEED container, with some 60 million bacteria will be opened and pointed towards the sun for a 10 minute test period. Then capped and returned to Earth for analysis.

219 18 40 Mattingly (EVA): Okay. No, it's in the two-bar. No, Charlie's going to unstow it. Okay. Oops! How about if I slide over here? Will that - Okay. All right? Let me - No, I got it here, I think. From here you can't either? Okay, all right, okay. Okay. I got to come in to turn around, then. Hold th - hold this pole until I get out. It - If you let John hold it, then I won't have - it'll be easier to - Okay. The visor back down -

219 19 52 Mattingly (EVA): Okay. How's that?

Public Affairs Officer: Ken Mattingly back inside the spacecraft in the process of unstowing the MEED experiment.

219 20 10 Mattingly (EVA): And right now, I've got the Earth peeking over the side of the fuselage, just a little crescent. Okay, coming in.

Public Affairs Officer: We now show Apollo 16 at 172,866 nautical miles away from the Earth. Mission Control verifies the spacecraft is in proper attitude, for the MEED experiment, pointing toward the Sun.

219 20 40 Mattingly (EVA): Fine. Yeah, okay, I got that. And hold -

219 21 10 Mattingly (EVA): Okay, Houston, we've reached the MEED attitude.

219 21 16 Hartsfield: Roger.

219 21 19 Mattingly (EVA): Wait a minute. Okay (garble). It's locked. Of course, we got it. Okay, out with the MEED.

[CM transcript restarts.]

219 21 54 Mattingly (EVA): Seven.

219 21 52 Young (onboard): Seven.

219 21 54 Mattingly (EVA): I found a sight here. ["That's on the sight here" in CM transcript] Wait a minute.

219 22 O1 Duke (onboard): What you need, Ken?

219 22 03 Mattingly (EVA): I don't know. I can't - I've got this visor stuck down and can't see what it is.

219 22 06 Duke (onboard): Yeah.

219 22 08 Mattingly (onboard): Got it locked down. ["Got a lot of dirt on it" in tech transcript, "I've got this visor stuck down and can't see what it is. Got a lot of dirt on it." in

Public Affairs Officer: transcript.]

Public Affairs Officer: The MEED container with some 60 million bacteria will be opened and pointed toward the Sun for a 10 minute period.

219 22 09 Duke (onboard): I meant to tell you about that.

219 22 16 Young (onboard): Need somebody to hold your foot there, Ken?

219 22 19 Mattingly (EVA): Yeah, it wouldn't hurt.

219 22 20 Young (onboard): I got ahold of it.

219 22 22 Duke (onboard): Okay, I got the other one.

219 22 23 Mattingly: Okay. I got to rotate it another few degrees. You got both my feet there?

219 22 32 Duke (onboard): Yeah.

219 22 34 Mattingly: Okay.

219 22 37 Young (onboard): Why didn't you go out there with a pocket? Take some goodies out with you.

219 22 41 Mattingly (onboard): Okay.

219 22 42 Young (onboard): You got two pockets: one on each foot.

219 22 43 Mattingly (EVA): Okay, all right, let go of my feet there.

219 22 46 Duke (onboard): Okay.

219 22 47 Mattingly: I'll get up here to attitude.

219 22 58 Mattingly: Where's my foot, there? I don't have to go outside, I don't think. Let's see, Charlie -

219 23 06 Duke (onboard): What?

219 23 10 Mattingly: Gonna have to - Let's see -

219 23 20 Duke (onboard): I got you - your - your -

219 23 26 Mattingly (EVA): All right, just a second. Oh, that's just what we didn't think about.

219 23 33 Duke (onboard): What?

219 23 34 Young (onboard): What's that?

219 23 35 Mattingly (EVA): That Velcro strip lays right in front.

219 23 45 Young (onboard): Of the sight?

219 23 46 Mattingly (EVA): Yep.

219 23 47 Young (onboard): Well, I'll tell you what.

219 23 48 Mattingly (EVA): Hang on; I've got my scissors right here.

219 23 50 Young (onboard): Why don't you open the thing and let's forget it? It ain't all that important.

219 23 26 Mattingly (EVA): I'll be right with you.

219 23 56 Young (onboard): Okay.

219 23 57 Duke (onboard): You'll never - you'll never get those scissors out, Ken.

219 23 59 Young (onboard): Ken, I wouldn't do that.

219 24 00 Mattingly (EVA): Yes, sir. Okay, okay.

219 24 02 Young (onboard): It's not worth it.

219 24 02 Mattingly (EVA): Okay.

219 24 05 Young (onboard): Anybody ought to be able to figure that mean attitude close enough within 7 degrees.

219 24 09 Mattingly (EVA): Okay, what we do need to do is to pitch up, minimum impulse.

219 24 17 Young (onboard): Oh, for goodness sakes. Okay. How man - how far, Ken ?

219 24 23 Mattingly (EVA): Oh, you've got to go about three degrees.

219 24 25 Young (onboard): Okay, going to Free.

219 24 44 Duke (onboard): You want me to -

219 24 45 Young (onboard): (Garble) do it.

219 24 46 Duke (onboard): Let me get this old thing out of your way, John.

219 24 50 Mattingly (EVA): Attitude in yet?

219 24 50 Young (onboard): ... (garble) we're going up three degrees.

219 24 54 Duke (onboard): (Garble) you catch it?

219 24 55 Mattingly (EVA): Okay, go - pitch down then.

219 24 56 Duke (onboard): (Garble) you pitch it?

219 24 57 Young (onboard): Pitch down?

219 24 58 Mattingly (EVA): Yeah.

219 25 00 Young (onboard): Pitch down. We're going down. I just put in one click down, Ken.

219 25 07 Mattingly (EVA): Okay, up should be in the right direction on this thing.

219 25 10 Duke (onboard): You said up - you said down.

219 25 11 Mattingly (EVA): I said up the first time and that - that looked like it went the wrong way.

219 25 14 Young (onboard): I didn't do anything.

219 25 16 Mattingly (EVA): Oh, okay; well, you need to go up about three degrees then.

219 25 21 Young (onboard): Is that the right way, now?

219 25 25 Mattingly (EVA): I can't tell that you're moving.

219 25 26 Young (onboard): I put in three pulses.

219 25 27 Mattingly (EVA): Has the attitude changed?

219 25 29 Young (onboard): No. Want me to fire - If I go to CMC in Free, it should - it should fire in rain impulse, right?

219 25 37 Mattingly (EVA): Yeah, yeah, and that's moving now. Moving in the right direction.

219 25 40 Young (onboard): Okay.

219 25 42 Mattingly (EVA): Let it ride at the slow rate for about another minute.

219 25 49 Duke (onboard): Guess what I caught floating out the hatch?

219 25 51 Young (onboard): What?

219 25 52 Mattingly (EVA): What's that -

219 25 53 Duke (onboard): A ring.

219 25 54 Mattingly (EVA): Oh, is that right?

219 25 56 Duke (onboard): Yeah. I think it's yours.

219 25 57 Duke (onboard): (Laughter)

219 25 58 Young (onboard): Yeah, it is.

219 25 59 Duke (onboard): Here, hold it, John.

219 26 00 Young (onboard): That's it, all right. We got it.

219 26 03 Duke (onboard): Just got it going over the sill.

219 26 05 Mattingly (EVA): (Laughter)

219 26 06 Duke (onboard): In fact, it had already gone out and hit you and was coming back when I saw it.

219 26 10 Mattingly (EVA): (Laughter). Boy, how's that for luck? Okay, John we got another 30 seconds to drift and we'll be there.

219 26 23 Young (onboard): Okay. And Just - Can I go back to Auto when we get there?

219 26 25 Mattingly (EVA): Yes, sir.

219 26 27 Young (onboard): Okay. And then stay at that attitude?

219 26 32 Mattingly (EVA): Yeah.

Public Affairs Officer: The MEED container will be installed on a pole verified lock and the command module pilot, Ken Mattingly will install a pole and a hatch bracket. He will verify the experiment alignment with the sunlight correct if required. Activate the experiment and give a mark, give further marks at 9 minutes, 30 seconds; 9 minutes, 50 seconds. When 10 minutes elapse give a mark.

219 26 33 Young (onboard): All I have to do - I have to enter on this display, right?

219 26 36 Mattingly (EVA): Nope.

219 26 38 Young (onboard): Okay.

219 26 40 Duke (onboard): It'd take you back, if you entered on that.

219 26 43 Young (onboard): Yeah. No, it'll stay - it'll hold what it's got.

219 26 48 Duke (onboard): Won't it - won't it trim to those numbers that's in there?

219 26 50 Mattingly (EVA): Okay.

219 26 59 Duke (onboard): You've been out about 25 minutes now, Ken.

219 27 02 Mattingly (EVA): Okay.

219 27 06 Young (onboard): That's funny, I've got 35.

219 27 08 Duke (onboard): Well, maybe I - I didn't start my watch exactly right.

219 27 12 Young (onboard): It's more than that because I started after we started ...

219 27 16 Mattingly (EVA): Okay. Why don't you go to Auto?

219 27 16 Young (onboard): Going back to Auto.

219 27 20 Duke (onboard): Come on. Let's open that thing.

219 27 22 Mattingly (EVA): Okay, are you ready?

219 27 23 Young (onboard): All set to open it.

219 27 24 Duke (onboard): Ready.

219 27 29 Young (onboard): You got a clock, Charlie?

219 27 30 Duke (onboard): Yeah.

219 27 40 Mattingly (EVA): Stand by.

219 28 00 Duke (onboard): Needing some help, Ken?

219 28 01 Mattingly (EVA): Hey, can you hold my feet?

219 28 02 Duke (onboard): Yeah, I got them. Well, that one slipped out, but I'll get this one. Can you get it open?

219 28 19 Mattingly (EVA): There it is.

219 28 19 Duke (onboard): Okay -

219 28 20 Duke (onboard): Mark.

219 28 21 Mattingly (EVA): Okay. Pull me in.

219 28 22 Duke (onboard): Wait a minute.

219 28 23 Mattingly (EVA): I'll pull myself in.

219 28 25 Young (onboard): Okay.

219 28 26 Mattingly (onboard): Hoo.

219 28 29 Young (onboard): (Garble) over there, Ken.

219 28 31 Hartsfield: Is the MEED open now, Ken?

219 28 36 Mattingly (EVA): Yes, sir.

219 28 37 Duke (onboard): Fifteen seconds it's been open.

219 28 39 Mattingly (EVA): It's been open 15 or 20 now.

219 28 41 Hartsfield: Okay, I didn't get your mark.

219 28 42 Mattingly (EVA): Sorry.

219 28 42 Young: Yeah, it's on 22 seconds now.

219 28 47 Duke (onboard): Me, too.

219 28 50 Young (onboard): What time you got?

219 28 52 Duke (onboard): Twenty - 30 seconds.

219 28 54 Young (onboard): Okay. I - I got 3 seconds after that. Did you watch him open it?

219 28 57 Duke (onboard): Yeah, I had it - when he hit a mark, I started my watch.

219 29 00 Young (onboard): Okay, well, you're three seconds ahead of me then.

219 29 03 Duke (onboard): I don't think it's exactly -

219 29 06 Young (onboard): Well, we got to - we ought to have two watches because this event timer's not working.

219 29 09 Duke (onboard): I know it. We lost a pencil.

219 29 20 Young (onboard): Only one?

219 29 22 Duke (onboard): Saw it float out as I was climbing out.

219 29 26 Young (onboard): Probably mine. I think - I had one up here on the (garble).

219 29 32 Duke (onboard): I don't understand that suit loop.

219 29 34 Young (onboard): It's the first time anything like that's ever been in outer space, isn't it?

219 29 37 Duke (onboard): Yeah.

Public Affairs Officer: 244 hours and 15 minutes [219:28] Ground Elapsed Time. Apollo 16 now 172,525 nautical miles away.

219 29 38 Mattingly (EVA): What kind of pressure do you have now?

219 29 39 Duke (onboard): I got 4 and John's got 3.5. It looks like it's the - the - the flow divider or whatever's in that's not doing right.

219 29 48 Young (onboard): I'm in fine shape, Charlie.

219 29 49 Mattingly (EVA): How about our suit gages?

219 29 50 Duke (onboard): Huh?

219 29 51 Young (onboard): Could be a suit gage, yeah. I - I kind of feel like I got more than 3½ in this suit, because I can't do nothing with it much (laughter). And if it - if it were 3½, I'd be able to - to break it.

219 30 12 Duke (onboard): Okay, coming up on two minutes, Ken.

219 30 15 Mattingly (EVA): Okay.

219 30 17 Young (onboard): Is it hot out there now, Ken?

219 30 21 Mattingly (EVA): I'm very comfortable.

219 30 21 Young (onboard): You got good ...

219 30 22 Duke (onboard): Mark.

219 30 23 Young (onboard): ... flow, huh? What's your suit - what's your pressure, Ken?

219 30 27 Mattingly (EVA): 3.85.

219 30 29 Young (onboard): There you go.

219 30 30 Mattingly (EVA): Like a champ.

219 30 38 Hartsfield: John, could you give us a cuff gage reading?

219 30 44 Mattingly (EVA): Okay, I got 3.85, Hank.

219 30 46 Duke (onboard): I got 3.95. Did he ask for all of us or just for Ken?

219 30 53 Young (onboard): I can't transmit, Charlie.

219 30 55 Duke (onboard): I - Well, Ken can transmit for us.

219 30 58 Mattingly (onboard): Hey, Hank. Did you want all of them or just mine?

219 30 58 Hartsfield: Roger. Could we get one from John and Charlie?

219 31 00 Mattingly (EVA): Okay, say again what you had, John. John has 3.55.

219 31 04 Young (onboard): I got 3.55.

219 31 08 Hartsfield: John has 3.55. Roger.

219 31 08 Duke (onboard): And I got 3.95.

219 31 11 Mattingly (EVA): Charlie has 3.95.

219 31 13 Hartsfield: 3.95.

219 31 19 Duke (onboard): That must be sublimating from somewhere.

219 31 21 Young (onboard): It's coming off - it's coming off the - conden - the condensation is coming off the glycol lines.

219 31 26 Duke (onboard): Oh.

219 31 28 Mattingly (EVA): Probably getting some off the bulkheads, too --

219 31 29 Young (onboard): Yeah, that's right ...

219 31 30 Mattingly (EVA): ...drying this place out.

219 31 32 Young (onboard): I mean to tell you, there's a lot of cotton-picking water in this machine. Didn't you notice all them bubbles leaving? That was all water.

219 31 38 Duke (onboard): Yeah.

219 31 40 Mattingly (EVA): Hey, how's the time coming?

219 31 41 Duke/Young (onboard): (Garble).

219 31 42 Duke (onboard): You passed three minutes.

219 31 44 Young (onboard): Seems like an eternity.

219 31 45 Mattingly (EVA): Okay, it sure does.

219 31 47 Young (onboard): It's gonna be the longest 10 minutes in history.

219 31 52 Duke (onboard): Mark; 03:30.

219 31 55 Young: Houston, you are now wit - witnessing one of the longest 10-minute periods in history.

219 32 02 Duke (onboard): That - that's the wro ...

219 32 02 Hartsfield: Roger.

219 32 05 Duke (onboard): Yeah.

219 32 08 Young (onboard): That is the wrong thing to say (laughter).

219 32 10 Duke (onboard): Huh? (Laughter) I don't know, that 2½ minutes - the 2 minutes and 42 seconds was pretty long, too. (Laughter)

219 32 22 Mattingly (EVA): (Laughter) Yeah, I think that one was longer.

219 32 23 Duke (onboard): Yeah.

219 32 27 Mattingly (EVA): I'm looking at our dump nozzles out here. And there is very little build-up on the waste dump.

219 32 34 Young (onboard): Listen, if anything happens during this period, the only thing we can say is that we died so that the germs may live, and that ain't no good at all.

219 32 43 Mattingly (EVA): (Laughter) I don't plan to have that.

219 32 45 Young (onboard): That's right.

219 32 48 Duke (onboard): Okay, we've passed four, coming up on 04:30.

219 32 51 Mattingly (EVA): Okay.

Public Affairs Officer: Ken Mattingly still working with the MEED experiment.

219 32 51 Duke (onboard): Mark.

219 32 56 Mattingly (EVA): Henry, was there anything else you wanted to know about the SIM?

219 33 02 Hartsfield: Roger. When you were arou - around the Mapping Camera, did you happen to notice the condition of the cable that lays between it and the bulkhead there ?

219 33 12 Mattingly (EVA): I couldn't see down in there . There's too many shadows.

219 33 15 Hartsfield: Roger; copy.

219 33 18 Mattingly (onboard): The camera looks ...

219 33 19 Hartsfield: And, on the Stellar Camera door, how far out was it?

219 33 22 Mattingly (EVA): Oh, I'd say the - the - the last folding lip is up against the handrail. Well, it - yeah, just about that far.

219 33 32 Hartsfield: Roger.

219 33 34 Duke (onboard): We've passed five minutes, Ken.

219 33 37 Mattingly (EVA): All right, thank you.

219 33 39 Duke (onboard): Are you comfortable, Ken? You want me to hold on to something?

219 33 41 Mattingly (EVA): Oh, I'm just fine. I got nothing to do but just loop my finger around this thing.

219 33 44 Duke (onboard): Okay. Can you see the sunsight?

219 33 46 Young (onboard): On this - on this event timer, Charlie, I got 04:16. Is that right?

219 33 50 Duke (onboard): That thing ain't working. No. Can you see the sunsight, Ken?

219 33 57 Mattingly (EVA): No, sir.

219 33 58 Young (onboard): Okay, now. We need a mark for Charlie at 09:30 and one - I mean for 09:30, we need to mark and for 09:50, we need to mark.

219 34 07 Mattingly (EVA): Right.

219 34 08 Duke (onboard): Okay. Look at that piece of ice, John.

219 34 11 Young (onboard): Yeah.

219 34 23 Duke (onboard): How you doing, Ken?

219 34 25 Mattingly (EVA): Fine.

219 34 25 Duke (onboard): Okay.

219 34 28 Young (onboard): First time anybody ever laid it on the line for a microbe.

219 34 31 Mattingly (EVA): (Laughter)

219 34 32 Duke (onboard): I'll say.

219 34 36 Mattingly (EVA): (Laughter) I wish you wouldn't put it that way.

219 34 37 Duke (onboard): Can you see the surge tank?

219 34 39 Mattingly (EVA): No.

219 34 40 Duke (onboard): John, can you see the - pressure?

219 34 43 Young (onboard): Yeah, it's - You won't believe what it is.

219 34 47 Duke (onboard): 860?

219 34 48 Young (onboard): No, it's 720. Just about what it could get. It just stays there. It's really in good shape.

219 35 05 Duke (onboard): Oh, no, I must be nervous. I've taken two leaks already. (Laughter)

219 35 08 Mattingly (EVA): (Laughter)

219 35 14 Young (onboard): Okay. Now I got five minutes on this thing.

219 35 16 Duke (onboard): No, it's coming up seven.

219 35 18 Young (onboard): Okay.

219 35 21 Mattingly (EVA): (Laughter) No wonder that was such a long time. Hank, we got another one of those event timers that's timed to some base other than universal time.

219 35 33 Hartsfield: Say again.

219 35 34 Mattingly (EVA): But don't worry about the MEED; we got a watch on it.

219 35 37 Hartsfield: Okay, I'm timing you down here, too.

219 35 41 Mattingly (EVA): Okay, we got regular - regular watches on it, so it's okay.

219 35 44 Duke (onboard): Tell him to give us a mark at eight minutes.

219 35 47 Mattingly (EVA): Why don't you check us at eight minutes, Hank?

219 35 50 Hartsfield: Will do.

219 35 56 Duke (onboard): How, Moon rock.

219 36 07 Duke (onboard): I think this may be tuff - tuff breccias, John.

219 36 15 Young (onboard): Call them like you see them, Charlie. You said that once or twice.

219 36 17 Hartsfield: Coming up on eight minutes -

219 36 21 Hartsfield: Mark.

219 36 24 Duke (onboard): Within a second.

219 36 26 Mattingly (EVA): Okay, thank you, Hank. We're right with you.

219 36 30 Duke (onboard): And with the time delay, I'm probably right on. Ten minutes to look at the bugs. You got to be crazy! (Laughter)

219 36 48 Mattingly (EVA): You get a good look at the Earth, Charlie?

219 36 49 Duke (onboard): Oh, yeah. And I spun around and looked at the Moon, too. The thing that impresses me, though, is how black it is, Ken. Yeah, is it black!

219 37 05 Mattingly (EVA): I'm really surprised I don't see any stars.

219 37 07 Young (onboard): Charlie's only said 25 times it's black out there.

219 37 11 Duke (onboard): What?

219 37 12 Young (onboard): You've only said that 25 times. (Laughter)

219 37 14 Duke (onboard): (Garble) see (garble) (laughter).

219 37 15 Young (onboard): It really must be black out there! (Laughter)

219 37 17 Duke (onboard): It's really black! (Laughter)

219 37 21 Mattingly (EVA): (Laughter) What time is it?

219 37 22 Duke (onboard): Mark; nine minutes.

219 37 23 Mattingly (EVA): Okay; nine minutes.

219 37 28 Young (onboard): Okay; after 10 minutes, give mark, close experiment, and turn lock 90 degrees CCW.

219 37 32 Duke (onboard): Okay; he needs a mark at 09:30 and ...

219 37 35 Young (onboard): 09:30 (garble) 10 - (garble) in 10 minutes.

219 37 37 Duke (onboard): Okay. Okay; coming up - it's 09:25 now. Stand by. Okay, Ken.

219 37 52 Duke (onboard): Mark; 09:30.

219 37 51 Hartsfield: Got about 30 seconds, Ken.

219 37 54 Mattingly (EVA): Okay, I'm on my way to the experiment. Charlie, can you hold my feet there?

Public Affairs Officer: After Ken Mattingly completes the experiment, he will remove the pole and stow under the Commander's couch.

219 37 58 Duke (onboard): Yeah, I got you.

219 37 59 Mattingly (EVA): And would somebody give me a call at 107

219 38 02 Young (onboard): Okay; give a call at 09:50, too.

219 38 04 Duke (onboard): I will. 09:45 now.

219 38 11 Mattingly (EVA): Man, that sight's right on.

219 38 12 Duke (onboard): Mark; 09:50.

219 38 12 Hartsfield: Ten seconds.

219 38 14 Mattingly (EVA): Okay. We're counting down the last ten.

219 38 19 Duke (onboard): Three, 2, 1. There's 10 minutes.

219 38 22 Mattingly (EVA): Closed.

219 38 24 Hartsfield: Okay, make sure it's closed and locked, Ken.

219 38 29 Mattingly (EVA): It's closed;

219 38 28 Young (onboard): Turn lock 90 degrees ...

219 38 29 Mattingly (EVA): I'm working on the lock.

Public Affairs Officer: The lock is turned 90 degrees counter-clockwise.

219 38 30 Young (onboard): Turn lock 90 degrees CCW.

219 38 35 Duke (onboard): What if those bugs get out of - get out into here with a...

219 38 39 Young (onboard): They'll die.

219 38 42 Mattingly (EVA): Charlie, can you hold my feet real good there?

219 38 43 Duke (onboard): Yeah, I got you.

219 38 44 Mattingly (EVA): How about both of them?

219 38 46 Duke (onboard): No, I can't reach ...

219 38 47 Mattingly (EVA): Okay.

219 38 48 Duke (onboard): ... the other one, it's above my head, Ken.

Public Affairs Officer: After removing the pole and stowing it under the couch, Ken Mattingly, will return to the spacecraft.

219 38 56 Young (onboard): How are those TV cables down there, Charlie?

219 38 58 Duke (onboard): They're okay.

219 38 59 Young (onboard): Are they well out of the way?

219 39 00 Duke (onboard): Yeah - they're - No, they're not well out of the way, but they're out of the way.

219 39 03 Young (onboard): Okay. Now what you got hung up on last time over there was that pan camera ...

219 39 08 Duke (onboard): Okay.

219 39 09 Young (onboard): ... hanging thing, and it's well out of the way.

Public Affairs Officer: We now show Apollo 16 172,122 nautical miles away at a Ground Elapsed Time of 244 hours, 26 minutes [219:39].

219 39 13 Duke (onboard): How you doing, Ken?

219 39 17 Mattingly (EVA): Well, I didn't get it locked.

219 39 20 Young (onboard): Ninety degrees CCW.

219 39 22 Mattingly (EVA): Yeah, I'm - I'm working on that, John. I got to compress the seal. I'm trying to get some leverage on it.

219 39 28 Young (onboard): Oh, man.

219 39 36 Duke (onboard): Looks like it's the other cor - the corner next to your lock - the look, Ken, that's not quite closing. You want to bring it in and let me help you?

219 39 50 Mattingly (EVA): Wait a minute.

219 39 51 Young (onboard): Probably got some bubonic plague in that son of a gun.

219 39 55 Duke (onboard): Man, I'll bet you that UV got them. Now, that looks pretty good, Ken.

219 40 10 Mattingly (EVA): Well -

219 40 13 Duke (onboard): Looks like it's locked to me.

219 40 15 Mattingly (onboard): No.

219 40 17 Young (onboard): (Garble) Closing.

[Break in CM transcript until 221:41:53]

219 41 01 Hartsfield: Ken, you having any luck with that lock yet?

219 41 03 Mattingly (EVA): Not yet.

219 41 11 Hartsfield: Okay, that goes clockwise and then closes, and then counter clockwise.

219 41 18 Mattingly (EVA): Yes, sir, I've got the sequence. It's the lock I don' t have.

219 41 25 Young: How about if we bring it in and tape it closed?

219 41 28 Mattingly (EVA): I'm gonna do that in just a second, if I don't get it on this try. Well. Hey, there we go, I think. Let me try that now.

219 41 52 Mattingly (EVA): I feel it coming.

219 42 13 Mattingly (EVA): Well, I'm going to have to let it have - a little extra LTV.

219 42 28 Mattingly (EVA): Because I can't hold it shut and bring it in. Charlie, you got my foot?

219 42 42 Hartsfield: Ken, do you intend to use the TV any more?

219 42 47 Mattingly (EVA): No, sir. Okay, I've got to get that thing closed here - at least out of the UV. Okay, I've got it. It was - Hank, it was open for about three seconds.

219 43 08 Hartsfield: Roger.

219 43 27 Mattingly (EVA): You got it?

219 43 34 Mattingly (EVA): All right.

219 43 42 Mattingly (EVA): Let me - let me get my hand out of here, that's what's holding me up; now you can pull it in.

219 43 55 Mattingly (EVA): Wrap a piece of that tether around it until we get the cabin pressurized. You got it? Okay.

219 44 16 Mattingly (EVA): You can probably stick the whole thing under there.

219 44 27 Mattingly (EVA): Take your time and get it all cleaned up. All righty.

219 44 56 Mattingly (EVA): I see a piece of tether coming up here, is that the MEED? Okay. Yeah. Don't - don't disconnect the lanyard.

219 45 15 Mattingly (EVA): Okay. I'll turn around and start in. (Laughter) Rub-a-dub-dub. Okay, you got my umbilical in sight?

Public Affairs Officer: That was Ken Mattingly saying "rub-a-dub-dub" as he prepares to reenter the spacecraft.

219 45 40 Mattingly (EVA): Okay. Let me get my - I've got to get - Something's under my foot there. Okay, I've got to get my foot low in order to get in. Want me to go back out? Hey, okay; swing. Oh, not quite. Got to get this thing up where I can see something.

219 46 42 Duke: Look at that!

219 46 50 Mattingly (EVA): Get the - John, you sure have a lousy LEVA. It's closed and the hatch is clear. Just a second. Okay. All right. Before I take it any further, let me try and (garble) some of those latch seals (garble) You're right. Can you see the latch seals? I can't see the top. Can you see the top, John? I just want to make sure I don't have something stuck - a lanyard stuck in there somewhere. Okay? Yeah. Hey, the - the handle - the indicator looks latched. Yes, sir.

Public Affairs Officer: The crew of Apollo 16 going through their hatch closing procedures now. Ken Mattingly apparently back inside the spacecraft.

219 48 35 Hartsfield: Okay, Ken. Before you pressurize the cabin, we'd like for you to verify that the switch on the TV is in Standby, and that the S-Band Aux TV is Off.

219 48 48 Mattingly: Okay. What's the next step on the latches, here? I think you read one I did miss. And on (garble) It's latched. Okay, let me - I can get that TV switch. Hey - Okay. That's a big help. The switch is Off. that's affirmative. Oh, and the - I can't find that. Wasn't on the checklist. Yes, you do. Right up there. I'm trying to get the visor up so I can see. (Laughter) No, I'm going to use this hatch right here. If I can read through this thing. Beg your pardon? It's right there. Okay. Dump valve coming close.

Public Affairs Officer: Standing by now for repressurization of the cabin.

219 XX XX Mattingly: Okay; the Pressure Equalisation Valve is Closed. Okay, watch this. I'll just sort of hit it once and see how it works.

219 51 39 Young: Okay. Houston, can you call us at a cabin pressure of one?

219 51 42 Hartsfield: Will do.

219 51 43 Mattingly: I'll get it.

219 51 44 Duke: Say again.

219 51 45 Hartsfield: Roger. We'll give you a call at one psi.

219 51 53 Young: Okay. We're repressuring now. Okay.

219 52 07 Mattingly: I show not quite one on the gage. Okay, Henry. We're showing almost one on our gage, and we're letting it - watch for a minute or so.

219 52 27 Hartsfield: Roger. We're showing 0.5 down here.

Public Affairs Officer: Cabin pressure coming up.

219 52 32 Mattingly: Okay.

219 52 34 Hartsfield: 0.6 now.

219 52 35 Mattingly: (Garble) cabin check, isn't it?

219 52 42 Hartsfield: That's affirmative.

219 52 43 Mattingly: He says it's 0.6. Okay. And what time - What, - we have a minute here? Three minutes? Thirty seconds. Okay. Looks closed to me. Okay, Houston, we're content with the check.

219 53 23 Hartsfield: Looks pretty good from down here.

219 53 24 Young: Repress (garble).

219 53 29 Mattingly: Dump open?

219 53 40 Mattingly: I am. Nigh unto there. Just about.

Public Affairs Officer: Cabin pressure now reading 1.4 psi.

219 54 11 Mattingly: Just a second.

Public Affairs Officer: Pressure now reading 1.8.

219 54 24 Mattingly: Cabin pressure I show two - oh, about 2.0.

219 54 31 Hartsfield: Roger. We're showing 1.9.

219 54 36 Mattingly: Okay.

219 54 37 Hartsfield: 2.0 now.

219 54 41 Mattingly: Okay, it's Close. You can? How you doing that? (Laughter) Oh, you rolled over. Oh, I see. Oh, I see. I was gonna say, you got pretty good peripheral vision if you can see around the corner that way.

219 55 25 Mattingly: (Laughter) That's 1265.

219 55 51 Mattingly: (Laughter) Yeah.

219 56 23 Mattingly: All right, sir. We've got about 2 - 4, it looks like. Yeah. (Laughter) Sure is; 85. It's 5 inches wide.

219 58 06 Mattingly: Charlie? Doesn't seem like it, does it? (Laughter) I guess that depends on your point of view, huh?

Public Affairs Officer: Apollo Control, Houston. We show Apollo 16 now at a distance of 171,399 nautical miles.

219 58 32 Mattingly: And this umbilical isn't putting out an awful lot compared to this big volume.

219 58 39 Young: And the umbilical is bringing it up slowly, Houston, but it looks normal.

219 58 45 Hartsfield: Ken, is it convenient for somebody to start a Verb 49 to the thermal attitude?

219 58 53 Mattingly: Yes, sir. If you can read it to us. We don't have any books out or anything.

219 58 59 Hartsfield: Okay, your Noun 22 is 175, 283, 340. And we want to change the DAP first. Verb 48 will be - And if you can get to it, we enable all the jets.

219 59 31 Mattingly: You want me to move, John? Oh, Okay. What do you want on the DAP, Houston?

219 59 38 Hartsfield: Okay, after enabling all jets, we want 11101, and then all ones.

220 00 09 Mattingly: [Vox] A/C. Okay, leave the B/C [sic] Roll jets Off. Just leave enable coupled. Yes, sir. Just turn - turn the A/C Roll on. Okay; and all of the Pitch and Yaw. Push the three, maybe, or four, maybe, circuit breakers back in. Okay. Okay, you're in business. You have the auto coiled? [?]

220 01 18 Young: Hank, say again those numbers for the attitude?

220 01 20 Hartsfield: Okay, R-1 is 17500, plus 28300, plus 34000. And would you check jet Charlie l, on.

220 02 03 Mattingly: Do they want it on or Off? Well, I don't think we've got quite that yet.

Public Affairs Officer: Apollo Control, Houston. We show cabin pressure now at 2.8 psi. When it reaches 3 psi, we will dump the OPS bottle and the pressure rise will be quite rapid.

220 02 35 Young: Hey, Houston, I don't know what that problem we had with the Glycol Evap Temp was. But there was a lot of ice crystals coming off from that side of the cockpit, and maybe it was affecting some of the temperatures over underneath that region, which are probably covered with condensate.

220 02 57 Mattingly: Got to roll over so John can get to my (garble) valve.

220 03 02 Hartsfield: Roger. That may have been it, John. Look at that. I did it.

Public Affairs Officer: Cabin pressure now reading 2.9 psi.

220 03 XX Mattingly: (Laughter) Boy' When I get off Vox, I'll tell you. Okay. Why don't you do something to my suit so I can get depressurized, there?

220 03 36 Hartsfield: Roger, Ken. We're showing you at 3 psi now.

220 03 40 Mattingly: Okay. Thank you. Read the card there. Well, I think we're going to pump the cabin up with it, Charlie. Just read the - Yep.

220 04 00 Mattingly: (Laughter) You got it. They didn't make the string quite long enough. Okay? Where is it? (Laughter) Well, we'll find it if it comes - Well, I don't want to let it come loose on the panel. Can you reach the - You got it? Okay, I'm gonna open it. Okay? All set? Here we go. I've gotta open the purge valve. I can reach the purge valve. (Laughter.)

220 05 27 Mattingly: Yeah. Why don't you punch it off, so you - It's under your card, there.

220 05 46 Mattingly: Five and a half. Might as well go first class. Might as well. We want to empty it before entry.

220 05 58 Hartsfield: 16, could we have Auto on the High Gain.

220 06 01 Mattingly: (Laughter) In a minute. Can you reach it? Okay. Good thing you can reach it. I think that's where my OPS is.

220 07 01 Mattingly: Okay, how's the cabin? Is it? Maybe I won't have to turn this thing off. Is it flowing, Charlie? Cabin regs are off.

220 07 17 Hartsfield: Ken, we're showing 5.0 down here.

220 07 22 Mattingly: Okay, thank you.

220 07 37 Mattingly: I'll buy that. (Laughter) When I closed it, I understood what you meant (laughter).

220 08 03 Mattingly: Right.

220 08 23 Hartsfield: Ken, would you shut the OPS off? We show 5.5.

220 08 28 Mattingly: Okay. Is there anything wrong with taking it a little higher?

220 08 37 Hartsfield: You can take it on up to about 5.7, 5.8, Ken.

220 08 42 Mattingly: Okay, if you don't mind.

Public Affairs Officer: Apollo Control, Houston. The crew of Apollo 16 [is] back inside the spacecraft, the hatch [is] closed, [and] the cabin pressure [is] up to 5.7 psi at the moment. Apparently a very happy crew at the close of this - of this EVA as was evidenced by the laughter and giggling that we heard over the air/ground loop.

220 09 19 Hartsfield: We're showing you 5.8 now, Ken.

220 09 24 Mattingly: Okay, it's off. Okay, I'm gonna pop the purge valve.

220 10 01 Mattingly: Yes, sir.

220 10 32 Hartsfield: Ken, did you ever get the MEED locked?

220 10 36 Mattingly: Yes, sir.

220 10 38 Hartsfield: Okay. Verify it was locked.

220 10 40 Mattingly: It probably got another five seconds of exposure.

220 10 43 Hartsfield: Okay, real good.

220 10 44 Mattingly: Got another five seconds of exposure, not all of which was on indirect UV. But as soon as we got it in the cockpit where a couple guys could get at it, it was locked.

220 10 57 Hartsfield: Good show. 0mni Delta, 16.

220 11 07 Mattingly: Can you get Omni Delta?

220 11 26 Mattingly: I don't know. Hey, why don't you hold tight there. Okay. That'll do it. You've got it.

220 12 10 Mattingly: (Laughter.) Uh-oh. (Laughter) It's up in the - it's up in the LEVA in the tunnel. Oh, there's more accessory bags up there. Just get one of them out. Okay, both of them have an accessory bag in them. Why don't you take me off the Vox, too? Thank you.

220 12 44 Hartsfield: Ken, we were enjoying that. Sounds like you're having a lot of fun.

220 13 00 Young: I mean to tell you. I believe he was enjoying it.

220 13 03 Hartsfield: Sure sounded like it.

220 13 09 Young: Charlie's already said all he can say about it. And he said it 45 or 50 times already.

220 13 16 Hartsfield: (Laughter) Roger.

220 13 17 Young: Want to hear Charlie's words?

220 13 18 Duke: Boy! Is it black out there!

220 13 50 Hartsfield: 16, can one of you see the battery compartment reading now?

220 14 00 Young: It's 2.0, Hank.

220 14 01 Hartsfield: Roger; 2.0.

Public Affairs Officer: This is Apollo Control, Houston; at 245 hours, 3 minutes [220:16] Ground Elapsed Time. We now show Apollo 16, 170,658 nautical miles away from the Earth. Velocity now reads 4,015 feet per second. During the trans-Earth EVA, Command Module Pilot Ken Mattingly's heart rate raised [sic] from 130 to 168. Lunar Module Pilot Charles Duke and Commander John Young's heart rates ranged from 70 to 80 during this period. We're at 145 hours, 4 minutes [220:17] Ground Elapsed Time. This is Apollo Control, Houston.

220 21 25 Hartsfield: 16, Houston. When you get a chance - no rush - we'd like to switch over to B/D Roll.

220 24 11 Hartsfield: Apollo 16, Houston.

220 24 16 Young: Go ahead. Over.

220 24 18 Hartsfield: Roger, John. When y'all get through stowing and cleaning up there, whenever you're ready to pick up in the Flight Plan, give us a call. We got a little change to that SIM bay configuration, and we won't bother you with it now until you're ready for it.

220 24 34 Young: Okay. Thank you, Hank. Hey, listen. We could go to a SIM attitude or something and clean up in that attitude. We don't have to stay in this attitude, Hank, because it's gonna take us a long time to get these suits off and get all this stuff stowed. Maybe like an hour or so.

220 25 01 Hartsfield: Okay, John. We're working that up now, and if you can do that, we'll give you a call here in a few minutes and start out on it.

220 25 10 Young: Sure, we pretty well have to do it one at a time because of - we're sort of loaded with things now. Like rocks and film and experiments.

220 25 21 Hartsfield: Roger. I understand.

220 26 00 Hartsfield: 16, Houston. We're going to do a shift change now. Don's coming on. That was a real great job.

220 26 08 Young: Thank you, Hank. We enjoyed it. We sure do appreciate your support in looking at some of those gages for us, when we - We didn't realize we were able to see them in one g, but zero g, you sort of float up in front of them. Thank you very kindly.

220 26 22 Hartsfield: Roger; that's what I'm here for.

220 31 03 Peterson: 16, Houston.

220 31 08 Young: Go ahead. Over.

220 31 10 Peterson: Okay. As soon as you can get to it, we'd like you to maneuver to that X-ray pointing attitude that's listed in the Flight Plan at 245:20 [220:33]. But we do not want you to configure the SIM bay. We'll give you that item by item after you get in attitude.

220 31 31 Young: Okay, that's in work.

220 31 33 Peterson: Roger.

Public Affairs Officer: This is Apollo Control at 245 hours, 25 minutes [245:25]. We've completed our shift handover in Mission Control. The flight director on this shift is Donald Puddy and our spacecraft communicator is Astronaut Don Peterson. There will be a change of shift...

220 39 18 Peterson: 16, go Omni Charlie.

220 39 31 Duke: Okay, Pete. You got it.

220 39 33 Peterson: Roger. Thank you.

220 41 21 Peterson: 16, we're going to try to bring up the High Gain on Pitch 48, Yaw 330. Go Manual and Wide.

220 41 36 Duke: Okay, plus 48, 330. Stand by.

220 41 39 Peterson: Roger.

220 41 45 Duke: Okay; we got pretty good signal strength, about three quarters.

220 41 50 Peterson: Roger. 16, let's try going Narrow on the High Gain.

220 42 08 Duke: Okay, coming in Narrow.

220 42 41 Duke: Okay, Pete, I tweaked up the pitch, and you got pretty good signal strength in Narrow Beam.

220 42 47 Peterson: Okay, thank you.

220 42 58 Duke: Hey, Pete; 16 here. We'd like to see if EECOM can come up with a - something on this battery compartment pressure increase. It appears to us that something is venting in there. I'd like to tell you - Before we started the Bat B Charger, 3 or 4 hours ago - whenever it was. We failed to check it before we started. And when we started the charge, there was a slight odor that's hard to identify, but it smelled like insulation. Then we stopped the charge, reconfigured again - Mainly I stopped the charge because I was looking at the wrong thing. I was looking at Bat Bus B and I saw the currents go negative which is nominal, but - so I stopped the charge and went back to Bat B Charge, and it looked okay. And there was no odor. And then we looked at the Systems Test and we had 3 - 3 volts. We been venting it now on y'all's request. And we'd vent it to l, and then it immediately starts climbing back to 01.45, and then it slowly increases and usually stabilizes out at about 2 or so. Over.

220 44 29 Peterson: Roger; we copied. That's in work.

220 44 41 Duke: And I'd like to know right now how many amps we got in A, B, and C.

220 44 47 Peterson: Okay, stand by 1.

220 45 19 Peterson: Okay, 16. I've got the SIM bay basic configuration that we'd like to get you into as soon as we can. And I'll read them to you one at a time, and you can configure as we go along. The first one is Auto RCS Select, Off, except A1, B2, A3, C4, B3, D4.

220 45 52 Duke: Okay, stand by. That was a little fast. John is starting - you got A1. Go ahead, now.

220 46 13 Peterson: Okay, Charlie. It's ...

220 46 15 Young: Say again what thrusters you want.

220 46 17 Peterson: Okay, we want Auto RCS Select, Off, except the following: Delta l, Bravo 2, Alfa 3, Charlie 4, Bravo 3, Delta 4.

220 46 48 Young: Okay, you got D1, B1, [sic] AB, C4, B3, and D4.

220 46 54 Peterson: Roger; copy. Okay, we need to go PCM Bit Rate High.

220 47 05 Duke: We were in High.

220 47 07 Peterson: Okay. And S-Band Aux TV to SCI.

220 47 14 Duke: SCI.

220 47 16 Peterson: Alpha/X-Ray Experiment Covers, Close.

220 47 30 Duke: Okay. Alpha/X-Ray Experiment Covers Are Closed.

220 47 34 Peterson: Roger. Gamma Ray Boom Deploy to Off.

220 47 40 Duke: Stand by. Roger.

220 47 54 Duke: It is Off.

220 47 57 Peterson: Roger. Gamma Ray Boom Jett to off.

220 48 18 Duke: Okay. It's off.

220 48 20 Peterson: Okay. Gamma Ray, Experiment On.

220 48 26 Duke: Gamma Ray's coming On.

220 48 31 Peterson: Okay. Jett, Experiment off.

220 48 35 Duke: Okay, it is off. Jett, off. Roger.

220 48 39 Peterson: Jett, Ion SOURCE. Verify off.

220 48 45 Duke: It's off.

220 48 46 Peterson: Data System's On.

220 48 53 Duke: It's On.

220 48 59 Peterson: X-Ray, On.

220 49 08 Duke: X-Ray is On.

220 49 10 Peterson: And Logic Power 2 to Deploy/Retract.

220 49 16 Duke: Okay, stand by on those two.

220 49 26 Peterson: Okay, 16. We've lost the High Gain. Let's go Wide and Reacq, and then step to Narrow like a normal acquisition.

220 49 37 Duke: Okay. Okay, we got the High Gain, Reacq and Narrow. Okay, Pete, the Logic switch is at Deploy/Retract. Go ahead.

220 50 07 Peterson: Okay, 16. We need Alpha On, and that will complete the SIM bay configuration.

220 50 18 Duke: Alpha's On.

220 50 20 Peterson: Roger. Thank you.

220 51 01 Peterson: Let's go Gamma Ray, Deploy, for 17 seconds.

220 51 10 Duke: Roger. The Gamma Ray's going to Deploy for 17 seconds.

220 51 18 Peterson: And, 16, would you verify Gamma Ray On?

220 51 24 Duke: Yes, sir. The Experiment is On.

220 51 27 Peterson: Roger.

220 51 35 Duke: Hey, Pete, our Service Module/AC Power is Off right now - on 181.

220 51 43 Peterson: That's the way it should be, 16. And ...

220 51 49 Duke: Okay. Stand by and I'll get - Go ahead.

220 51 56 Peterson: Okay, Charlie. Did you get the Gamma Ray, Deploy, 17 seconds?

220 52 01 Duke: I'm gonna do that right now. Stand by.

220 52 03 Peterson: Roger.

220 52 31 Duke: Hey, Pete. All our watches have floated off. Could you - I'll give you a mark, and give me a call in 17 seconds. Okay -

220 52 38 Duke: Mark. Deploy.

220 52 53 Peterson: Now, Charlie, on the Gamma Ray Deploy.

220 52 59 Duke: Say again.

220 53 01 Peterson: Stop the Gamma Ray Deploy.

220 53 10 Duke: I think I copied you. I'm now in Off on the Deploy switch.

220 53 28 Duke: Pete, are you reading? Over.

220 53 30 Peterson: Roger. Say again, Charlie.

220 53 34 Duke: Roger; I wanted a mark on that Gamma Ray Deploy. We didn't have any ticktocks. All ours floated off here, and I couldn't see the Event GET Mission Timer. And I gave you a mark, and then I think you said turn it Off, so I'm now in Off on the Deploy switch.

220 53 50 Peterson: Okay. We copy, Charlie.

220 53 54 Duke: Okay.

220 54 52 Peterson: Okay, 16. Would you confirm that SEB 2 circuit breaker is closed?

220 55 00 Duke: No, they're both open too. We powered down the SIM bay as - per checklist for the EVA.

220 55 07 Young: (Garble) for some things that you guys threw in there as per usual.

220 55 18 Duke: You want me to close instruments in [garble] equipment, too?

220 55 23 Peterson: That's affirmative, 16.

220 55 27 Duke: Okay, Going closed -

220 55 28 Duke: Mark.

220 57 44 Peterson: 16, on your request on the amp-hours on the batteries: Battery Alfa is 36, Battery Bravo 30.3, and Charlie 39.0.

220 57 58 Duke: Okay. Thank you very much.

221 00 26 Peterson: 16, on the cryo configuration, we'd like O2 tanks 1 and 2 to Auto; tank 3, Off.

221 00 37 Duke: Roger. You have it. 1 and 2 Auto; 3 is Off.

221 00 40 Peterson: Roger.

221 01 32 Peterson: And, 16, on the SIM bay, we'll call all the changes on the SIM bay in real time until you're cleaned up there and in a position where you can get back to the Flight Plan.

221 01 44 Duke: Thank you very much.

221 03 41 Peterson: Okay, 16, and now we'd like to go Alpha Particle/X-Ray Cover, Open. And we'd also like to get one more reading on the battery compartment.

221 03 53 Duke: Okay, Alpha/X-Ray is going Open.

221 03 57 Peterson: Roger.

221 04 00 Duke: And the battery is holding at about 221. Right around there.

221 02 06 Peterson: Roger; copy.

221 02 07 Duke: And it might be climbing slightly, too.

221 04 08 Peterson: Roger.

221 39 01 Peterson: 16, Houston. We've got a maneuver - Verb 49 maneuver at 246:30. I've got the attitudes and High Gain angles when you're ready.

221 39 12 Duke: Go ahead.

221 39 15 Peterson: Okay; Verb 49 maneuver to X-ray attitude will be 174, 133, 032. And the High Gain angles are Pitch, minus 14; Yaw, 105; they want to go Reacq and Wide on the High Gain, and then step to Narrow in the normal way. And if you lose comm, go to Omni Delta.

221 39 45 Duke: Okay, Pete. We're - we'll start maneuvering at 30, and we'll go to 174, 133, 032. Angles on the High Gain, minus 14 and 105 and the normal acquisition.

221 40 02 Peterson: Roger.

221 40 45 Duke: Okay. Do you want us to wait until 30, or can we start maneuvering now?

221 41 01 Peterson: Stand by a minute; we'll check it. Okay, 16; you can go ahead with the maneuver now.

221 41 22 Duke: Okay.

[CM Transcript restarts]

221 41 53 Young (onboard): Yeah.

221 41 55 Duke (onboard): (Garble).

221 42 01 Young (onboard): (Garble) Auto.

221 42 08 Duke (onboard): (Garble) there's one.

221 42 26 Duke (onboard): John, what does it say do with the MEED?

221 42 32 Young (onboard): It doesn't say. It says, "Remove center couch and temporary stow under Commander couch. Stow couch straps in R-5." "MEED and cover, A-7 - with cover, A-7, installed." No, no, it doesn't say what to do with it yet. Why don't you just don't worry about it. Huh?

221 42 58 Duke (onboard): No, it says "Stow in A-7," John.

221 43 01 Young (onboard): No, it doesn't.

221 43 05 Duke (onboard): Stow in A-7, all of these things. And the MEED ...

221 43 08 Young (onboard): With cover installed, yeah, that goes in A-7.

221 43 14 Young/Duke (onboard): The OPS ...

221 43 15 Young (onboard): ... "EVA equipment container, fold up place next to OPE; penetrometer drum; secure the strap; entry boots and ropes with other straps; restow headrest pads, loose; vacuum cleaner bag."

221 43 28 Mattingly (onboard): (Garble).

221 43 31 Young (onboard): Well, let's not do that yet. There's a whole bunch of other things that they want you to do here first. You want to do it in order?

221 43 36 Mattingly (onboard): (Garble).

221 43 37 Young (onboard): No. It says "Remove center couch and temporary stow under the Young (onboard): couch." Now that ain't even in order.

221 43 42 Mattingly (onboard): (Garble) couch (garble).

221 43 45 Young (onboard): What it says here.

221 43 46 Mattingly (onboard): (Garble).

221 43 48 Young (onboard): Oh.

221 43 47 Peterson: 16, let's go Omni Delta. We reacquired a High Gain when we went into a new attitude.

221 43 54 Young (onboard): Say again.

221 43 55 Duke: Okay.

221 45 56 Duke (onboard): That's a pretty good program they've got that can figure out how to point all these experiments at the right places in the sky.

221 46 36 Duke (onboard): Ah, that's old R-12 floating by. Humm. Hey, when are we supposed to cap the relief valves on our suits? John ...

221 46 49 Young (onboard): What?

221 46 52 Duke (onboard): When are we supposed to cap the relief valves on our suits?

221 46 58 Mattingly (onboard): (Garble).

221 47 04 Duke (onboard): Well, I had done that when I got my suit out, because I thought it was in the procedure, and I said, well, I'll get a step ahead. But I don't ever ...

221 47 13 Mattingly (onboard): (Garble).

221 47 16 Duke (onboard): Doesn't matter. How many rads did I get? Not a one.

221 47 28 Mattingly (onboard): Okay, I'm coming down (garble).

221 47 36 Young (onboard): It says, "Stow couch straps in R-5." It says, "Stow OPS hose, actuator, and flaps. Verify O2 is off." "Stow OPS hose, actuator, and flaps. Verify the O2 is off." It says, "Report the OPS pressure to Houston."

221 47 55 Duke (onboard): How's the maneuver?

221 47 58 Young (onboard): Doing good. We're almost there. How much - how much is OPS pressure, Ken?

221 48 11 Mattingly (onboard): (Garble).

221 48 18 Duke (onboard): Really?

221 48 20 Young: Houston, we still got 1,300 psi on the OPS.

221 48 27 Peterson: Roger; we copy.

221 48 28 Young: That's being reported as per page - page X3-22.

221 48 36 Peterson: Roger; copy.

221 48 39 Young: In the middle of the page.

221 48 54 Young (onboard): Then it says, "Remove from A-7 to stow in U-2, two HEL bags," whatever a HEL bag is. Doesn't say "Helmet bag." It says "HEL bag"; H-E-L b-a-g.

221 49 25 Young (onboard): I lost my pencil. Charlie, you took it ...

221 49 29 Duke (onboard): I have it. I got it.

221 49 33 Young (onboard): Got to have it back.

221 49 34 Duke (onboard): Here you go.

221 49 35 Young (onboard): Thank you.

221 50 27 Young (onboard): Huh? It says, "Stow OPS hose, actuator, and flaps. Verify O2 off." "Report OPS to Houston." We did. "Remove from A-7 to stow in U-2: two helmet bags and one accessory bag, and the cabin fan filter"; that's "if required, if required." Then it says, "Remove A-9 rock bag and temporary stow."

221 51 03 Young (onboard): Where's the A-9 container?

221 51 08 Duke (onboard): We do this alphabet again?

221 51 13 Young (onboard): Yeah. Charlie. Okay, it's, "Stow in A-7: OPS, flag up, feet inboard." Charlie, I'm going off comm.

221 51 29 Duke (onboard): Okay.

221 52 00 Young (onboard): Okay, EVA equipment container, fold up, place next to EPS.

221 52 51 Young (onboard): (Garble) Where's that?

221 53 41 Young (onboard): Okay, (garble) "Secure the strap." (Garble) "Secure the strap."

221 54 05 Young (onboard): "Stow entry boots and ropes" (garble).

221 54 36 Duke (onboard): You want me to (garble).

221 54 38 Young (onboard): Yeah.

221 55 39 Duke: Houston, 16 on the High Gain.

[Break in CM transcript until 222:35:23]

221 55 41 Peterson: Roger; loud and clear, Charlie. Or was that Charlie?

221 55 53 Duke: Say again.

221 55 55 Peterson: Roger. wasn't sure I'd recognized your voice. You're loud and clear.

221 56 01 Duke: It's me. Got a mouth full of chewing gum.

221 56 10 Peterson: Roger.

221 57 13 Peterson: 16, we've got a update to the G&C Checklist on the PIPA bias changes, and also we're gonna play a little game with the mixing valve to try to reset it for the Trans-Earth coast. We can do that whenever you're ready.

221 57 32 Duke: Okay; do - we have something to copy for the PIPA bias?

221 57 36 Peterson: That's affirmative. It's in the G&C Checklist, page 9-4.

221 57 44 Duke: Okay; could you hold off on that? And we're sort of cluttered here now, and we - give me the mixing valve. Is that procedure down on below the couches or just up on the cockpit?

221 57 57 Peterson: We can do this all from up in the cockpit. What we're gonna do - and I don't want you to do it now - but what we're gonna do is put it in Auto, and EECOM will sit here and watch the flow-rate change, and when we a - get to a certain lead point on what we think is the desired flow rate, he'll cue me, and I'll cue you, and we'll go to Manual.

221 58 21 Duke: Okay; we're ready at your - Give me a mark.

221 58 26 Peterson: Okay; stand by. Okay; go to Auto, 16.

221 58 39 Duke: Mark. Auto.

222 02 45 Peterson: Okay; Charlie, the - the valve didn't act the way we thought it was going to. It's been oscillating down and back up on the flow rate, and we were gonna try to catch it in midcycle. And this time, when we went to Auto, it just went up pretty high and it's oscillating a little, but it's staying high. We're gonna watch it for a couple or 3 more minutes, and if it doesn't work, we'll probably have to go down below the couch here and play with the manual valve.

222 03 12 Duke: Okay. That'll be the trick of the week in our present configuration.

222 03 19 Peterson: Well, we can wait awhile for that.

Public Affairs Officer: This is Apollo Control; at 246 hours, 50 minutes [222:03]. The procedure that we have Charlie Duke, involved in at the moment is attempting to get the proper setting on the mixing valve. This is the valve that controls the amount of the cold water coming back from the radiators - cold water/glycol - that is mixed with the warm water/glycol that has been circulated through the electrical equipment in the cabin, and it's picked up heat from various sources in the spacecraft. By mixing the amount of cold water that ts allowed to flow in with the warm water, you're able to maintain the proper cabin temperature. Since very early in the mission it has been known that the mixing valve, which functions in much the same manner as a thermostatically controlled heater valve, has been oscillating more frequently that it would normally oscillate. It has been allowing the flow to increase and then shutting it down and increase and shutting down more rapidly. To get around this we've been having the crew set the level manually at what we think is the proper level for the cabin conditions that are existing at the time. The situation at the moment is that we're attempting to have them reset for changing conditions of the spacecraft to take care of the situation that we now have with the thermal loads and the metabolic heat given off by three crewmen and the situation as we have in this trans-Earth leg of the flight. To do this we had hoped to have the EECOM here in the control center watching the telemetry data. The procedure is to have the crew, in this case Charlie Duke, switch the valve from the manual setting to the automatic setting and watch it cycle. And as it cycled and reached the desired level, Duke would then switch it to manual and it would hold at that point. The problem initially was that the valve was not cycling in auto as we had seen it but it, at last report from EECOM, had started down. And when it reaches the proper level, Charlie Duke will be given the cue to switch to manual and the mixing valve should then hold at that level. And we would hope that that would be a suitable level for the spacecraft during this trans-Earth coast. Apollo 16 at the moment is 166,331 nautical miles from Earth. And the spacecraft is traveling at a speed of 4,094 feet per second.

222 06 21 Peterson: Okay, Charlie. Stand by, and I'll give you a hack when I want you to go Manual.

222 06 26 Duke: Okay.

222 06 30 Peterson: It had started down, but it's hung up again.

222 07 54 Peterson: Charlie, it looks like it went back up again. We'll give you another little warning here if it starts back down.

222 08 02 Duke: All right.

222 09 22 Peterson: Okay; Charlie, let's try cycling that switch from Auto to Manual and back to Auto, and see if we can get the flow rate to come down.

222 09 33 Duke: Okay; here we go. Manual. Auto. Hey, Pete, there's a ...

222 09 45 Peterson: Go to Manual, Charlie. Go to Manual now, Charlie.

222 09 47 Duke: ... an awful lot of static on the up-link. Could you ...

222 09 48 Peterson: Go to Manual now.

222 09 54 Duke: 0kay; we got Manual. And there's an awful lot of static on the up-link. Could you check - have network check it?

222 10 01 Peterson: Roger; will do, Charlie.

222 10 07 Duke: Sounds like a wind - wind blowing.

222 10 39 Peterson: Charlie, on that noise that you're hearing, is - are John and Ken also hearing the same thing?

222 10 47 Duke: Yeah, what it is, is John has his comm carrier off but connected, and it - in his PGA, one of the mikes was down in the neck ring, and the - the vent tube was blowing on it. It's okay. It's up here. Thank you.

222 11 02 Peterson: Okay; we understand.

222 11 04 Duke: It sounded exactly like radio - it sounded exactly like the radio static, though.

222 11 09 Peterson: Okay.

Public Affairs Officer: Apparently the situation on the noise that Charlie Duke mentioned - initially reported, was not on the uplink but as you heard him say, an unused microphone in one of the suits. I believe he said in John Young's suit was in a position where it was picking up air flow. Presumably through the suit loop and was in fact putting a noise on their communications loop in the spacecraft that sounded much like wind blowing, which in fact it was.

222 11 45 Duke: Pete, we've still got quite a bit of stowage left. If you could keep us advised on the Flight Plan, we'd appreciate it.

222 11 53 Peterson: Okay. Will do.

Public Affairs Officer: Again to reiterate on the procedure that we had Charlie Duke going through to get the mixing valve set at the proper flow rate to keep the cabin temperature adjusted properly. And apparently that procedure worked. Now, what it required was that the mixing valve, in effect, malfunctioned as we have seen it doing in the automatic position where it is cycling rather than holding at a constant level. When we first tried to go through the procedure, the mixing valve refused to cycle in the automatic position, but instead held steady the way it should. However, knowing that this could be a temporary condition [and] that it would again begin cycling at some point, it was still necessary to get it set in the proper position manually. Having Duke cycle the switch from automatic to manual, and back to automatic again. Apparently [this] had the desired effect, and immediately after he did this, the EECOM reported the flow rate again cycling in automatic, and as it dropped through 242 pounds per hour flow rate, we gave the call to Charlie Duke to switch it to manual at that point, at which point it would hold that level in the manual position by the time the message got past from EECOM to Capcom and up to Charlie Duke in the spacecraft, and the switch thrown, the flow rate had gone below 242 to 236, but we consider that to be an adequate flow rate to maintain the kind of cooling that would be desirable at this point in the flight. And from the crew description, they apparently still have some stowing to go through following that EVA. Apparently the suits are not yet stowed, and they'll be doing that prior to their eat and sleep period. Also, at the present time they have the spacecraft SIM bay pointed toward one of the galactic sources of X-rays, using the X-ray fluorescence spectrometry experiment, in an attempt to get some signatures from these various X-ray sources in other galaxies.

[No Comm for 22 minutes.]

222 33 43 Peterson: 16, if you read, go Manual and Wide on the High Gain.

222 33 53 Duke: Roger. We're with you, Pete. Looks like either our antenna's acting up, or the up-link's been dropped.

222 33 59 Peterson: Roger.

222 34 05 Duke: Do you want me to try Reacquisition?

222 34 08 Peterson: Let's try Reacq and Wide. And you won't try to step to Narrow. We won't try to step to Narrow.

222 34 20 Duke: Okay; the Pitch is osch - oscillating right now between about plus - minus 10 and minus 40.

222 34 32 Peterson: Okay; let's stay where we are until it settles down, if it will.

222 34 42 Duke: Okay; you're in Reacq and Wide.

222 34 44 Peterson: Roger. Is it oscillating now, Charlie?

222 34 58 Duke: Not in Reacq. No, it settled out in minus - about minus 15.

222 35 07 Peterson: Okay; let's go to Narrow.

222 35 12 Duke: Okay.

222 35 23 Duke: And it doesn't look like it took, Pete.

222 35 28 Peterson: Say again?

222 36 03 Duke: Okay; Pete, I went to Manual and tweaked up the Pitch a little bit.

[Start of CM transcript.]

222 36 06 Young (onboard): (Garble) hand controller (garble).

222 36 07 Duke: And then went to Narrow and Reacq, and it looks like we've got it now.

222 36 14 Crew (onboard): (Garble), Charlie.

222 36 15 Crew (onboard): Yeah.

222 36 14 Peterson: Okay; looks good to us too now, Charlie.

222 36 20 Crew (onboard): (Garble).

222 36 38 Duke (onboard): Well, I am. I'm gonna get out of the suit. How's that, huh? Hello, tape recorder. It's running. You know, I forgot to ask INCO how that old pro [?] temp was. Never once did I ask him.

[Break in CM transcript until 224:00:31]

222 43 13 Peterson: 16, we'd like to Deploy the Gamma Ray to 4 feet, and that's 13 seconds from where you are now.

222 43 23 Duke: Okay; in work.

222 43 48 Duke: Okay; exactly 13 seconds.

222 43 51 Peterson: Roger. Thank you.

222 44 33 Peterson: And, 16, could you give us a battery manifold pressure read-out, please?

222 44 43 Duke: You mean the battery compartment?

222 44 46 Peterson: That's affirmative.

222 44 50 Duke: Yeah, it's a- just a minute. It's about - I think it's creeped up to about 2.2 now, Pete. Yeah, it's 2.2.

222 44 57 Peterson: Okay. Thank you.

Public Affairs Officer: This is Apollo Control; at 247 hours, 50 minutes [222:03]. It's been a rather quiet crew for the past 30 or 40 minutes aboard Apollo 16. At the present time they have the spacecraft Scientific Instrument Module bay pointed toward one of the X-ray sources in deep space. And the Principal Investigator for the X-ray fluorescent spectrometry experiment reports that we are getting good counting data on the X-ray source. Later this evening the crew will be aligning the guidance system platform which is used as a stable reference for attitude determination. They also are scheduled to change out one of the lithium hydroxide canisters which removes carbon dioxide from the spacecraft cabin atmosphere. A little while ago we had Charlie Duke set the mixing valve which controls the cabin temperature manually in the proper position. And that appears to be doing its job properly at the moment. The crew is scheduled to begin a rest period at 252 hours, 30 minutes [227:43], or approximately 11:30 Houston time. And around 12:30 Houston time, INCO - the Instrumentation and Communications Officer here in the Control Center - plans once again to turn on the television camera aboard the Lunar Rover at the Descartes landing site and we'll operate that for about 15 minutes. We'll be receiving the television through the 210-foot dish antenna at Goldstone, California. And again, we'll be pointing the camera by remote control from the Control Center at various rocks and hills around the landing site allowing geologists to get a second look, in this case a third look at these features. The camera was activated last night, and we took a similar pan of the landing site looking at rocks, interesting rocks and interesting features and that will be done again this evening actually early tomorrow morning for about 15 minutes. In the Control Center we now have a clock counting down to entry. That event will occur will occur at 42 hours, 31 minutes from now, with Apollo 16 re-entering Earth's atmosphere. The spacecraft, at this time, is 163,952 nautical miles from Earth and we're watching the velocity increase gradually, and that will be a continuing thing that we will be seeing and as we get closer to entry. The velocity that now is reading about 4,100 feet per second will be up in excess of 36,000 feet per second.

223 17 51 Duke: Houston, 16.

223 17 55 Peterson: Go ahead, 16.

223 17 59 Duke: Okay, Pete. I was just looking through the Flight Plan. We're a little off on the biomed. I'm still on the biomed; Ken and John are off now. They're - stowing suits.

223 18 11 Peterson: Okay, Charlie. And while I've got you on the subject of biomed here, the doctor advises that they were unable to monitor you during the EVA this afternoon; and it looks like you may have to do some troubleshooting on the thing. And you were scheduled to be monitored tonight; however, that's not a hard and fast requirement. They could monitor the CMP tonight instead, and that'd give you a little more time to work with your harness.

223 18 40 Duke: Okay. What are they seeing right now?

223 18 42 Peterson: They're not seeing anything right now.

223 18 48 Duke: Ah so. Well, I put some new sensors on this morning before we got suited. When I get my suit off, I'll check it.

223 18 59 Peterson: Okay.

223 24 24 Duke: Houston, 16.

223 24 28 Peterson: Go ahead, 16.

223 24 31 Duke: Okay, Pete. The biomed doesn't work very well unless you hook it up. When I put on the suit, I forgot to hook it.

223 24 38 Peterson: Okay, we copy. Okay, Charlie. We'll stick with the nominal plan then. We'll monitor you tonight.

223 24 55 Duke: Okay, that's fine. I'll be up in just a little bit.

223 24 58 Peterson: Okay.

223 26 06 Duke: Okay, Pete. We're back up again on the steerable.

223 26 09 Peterson: Okay. And you're loud and clear.

223 26 14 Duke: Okay. And for some reason here - we're sitting in Reacq and Narrow, and I can move the yaw - yaw - plot and - drive the antenna.

223 26 26 Peterson: Okay, we copy.

223 27 02 Peterson: Charlie, we're thinking about it. We'll get back to you in a minute.

223 27 07 Duke: Okay.

223 28 16 Peterson: Charlie, apparently the problem is that the position we're in now - we're right at one of the scan limits of the antenna; and when it comes up on that limit, it automatically switches to Manual. And so, intermittently, it would be in a situation where you could drive it.

223 28 33 Duke: Ah so. I see. Thank you.

[No comm for 15 minutes.]

223 43 09 Peterson: 16, we've got a station handover here in about a minute. And because we are on the scan limit on the High Gain, we may lose contact temporarily.

223 57 11 Peterson: 16, Houston. I've got a Verb 49 maneuver for you, and we need a battery ...

223 57 17 Mattingly: Understand. A Verb 49 maneuver.

223 57 20 Peterson: Roger. Coming up at 45 minutes past the hour here - a couple of minutes away, and it's maneuver to 332, 280, 000. High-gain angles are Pitch, 10; Yaw, 260.

223 57 52 Mattingly: Okay, Pete. Verb 49 maneuver. Say the time you want to do it at.

223 57 58 Peterson: Oh, about a minute from now.

223 58 02 Mattingly: All right. A minute from now. 332, 280, 007.

223 58 08 Peterson: That's affirmative. It's not real time critical ...

223 58 12 Mattingly: And. plus 10 and 260.

223 58 15 Peterson: That's affirmative. And that maneuver is not time critical.

223 58 23 Mattingly: And - and that's - It's not?

223 58 28 Peterson: Negative. Just - You can go ahead and do it now, or you can wait a few minutes; whatever you want. And, 16, we'd like another read-out on the battery compartment, too.

223 58 50 Mattingly: It's reading 2.2 - about 5. 2.25.

223 58 56 Peterson: Roger; 2.25

223 59 50 Peterson: Omni Delta, 16.

[CM transcript restarts.]

224 00 31 Duke (onboard): Knew we'd find it.

224 01 43 Peterson: Would you close the X-ray Alpha cover - as soon as you can?

224 01 46 Duke (onboard): (Garble) cover.

224 01 51 Young (onboard): Close the X-ray Alpha cover.

224 01 53 Duke (onboard): Okay.

224 01 54, Young (onboard): Is - is the - Wait a second, Charlie. Is that thing retracted?

224 02 01 Duke (onboard): (Garble).

224 02 04 Young (onboard): Okay (garble). One of these days I've got to learn what's in this package.

224 02 31 Duke (onboard): You want to take that for me?

224 03 02 Duke (onboard): Pretty hard to make the old (garble).

224 03 17 Duke (onboard): When does that happen? (garble).

224 03 55 Young (onboard): This thing is leaking like a sieve.

224 03 58 Mattingly (onboard): (Garble).

224 04 01 Duke (onboard): (Garble).

224 04 04 Young (onboard): This place is gonna - it smells like an outhouse now. I don't...

224 04 09 Crew (onboard): (Garble).

224 04 24 Duke (onboard): (Garble) back?

224 04 47 Duke (onboard): (Garble) got (garble).

224 04 54 Young (onboard): (Garble) rubber to the valve in there.

224 05 08 Young (onboard): That makes me mad.

224 05 38 Peterson: 16, you're getting up high on yaw angle. And - want to watch your middle gimbal angle, and you're in Free right now.

224 05 54 Young: Ken is watching it.

224 05 54 Young (onboard): (Garble) just give me the word they want to watch the middle gimbal angle.

224 05 57 Peterson: Roger.

224 06 02 Mattingly (onboard): (Garble) around it (garble).

224 06 11 Young: In fact, he was just flying around it.

224 06 17 Peterson: Roger.

224 07 04 Young (onboard): Ah, my salvation! I found you, you son of a gun. It's an extra thing.

Public Affairs Officer: This is Apollo Control. Our flight plan time is now 248 hours, 54 minutes [224:07], and aboard Apollo 16, the crew is keeping the spacecraft Scientific Instrument Module bay pointed at a galactic target known as Sco X-1. This is a galactic X-ray hot spot source of unusually high X-ray emission, and in order to maintain the proper thermal equilibrium within the spacecraft, actually on the spacecraft surface and for the various equipment located beneath the surface of the CSM, the crew is rotating in such a way that they will change the way the Sun is shining on the vehicle, but at the same time maintain the proper orientation within the SIM Bay so that the alpha - rather the X-ray Spectrometry experiment maintains its proper pointing attitude. As they're going through this maneuver, we're having momentary drop outs in communication, but expect that they will have the High Gain antenna locked up again. In fact, we do now have apparent solid lock-on. In about an hour, the crew will be again aligning the platform of the spacecraft, the stable platform used as an attitude reference. They are then scheduled to have an eat period. They'll be changing out one of the lithium hydroxide canisters; and at about 252 hours, 30 minutes [227:43]; beginning an eight-hour rest period. And that will be at, a little after 11:30 Houston time. We presently show Apollo 16 some 161,300 nautical miles from Earth, traveling at a speed of 4,186 feet per second. And the spacecraft has just maneuvered out of antenna lock-on so that we're getting, again, the noise on the communication circuit. And we would expect that to clear up momentarily. Our clock counting down to Entry Interface, the point at which Apollo 16 will re-enter the Earth's atmosphere, shows that we're now 41 hours, 27 minutes away from that event.

224 08 23 Peterson: Omni Charlie, 16.

224 08 26 Mattingly (onboard): (Garble) Charlie.

224 08 29 Young (onboard): Charlie.

224 08 30 Duke (onboard): (Garble) hear (garble).

224 08 31 Young (onboard): Omni Charlie.

224 08 32 Crew (onboard): (Garble).

224 08 33 Young (onboard): Omni Charlie.

224 08 34 Crew (onboard): (Garble).

224 09 21 Young (onboard): I found it.

224 09 23 Mattingly (onboard): (Garble).

224 09 24 Young (onboard): No, one of these things.

224 09 31 Duke (onboard): (Garble) now.

224 09 34 Young (onboard): Charlie, you've had it. (Laughter) I don't know (garble) I saw it go floating by here a minute ago. That's about the truth. You put it in the seat there, I thought. Notice it didn't stay there (laughter).

224 09 51 Crew (onboard): (Garble).

224 09 57 Young (onboard): (Garble) I'll find it for you, Charlie.

224 09 59 Duke (onboard): Okay.

224 10 00 Young (onboard): Just hang in there (garble) Don't need it right this minute, do you?

224 10 03 Duke (onboard): No, (garble).

224 10 14 Duke (onboard): Ken, that's the (garble) on that EVA.

224 10 18 Mattingly (onboard): Oh, shoot.

224 10 19 Young (onboard): Oh, shoot?

224 10 20 Duke (onboard): Fantastic. No way (garble) everything (garble) run perfect.

224 10 25 Young (onboard): A lot of hours there.

224 10 29 Duke (onboard): (Garble).

224 10 50 Young (onboard): Why was it embarrassing?

224 11 07 Mattingly (onboard): (Garble).

224 11 28 Young (onboard): Man, that place was dazzling.

224 11 34 Crew (onboard): (Garble):

224 11 36 Young (onboard): No. I'm trying to finish off the one I started about 10 minutes ago. If I don't finish it, old Henry is going to get all mad at me and quit.

224 11 46 Crew (onboard): (Garble).

224 11 49 Young (onboard): She's running on choked flow right now, supposed to be.

224 11 52 Crew (onboard): (Garble).

224 11 54 Young (onboard): Here's one of our basalts, Charlie.

224 11 56 Duke (onboard): Oh, I been looking (garble) I put it in here (garble).

224 12 07 Young (onboard): What's that?

224 12 15 Duke (onboard): No, there it is; it's back in there.

224 12 21 Young (onboard): Thank goodness! Oh, that feels so good. Oh, oh. Oh, man.

224 12 57 Duke (onboard): (Garble).

224 13 06 Mattingly (onboard): I got some (garble) here.

224 13 17 Young (onboard): Yeah, that's what I want to do is wash up and get some dirt off my hands.

224 13 22 Crew (onboard): (Garble).

224 13 24 Young (onboard): You can have a couple, Ken.

224 13 27 Duke (onboard): We got - we got some hand (garble).

224 13 29 Young (onboard): Really?

224 13 31 Crew (onboard): (Garble).

224 13 36 Young (onboard): These guys from the South, they just don't wash regular (laughter). So used to digging in dirt, they just don't - don't even bother.

224 13 51 Duke (onboard): That (garble).

224 14 20 Mattingly (onboard): Is that (garble) my (garble)?

224 14 21 Duke (onboard): Yeah.

224 14 31 Mattingly (onboard): (Garble).

224 15 41 Young (onboard): Where is it? Where's the stowage bag? I don't see that. Oh, there it is.

224 15 53 Young (onboard): Yeah, I'll get some.

224 16 09 Crew (onboard): (Garble).

224 16 17 Young (onboard): First night? First five minutes. I told those doctors when we hit that deck, I want a shower. I've been there before, and I ain't putting up with anything else. I ain't gonna do nothing.

224 16 28 Mattingly (onboard): (Garble) (laughter) (garble) back off.

224 16 49 Duke (onboard): (Garble) you guy (garble) over there?

224 16 51 Mattingly (onboard): (Garble).

224 16 57 Duke (onboard): (Garble).

224 17 15 Crew (onboard): (Garble) (Laughter)

224 17 22 Young (onboard): That's telling the whole world, yeah.

224 17 24 Duke (onboard): (Garble).

224 17 33 Young (onboard): I get the feeling that potassium - You want some?

224 17 36 Crew (onboard): (Garble).

224 17 37 Young (onboard): I got the feeling that potassium in there has a lot to do with that. I really do.

224 17 41 Crew (onboard): (Garble).

224 17 48 Duke (onboard): Well, that was the reason (garble).

224 17 56 Peterson: 16, would you try to bring up the High Gain now on Pitch 10, Yaw 260, and you can follow it up by getting the Alpha Particle/X-Ray Door, Open, and the Gamma Ray, Shield Off.

224 18 11 Young: Roger; understand High Gain, minus 10 and 260 on High Gain.

224 18 18 Peterson: It's plus 10, 16.

224 18 20 Young: Follow that up by the Gamma Ray - Gamma Ray door - Alpha/X-Ray Door to Open and the Gamma Ray, Shield Off.

224 18 28 Peterson: Gamma Ray, Shield Off, and that's plus 10 on the High Gain.

224 18 33 Young: Plus 10 on the High Gain.

224 18 36 Peterson: That's affirmative.

224 18 38 Young (onboard): Supposed to go Off.

224 18 45 Young: Okay; the door's open and the Shield's Off.

224 18 48 Peterson: Roger.

224 19 24 Young (onboard): I don't know if I had any records in there or not. I'm going to get me some music.

224 20 25 Young (onboard): What are you doing? (garble).

224 20 29 Duke (onboard): Testing the light.

224 20 41 Duke (onboard): (Garble).

224 20 50 Young (onboard): Oh, boy!

224 20 52 Crew (onboard): (Music)

224 21 01 Young (onboard): Yeah (garble).

224 21 11 Crew (onboard): (Garble).

224 21 14 Young (onboard): I don't care who it is; it sounds great.

224 21 16 Crew (onboard): (Garble).

224 21 32 Young (onboard): Yeah. Yeah. I played football with Diercino [?] in high school. Yeah, he'd make - he was a big 190-pound kid when I played (garble). he went to Florida and got to be all Southeastern Conference or something. Just goes to show you. Me, I used to knock him around, and when I can knock somebody around, you - you ain't any good. You're really bad. I sure would hate to knock - to knock him around after he got to Florida (laughter).

224 22 10 Peterson: 16, we need the High Gain, if you can bring it up.

224 22 16 Young (onboard): Okay; plus 260 - 280 and plus 10.

224 22 22 Duke (onboard): Is that High Gain?

224 22 24 Young (onboard): High Gain, yeah. Plus 10, he said. Got it, Charlie?

224 22 40 Peterson: Okay, 16. We're getting it now.

224 22 44 Duke: How does that look to you, Houston?

224 22 47 Peterson: That looks real good.

224 22 52 Young (onboard): (Garble) Put the UV thing in there, Charlie.

[Break in CM transcript until 227:20:10.]

224 30 33 Peterson: Okay, 16. We need to go extend - or Deploy on the Gamma Ray for 26 seconds.

224 30 49 Young: Okay; that's in work.

224 30 53 Peterson: Roger; and we do not want to retract it first; just extend it for 26 seconds from your present position.

224 31 03 Young: Okay.

224 35 36 Peterson: And, 16, we've got some national and local news here for you while you're finishing up with your chores there. The - first of all, Ken Mattingly made the headlines today in connection with the EVA, and we got a big cartoon here showing the Apollo 16 Intercelestial Hauling Company coming back from the Moon with a big load of rocks. Looks like they've made a - a railroad car out of a SIM bay here and got a big pile of rocks on it there. Moon in the background, and all that sort of thing. Got a couple of things here, one from Vietnam. Communist tanks drove retreating South Vietnamese soldiers toward the provincial capital of Kontum in the Central Highlands today, forcing Government troops to abandon two more artillery bases in the town of Dac To. Seven bases in the Central Highlands have fallen to the Communists since Sunday. Ten waves of B-52s bombed Communist troop positions during the night in an effort to stop the offensive that appeared aimed at Kontum. And from Northern Ireland, some guy found a new use for a baby carriage. He packed it with gelignite, which one of our backroom guys here tells me is a - an explosive, and bombed Northern Ireland's main telephone exchange during the night in a major attempt to disrupt the province's communications. The carriage exploded in a sheet of flames shortly before midnight Monday outside the Belfast Telephone Exchange, injuring two British soldiers and a civilian, and toppling part of the wall of the seven-story brown brick building. And the Astros amazed everybody, I guess, by winning a - their seventh straight today. Chicago's Ron Santo and Houston's Lee May bashed two-run homers for each side in the first inning, and then the two teams battled tenaciously without another score until John Edwards smashed an llth inning home run that gave the Houston team a 3-to-2 victory. That makes it seven in a row for the Astros, and brought them a first-place tie with Los Angeles in the National League West, and gave them the best nine-game start, that's seven wins and two losses, in the team's 10-year history.

224 38 02 Young: Go get them, Astros.

224 38 06 Peterson: Okay; got another little thing here in the local paper you might be interested in. Houston paper reports that the city is moving to annex a 50-square-mile area west of Houston, including the Federally-owned Addicks and Barker Reservoirs and the land between them and the present city limits. The annexation reportedly would open the way for the city to develop the reservoir areas for recreational purposes. And I guess that does not - the annexation would not include about 4 square miles of Barker Reservoir in Fort Bend County, which is outside the city's extraterritorial jurisdiction. And three US Representatives have studied a feasibility study of deepwater ports in the Gulf of Mexico and have recommended the Texas Coast as a possible site. Texas Representatives Jack Brooks of Beaumont, Bob Eekhardt of Houston, and John Young of Corpus Christi appeared here Monday at a US Corps of Engineer public hearing to voice their opinions on such a facility.

224 39 37 Peterson: Okay; the weather here is real nice. Houston and vicinity was fair all day and tonight. Becoming partly cloudy Wednesday. Warm afternoons, cool again tonight the paper says. High today was in the upper-80s, low tonight in the upper-50s, and high Wednesday in the mid-80s. And dry, cool air prevailing over most of the US. And of more immediate interest, the weather in the recovery area is excellent and forecast to stay that way.

224 40 16 Duke: That's the best news we've heard in a long time.

224 40 21 Peterson: And we got one final item here I thought you might find interesting. The Memphis Better Business Bureau couldn't help the man who complained that a car dealer refused to refund his $50 downpayment after he decided not to buy the car. Apparently he hadn't told the Better Business Bureau all the facts, because it turns out the dealer suggested he take the car for a test ride and he did, but he was gone three days and put 1,500 miles on the car.

224 40 50 Young: (Laughter) Beautiful.

224 40 56 Duke: And then he didn't want to buy it?

224 41 00 Peterson: He didn't want to buy it, and he wanted his money back, his $50 downpayment.

224 41 05 Duke: (Laughter)

224 41 17 Peterson: You can probably find a lot of flaws with that kind of test procedure.

224 41 22 Duke: Yeah, sure could.

224 41 33 Young: How did the TV look down there with Ken outside? I was watching it on the monitor. It seemed like - in places it was too bright, and other places, not bright enough. And I guess that's the way the - I guess that's - unfortunately, that's the way the sunlight is up here.

224 41 50 Peterson: Yeah, I guess we agree with that, but the pictures were overall real good, John. They looked - looked real good to us. You could see a lot of the detail, and I don't think we missed very much. There were some - some dark areas.

224 42 06 Young: Okay; fine.

224 42 09 Mattingly: I'll tell you, the darkest area, Pete, is looking away from that Sun. Boy, is it black out there.

224 42 14 Peterson: I bet.

224 42 17 Young: That's time number 47.

224 42 50 Young: I know you guys won't believe this, but after spending 3 days among the rocks, ever so often, when we're sitting around in here, we see a pebble go by. And that's the truth. I don't know what we're gonna do with them.

224 43 06 Peterson: Just a pebble, huh?

224 43 07 Young: They just seem to - I guess they'll all get collected in ECS. Yeah. When we came back in our suits, it - it got in. I guess we pretty well tracked a lot of dirt into the LM unavoidably, and we weren't able to clean it up. So when we docked, we tried to keep it all in the Lunar Module, but it - this - the inflow valve over here was the only thing that was really working once we got powered down. And then when we went back in there and powered up everything, we took the Command Module hose over with us and that circulated the air. And I think we ended up with quite a few unexpected little pieces of Moon rock in the Command Module.

224 43 47 Peterson: Roger, understand.

224 43 50 Young: And every time - and every time Charlie sees one float by, he picks it up and changes his story.

224 43 57 Peterson: He's still analyzing them, huh?

224 44 01 Young: Yeah.

224 44 02 Duke: I got it all straight now though, Pete.

224 44 04 Peterson: Good.

224 44 10 Duke: I will be unswayed by the facts when we get back.

224 44 15 Peterson: Roger, understand. And would you give us Gamma Ray, Shield on, now, please?

224 44 21 Duke: Roger.

224 46 02 Mattingly: I tell you, Pete, looking away from - on that EVA, looking away in it out into that blackness, you get the distinct impression that you don't want to let go.

224 46 14 Peterson: Yeah, I - I can believe that.

224 46 24 Peterson: Even on TV it looks pretty dark out there.

224 46 31 Young: I - I guess - we're sitting around talking about it here when we had a few slack moments, and one of the things we think is that no matter what you see on the pictures, or what you see on the TV, or what you'll see when we get back with these pictures, you just don't have a feeling of about how stark and brilliant these colors are. Like Descartes was the most dazzling place I believe I've ever been. It just absolutely - brilliant colors that contrast in that bright Sun, and the same way for this EVA that Ken and Charlie just finished. Why it - looking out that hatch it - the black that you can take with a camera is not gonna show up the way that that black actually was.

224 50 03 Peterson: 16, we've got about three more small items. We've got an update to the G&C Checklist, one change to the Flight Plan at 251:45 [226:58], and we need to get John's PRD reading.

224 50 26 Young: Okay; well, I just packed the thing away in the suit locker. If you want me to dig it out, I'll get it, but it's gonna be a job.

224 50 34 Peterson: Stand by one.

224 50 36 Young: I'm sorry about that, but that thing is just hard to get a hold of and keep a hold of.

224 51 00 Peterson: Okay; John, I guess we'll try to get to it sometime tomorrow, maybe.

224 51 12 Young: Well, in other words, you tell me that you want me to go in there and dig that thing out, and I don't mind doing it if it's got to be done, but I mean - I can't see I'm getting anymore PRDs than the other two guys.

224 51 35 Peterson: Stand by, John. We - we're having a little discussion here.

224 51 45 Mattingly: He's been within a couple of counts of me, Pete, during the whole flight.

224 51 52 Peterson: Roger. While we're waiting, you want to go ahead and get this change in the Flight Plan at 251:457

224 52 02 Mattingly: Yeah.

224 52 28 Mattingly: Okay, Don. Go ahead.

224 52 30 Peterson: Okay. At 251:45 [226:58] where it says "Gamma Ray, Retract and then Deploy," we want to strike out the part that says "Retract," and also we want to change the "45 seconds" to "12 seconds." What we're gonna do is just bring it back in from its present position. And we want to make that a "Retract" instead of a "Deploy."

224 52 53 Mattingly: Okay; that's a Retract to 16 feet, and that's 12 seconds from the existing position.

224 52 57 Peterson: That's affirmative. And also I've got this update on Page G9-4, G&N [sic] Checklist.

224 53 12 Young: Okay, I'll have to - I'm gonna have to unstow that thing to see where we put it.

224 53 17 Peterson: Okay.

224 53 33 Young: Hey, Don, have you got a pencil out there?

224 53 36 Peterson: Affirmative.

224 53 39 Young: Okay; we've got a - a Flight Plan update that starts at 249 hours and 39 minutes [224:52]. It's called "Crew Eat Period."

224 53 49 Peterson: Roger.

224 53 53 Young: Just thought we ought to be able to make some real-time changes from up here too.

224 53 57 Peterson: Roger. That sounds reasonable. I think we've done our share in the last couple of days.

224 54 03 Young: Yes, I'm sure you'll - you have earned the medals you will receive.

224 54 12 Peterson: That sounds tragic.

224 52 14 Young: (Laughter) Okay. How about - I got G9-4 here.

224 54 23 Peterson: Okay. We want to change in column A, line 5 should now read 03753, and line 7 should read ...

224 54 40 Young: Okay, that's 03753, line 5 in column A.

224 54 25 Peterson: That's affirmative. And in column A, line 7, that one should now read 76605.

224 54 56 Young: 76605, for column - 7 in column A.

224 55 01 Peterson: That's affirmative, and that completes that update.

224 55 06 Young: Okay.

224 55 11 Peterson: And I believe that's everything we got for you.

224 55 15 Young: All righty.

224 55 53 Young: And in line with our 20-plus-hour clock sync, we had to go to day 10, Meal B to catch up.

224 56 07 Peterson: Say again, John.

224 56 10 Young: And it looks overwhelming.

224 56 17 Mattingly: John says in order to catch up with the clock sync, you're making us eat day 10, meal B, and the task is overwhelming.

224 56 24 Peterson: Roger; understand. Is that why you scheduled the extra eat period tonight?

224 56 36 Young: Just remember they come in pairs.

224 56 40 Peterson: Roger.

224 56 41 Young: We missed the one that was supposed to start 3 hours ago, or whenever it was.

224 56 46 Peterson: Roger. I understand.

Public Affairs Officer: This is Apollo Control. A short while ago - that was Ken Mattingly who gave us a Flight Plan update, obviously in retaliation for the hundreds of Flight Plan updates that Mission Control has passed up to the crew since they got behind in the Flight Plan. After the late landing on the lunar surface and Capcom Don Peterson is now advising the crew that we'll delete the requirement for that radiation dosimeter reading.

224 57 29 Peterson: 16, the decision has been made. We'll leave the suits stowed, and we won't worry about the PRD. And, also, we'd like to advise you that we're now back on the Flight Plan at 250 hours.

224 57 48 Young: Okay; we'll take it.

224 57 51 Peterson: All righty.

224 57 57 Young: We sure appreciate you helping us. If you could have seen what we were looking at a couple hours ago, you wouldn't believe it. We couldn't - we had so much stuff piled up in here that none of the three of us could see each other, and that's the truth.

224 58 10 Peterson: Roger.

224 58 12 Mattingly: Which the way we look right now, isn't really such a bad deal.

224 58 16 Duke: (Laughter) Roger.

224 58 20 Duke: John was reading the checklist, and Ken was down there - we couldn't even see him, and all of us - Every once in a while, a hand would come through this mass of Beta cloth and Mapping Camera cassettes and things, and reach out and grab something.

224 58 35 Peterson: It's amazing to me you found a place to put it all.

224 58 41 Young: Well, Ken's super well organized on that EVA, boy, I'll tell you. We just got - he's got everything all put away, and we're just about ready for entry.

224 58 50 Mattingly: Well, not quite. We haven't found a place to put all of it, to be honest with you. But we're looking.

224 58 57 Peterson: Roger.

225 00 05 Young: After 8 days, we finally got organized on this eating. Ken cuts it open, I fill it with water, and Charlie eats it.

225 00 14 Peterson: Roger.

225 04 34 Duke: Hey, Houston, 16. The LMP is on biomed now.

225 04 38 Peterson: Understand, Duke: is on biomed.

225 04 52 Peterson: And, 16, right now we're not getting a readable signal, but we're gonna run some checks here first.

225 05 01 Duke: Okay.

225 07 37 Peterson: Okay. Charlie, apparently your biomed is still not functioning properly, and the surgeon would like to go to the CMP to monitor for tonight.

225 07 50 Duke: Okay.

225 07 57 Peterson: And, 16, could you give us another reading on the battery compartment?

225 08 09 Young: 2.3, Houston.

225 08 11 Peterson: Roger; 2.3.

225 08 21 Young: Hey, Don, does that mean if I break mine tonight that I don't have to put it on again?

225 08 26 Peterson: I'm not sure we'd concur with that.

[No comm for 19 minutes.]

Public Affairs Officer: This is Apollo Control at 250 hours [225:13]. The crew aboard Apollo 16 now apparently getting caught up with their eating. After what they described as a rather involved job of getting piles of material stowed - a job which John Young said they still haven't completed - but they're looking for places to get everything tucked away neatly prior to entry which is now some 40 hours, 23 minutes away. And we also have a clock counting down to the time of splashdown which would be 40 hours, 36 minutes from now. And about 2½ hours from the present time; or at about 252 hours, 30 minutes [227:43]; we expect to say goodnight to the crew and get them bedded down for an 8-hour rest period. As they have begun to make headway in getting things stowed away and getting the cabin ship shape again, we find them much more talkative. During the past hour we've gotten a rather picturesque description from all three crewman. They would appear to be in obvious good spirits. You heard a conservation between Capcom Don Paterson and John Young in reference to the PRD, or Personal Radiation Dosimeter. These are radiation meters carried in the suits of each of the crewman measuring their exposure to radiation and Young reported that he had stowed his suit with the radiation dosimeter packed away in the suit because of the problem in getting this instrument out. The fact that his dosimeter had been reading very closely to the readings that we were also getting on Charlie Duke's coupled with the fact that none of the levels have been anything for concern, we've given Young a go ahead to leave the dosimeter stowed where it is. We'll have no further requirement to get a radiation dosimeter reading on him. At the present time Apollo 16 is 158,668 nautical miles from Earth and the spacecraft velocity is up now to 4,239 feet per second and that just updated to 4,240. At the time of entry, the velocity will reach some 36,196 feet per second. And we're currently showing Entry Interface angle - the angle at which the spacecraft enters the Earth's atmosphere - to be minus 6.6 degrees. The mid-course correction performed at Mid-Course-Correction-5 opportunity earlier in the day brought that flight path angle from something in excess of 7½ degrees down to 6.6, which is getting close to the desired 6.5. And we do have a mid-course correction opportunity, the so-called Mid-Course-Correction-7, which comes shortly before Entry Interface. And at that time, would expect a small correction again to bring the flight path angle down to the desired 6.5 [degrees]. The time of entry is determined by the Trans-Earth Injection maneuver. From that point on, the mid-course corrections are targeted to control the Entry Interface angle. This is the angle measured below [the] horizontal and describes the amount of the angle at which the spacecraft is digging into Earth's atmosphere. Any negative number has it entering, a positive number would show that the spacecraft was coming in such a way that it would not re-enter. This Entry Interface angle is set so that the spacecraft comes in at about 6.5 degrees below horizontal. This gives the proper balance between an entry that does not produce excessive g-forces, and one that bites in sharply enough to Earth's atmosphere to assure capture. And that again, that nominal Entry Interface angle is 6.5 degrees. We're currently showing 6.5 which is very close to that desired. About the only activities that we now show on the Flight Plan prior to putting the crew to sleep, are to do a platform alignment, aligning thc guidance platform which is used as an attitude reference. We have an activity called contamination control, which primarily involves removing the screens from the environmental control system and cleaning them off. You heard John Young report that there's a fair amount of dirt and debris which is almost inevitable from the amount of dirt brought back on their suits from the lunar surface. And we routinely, during the trans-Earth coast, perform a number of these contamination control operations to minimize the amount of dirt collecting on the screens - the filtration screens of the Environmental Control System. They also will be changing out one of the lithium hydroxide canisters that absorbs carbon dioxide, keeps the anount of carbon dioxide in the cabin atmosphere at acceptable levels. And up through 251 hours, 30 minutes [226:43], the crew is scheduled to have the X-ray fluorescence experiment in the Scientific Instrument Module bay pointed at Sco X-1, the galactic source of X-rays which allows the Principal Investigator to get a calibration, so-called signature, of the X-ray energy admitted by this galactic source.

225 27 45 Duke: Houston, 16.

225 27 48 Peterson: Go ahead, 16.

225 27 54 Duke: Roger. Pete - Pete, we're wondering if you could get FAO working and - on the Mars attitude sequence and see if he could come up with one that - during our normal Flight Plan where we got some Sun in the windows, so we could get some interior photography?

225 28 13 Peterson: Stand by. We'll take a look at it. Okay; FAO says he thinks he can ...

225 28 20 Duke: I'd appreciate it.

225 28 22 Peterson: FAO says he thinks he can work that in, and also we need to remind you, I guess, that we need a P52 before you go to bed tonight.

225 28 31 Duke: Roger. Just as - soon as John gets out of the kitchen, Ken's gonna give you one.

225 28 37 Peterson: Roger. Understand.

225 34 35 Young: We're just looking at the Flight Plan here, and we just finished Day 10, Meal B, and 10 minutes from now, we got to start on Day 10, Meal C.

225 34 43 Peterson: Roger; copy.

225 34 53 Duke: That was John.

225 34 56 Peterson: Roger. They said that sounds like some of the flight planning that's been going on down here.

225 35 18 Duke: If Alex - Pete, if Alexander the Great had had this kind of chow, he could feed his whole army for two days on what we eat in one meal.

225 54 02 Peterson: 16, we've got the torquing angles. You can go ahead and torque them.

225 54 08 Mattingly: Okay.

226 06 55 Duke: Hey, Pete. Will Tony be on before we go to sleep? He said he had some geology questions for us.

226 07 06 Peterson: Doesn't look like it now. He's scheduled to be here in a couple of hours. Or maybe he might come in a little sooner than that.

226 07 14 Duke: Thank you.

Public Affairs Officer: This is Apollo Control at 251 hours [226:13]. Flight Director Don Puddy has just recently completed going around the room checking with all of his Flight Controllers to see if everything appears in good order to put the crew to bed. We plan to do that in about an hour and a half at a Flight Plan time of 252 hours, 30 minutes [227:43]. And everything appears to be in good order at this point. The crew is presently completing the Program 52 guidance platform alignment. That will pretty much complete the Flight Plan activities prior to the sleep period. One or two minor activites that they will need to complete, such as changing the lithium hydroxide canister, but they have completed eating and are in pretty good shape to begin their sleep period on schedule. One of the activities that they will be doing prior to beginning the rest period is setting the spacecraft up in the Passive Thermal Control mode. They'll be doing this in a slightly different manner than previously. Normally, the spacecraft is set up with the longitudinal axis at right angles to the Earth-Moon plane. Tonight when they set it up in Passive Thermal Control, the crew will be pitching the spacecraft back slightly from their normal right-angle attitude. This is to allow the instruments in the Scientific Instrument Module bay to continue pointing at the desired targets and still to keep the spacecraft rotating to maintain the proper thermal control. But every rotation it will come up on the proper target. The Command Module Pilot, Ken Mattingly will be wearing the biomedical harness tonight. He'll be the crewman that the flight surgeon will be monitoring heart rate on. That had in the Flight Plan scheduled to - the Flight Plan had scheduled Lunar Module Pilot Charlie Duke to be wearing the biomedical harness during the sleep period. However, as you heard Duke's biomedical data was erratic and we are getting heart rate on him, but it's not consistant and it's not good solid data.

226 17 14 Peterson: And, 16; Houston. I've got about five items for you here that'll wind it up for the night, I think. First of all, I'll start out talking about this battery compartment. We've looked at it now, over quite a period of time, and we feel that the pressure rise is due to a very tight cabin battery compartment that prevents any leakage from the compartment to the cabin. And also to the increased battery venting. Now, the - the increased battery venting resulted from recharging the batteries longer than normal. And that in turn resulted from the high discharges during LOI and DOI burns. We really don't feel there's anything wrong with the batteries. In fact, right now, we're looking at a requirement from now until the end of the mission of about 30 amp-hours. And we've got about 100 amp-hours in the batteries right now. We'll continue to check the battery compartment pressure, but we really don't expect to have to vent the compartment or to perform any additional battery charging prior to entry. We'd like to get one more read-out prior to your going to sleep. We'll periodically check tomorrow, but in summary, we feel that there's really not a problem. And the odor that you mentioned is - is probably not from the battery compartment, but is more characteristic of the battery charger.

226 18 42 Young: Okay, Pete. Thank you very much. It makes me feel better to - I was just a little gitchy about recharging, especially Bat B, since - that's where we first experienced that odor. We had not done that previously, and that makes that sound like a pretty good story. And we haven't been monitoring that compartment on the systems test meter very much, so we really can't give you a history of it. But that sounds pretty good to - to me. Thank you. What else?

226 19 17 Peterson: Okay. We do want to monitor the CMP on the biomed, and I guess we're still showing that you're on the - on the - on the biomed monitoring system right now. Also, your equipment ...

226 19 32 Young: That's right.

226 19 39 Peterson: Also, Charlie, your e ...

226 19 41 Duke: Go ahead.

226 19 42 Peterson: ... your equipment is apparently still not functioning properly. So we'll need new - a new biomed harness on you, probably for tomorrow night. We need to get that on sometime tomorrow.

226 19 56 Duke: Okay, fine. I'll be glad to do that. What - what appears to be wrong with the signal?

226 20 02 Peterson: Stand by one.

226 20 15 Peterson: They - they think it's the sensors are probably loose again with maybe some drying of the electrolyte under the sensors, but rather than try to troubleshoot that, they figure it's better just to go to a new harness.

226 20 29 Duke: Okay, will do. I just put these on this morning, new, but we'll - we'll - we'll swap out in the morning.

226 20 43 Mattingly: Hey, Don, what film magazines do we have allocated for our little - little - F-equals-MA experiment?

226 20 55 Peterson: Hang on Just a minute. I'll get it for you. Let me give you one more item here while I'm - then I'll get that for you. All right. We'd like to - Right after we go into PTC and get onto the Omnis, we'd like to put the Telcom Group 2 to AC2. The reason for doing that is we just want to return the spacecraft to a nominal configuration because that's the way all our doc - documents and onboard checklists and so on are written.

226 21 28 Duke: All right, we'll do that. When we spin up - go on the Omnis - we'll go to Group 2 to AC2.

226 21 34 Peterson: Roger; thank you. And also, we'd like to get an OPS read-out sometime prior to your going to sleep tonight.

226 21 48 Duke: Okay. We gave you one earlier, and it's stowed in A-8 now. And it was 1300 at that time. You want another one?

226 21 59 Peterson: Roger. I guess we'd like to get one more, Charlie.

226 22 03 Young: That was plenty of time after it had - it was probably at least an hour and a half after it'd had a chance to - to equalize after the blowdown.

226 22 14 Peterson: Roger. Okay, 16; if it's not readily accessible, that's okay. It's not that big a deal.

226 22 40 Duke: Is that all?

226 22 47 Peterson: That's affirmative, 16. I believe that covers everything.

226 22 52 Duke: You know, Pete, on that battery, I took a peek at it every once and awhile during the EVA, and it didn't vent at all into the cabin.

226 23 03 Peterson: Roger.

226 23 07 Duke: My only other question is, why does the - when you vent it to one, why does it climb so rapidly back up to about 16 or so?

226 23 22 Peterson: Stand by a minute, Charlie. We're thinking about that.

226 23 34 Peterson: Oh, on the questions on the trying to get some Sun in the windows tomorrow, you'll be in PTC a great deal of the time; and during the - a lot of those PTCs, you will have enough sunlight in the window for interior photography.

226 23 49 Duke: Okay, thank you.

226 23 51 Mattingly: Yeah. I just was wondering if one of the other periods might also place the Sun in our window. Because - when you do it PTC, although it comes by very often and you want to photograph a continuous sequence, it kind of chops it up pretty quickly. It takes an awful lot of planning to hit the lighting at the same time you want to do something.

226 24 13 Peterson: Roger.

226 24 17 Mattingly: But it doesn't justify another attitude or anything like that. This is just so we can get some better pictures inside.

226 24 23 Peterson: Okay; I'll see what I can do on that, Ken.

226 26 57 Peterson: Okay, Ken. We've got Magazine 11 that's unscheduled and has CIN film.

226 27 05 Mattingly: Okay, thank you very much.

226 30 51 Peterson: 16, on the sunlight coming in the window in a fixed attitude tomorrow, the - the situation doesn't really look real good. About the best one, I guess, is at one point we'll have the Sun about 40 degrees from the normal to the hatch window and about 20 degrees - that's 40 degrees off in pitch and about 20 degrees off in yaw. So - and that's about the closest we have to having sunlight coming right down normal to any of the windows.

226 31 59 Peterson: Ken, I think I said that was 40 degrees in pitch and 20 degrees in yaw, and it's actually 40 degrees in pitch and 20 degrees off in roll on that Sun angle...

226 32 14 Mattingly: Hey, Don, I just plugged back in. Would you say again, please?

226 32 17 Peterson: Okay on this business of getting sunlight in the spacecraft windows, about the best we're gonna be able to do is one attitude gives you sunlight which is - if you take the normal to the hatch window, the Sun is about 40 degrees off of that in pitch and about 20 degrees off in roll. And that's about the closest we're going to have to having sunlight coming directly in a window. Oh, and, Ken ...

226 32 41 Mattingly: 0kay. Well, we'll do with what we have, then.

226 32 43 Peterson: Okay; I've just been advised that that's not the hatch window, it's Window 5. And that attitude occurs about 269:30 in the Flight Plan.

226 32 54 Mattingly: Okay; well, we'll - we'll just get all the lights as bright as we can get them, and use the standard interior procedures.

226 33 02 Peterson: Roger. That sounds like probably a better way to go.

226 33 09 Mattingly: I was just thinking if we had more illumination like that, that we could save ourselves a little time. Be a better pic -

226 33 35 Mattingly: That's a pretty nice, slow ride, Don.

226 33 59 Peterson: Roger.

226 34 24 Peterson: Okay, Charlie, are you on the loop?

226 34 31 Duke: Roger; go ahead.

226 34 32 Peterson: Okay, on this battery compartment problem. The reason for it coming back up so rapidly right after you vented is that there is pressure built up in the batteries. And when you vent the compartment, the - the batteries simply then are venting to a very low pressure or see a very low pressure. And they tend to - to vent very rapidly for a while until you get the pressure built back up, and then they vent at a much slower rate.

226 34 59 Duke: Okay. Fine. That makes sense. Thank you very much.

226 35 04 Peterson: Roger.

226 43 22 Duke: Houston, 16. We're going through the pre - presleep check - checklist. If you're ready, we'll send you an E-Mod.

226 43 30 Peterson: Stand by one. Okay, go ahead.

226 45 22 Duke: And, Pete, y'all satisfied with our cryo configuration for tonight?

226 45 30 Peterson: That's affirmative.

226 52 19 Mattingly: Don, do you want us to use standard High Gain procedures tonight?

226 52 25 Peterson: That's affirmative, 16.

226 52 30 Mattingly: Okay; thank you, sir.

226 57 31 Peterson: Okay, Ken. The rates look good for a spinup.

226 57 48 Duke: Okay.

226 57 51 Peterson: And, Charlie, we'd like one more reading on the battery compartment.

226 58 11 Duke: It's almost about 2.4, Pete, about 2.35, I'd say now.

226 58 18 Peterson: Okay; 2.35.

226 58 21 Duke: Yeah. It seems to have Just about stabilized. I should say stabilized. At least the rate of increase is very slow, now.

226 58 32 Peterson: Roger.

227 08 41 Duke: Hey, Pete. Do y'all want a E-memory dump?

227 08 46 Peterson: Stand by a minute.

227 08 52 Duke: Did you say affirmative, Pete?

227 08 54 Peterson: Stand by just a minute, Charlie.

227 08 58 Duke: Okay, and I'm going to AC2 on Telcom Group - AC2.

227 09 02 Peterson: We' re ready for the memory dump, Charlie.

227 09 22 Peterson: Charlie, we - we would like to get the memory dump, and we'd like to keep the High Gain until we get that.

227 09 32 Duke: Okay. Maybe I'm not up to speed. Do we lose the High Gain if I put Group 2 to AC2?

227 09 41 Peterson: That's affirmative. That's - that's why I wanted to wait until we're on the Omni to make that switch.

227 09 50 Duke: I understand.

Public Affairs Officer: This is Apollo Control at 252 hours, 2 minutes [227:15]. The crew aboard Apollo 16 at the moment getting the spacecraft spun up and its rate of three revolutions per hour; the configuration that they'll leave their spacecraft in during sleep period. And the crew has now completed virtually all pre-sleep activities and they'll be ready to begin their sleep period and looks as if they'll be right on the Flight Plan which calls for them to begin an 8-hour sleep period in about 30 minutes. You've heard several references to the battery compartment pressures. Also earlier on previous shift there was some discussion of a possible battery problem and looking into the situation, we have reached a conclusion that the entry batteries in the Command Module are, in fact, behaving normally. There is no problem. The earlier concern about the possibility of a problem arose from what appears to be excessive venting of the batteries. However, the amount that the batteries vented is related to the amount of charge which of course is also in turn related to the amount of usage on the batteries. These batteries are typically brought on line to supplement the fuel cells during periods of peak usage particularly during the SPS service propulsion system burns where the fuel cells don't react as quickly as a battery will to sudden load demands where the fuel cells would be inclined to react more slowly and perhaps allow the voltage to drop off. The batteries can meet those high demands peak load mode requirements and hold the voltage at the desired level. So prior to an SPS burn for example, batteries are brought on line to supplement the fuel cells. And then the batteries are recharged and to keep them at full charge or nearly full charge for the time that they'll be used during post-entry - after the Service Module is separated. Because of the - some of the problems that were encountered particularly during the descent orbit insertion and also prior to lunar orbit insertion, the batteries got a higher than normal usage which means that they also required higher than normal recharging. Because of the additional recharging and it was decided the batteries were venting and were giving off gaseous products and these were then vented more often than we would normally see. However, it was decided that this was the - to be expected and indicated no problems in the batteries. The crew is instructed to check the battery compartment pressures periodically. The venting at a higher than usual rate is continuing and the battery compartment is then - the pressure built up is relieved by the crew in order to keep pressures from building up beyond the desired limits. And that accounts for the frequent calls you've heard from Capcom to the crew to check the battery compartment pressure levels. And also you heard Charlie Duke report the last time we asked him this question that the pressure rise now appeared to have leveled off and approaching more normal - more normal levels or more normal rise rate. So again we repeat, now we see no problem with the batteries and they appear to be in very good shape for the entry and splashdown. Those events are scheduled to occur; entry at 38 hours 17 minutes, 27 seconds from now; and splashdown 38 hours, 30 minutes, 46 seconds from now. Apollo 16 at the moment is 153,508 nautical miles from Earth traveling at a speed of 4,345 feet per second.

227 14 51 Peterson: 16, we're starting to see some very low SIM bay temperatures. We'd like to go ahead and get into PTC.

227 15 01 Duke: Okay.

227 15 02 Peterson: And the rates are excellent right now.

227 15 08 Duke: And you see some low what, Pete?

227 15 11 Peterson: Say again, Charlie.

227 15 15 Duke: You said you were beginning to see some very low something.

227 15 25 Peterson: Can't read you, Charlie.

227 15 31 Duke: Okay, we're spinning up right now.

227 15 34 Peterson: Okay.

[CM transcript restarts.]

227 20 10 Duke (onboard): Where do we stow the High Gain (garble)?

227 20 30 Duke: Okay, Pete, we're putting Telcom Group 2 to AC2.

227 20 34 Peterson: Roger.

227 21 36 Duke (onboard): Okay, I put Gr - Group 2 to AC2. They said for some reason they lost the High Gain - they lose the High Gain.

227 21 43 Young (onboard): (Garble).

227 21 44 Duke (onboard): Me, too. That's the way they want it.

227 21 53 Young (onboard): (Garble).

227 21 56 Duke (onboard): No, we're - they're controlling the antenna.

227 22 00 Mattingly (onboard): They have - they can only control between Delta and what we have control of.

227 22 05 Duke (onboard): Well, I switched it to High Gain.

227 22 07 Mattingly (onboard): Do you think the High Gain will (garble)?

227 22 46 Duke (onboard): I'm turning the Voice, Off.

227 22 48 Mattingly (onboard): (Garble)?

227 23 00 Mattingly (onboard): (Garble), Charlie?

227 23 01 Duke (onboard): No. I done that last one.

227 23 17 Duke: Houston, 16.

227 23 20 Peterson: Go ahead.

227 23 22 Duke: Pete, are y'all satisfied with our antenna setup?

227 23 35 Peterson: Put Track Mode to Reacq and Narrow Beam.

227 23 45 Duke: Okay; you've got Reacq, Narrow Beam, and High Gain selected.

227 23 51 Peterson: Okay. That's fine, Charlie. Thank you.

227 24 08 Duke (onboard): Okay.

227 24 31 Duke (onboard): (Laughter) I haven't (garble), John, (garble).

227 24 36 Young (onboard): (Garble).

227 24 44 Duke (onboard): I get hot under there (garble).

227 24 47 Mattingly (onboard): (Garble).

227 26 14 Duke (onboard): (Garble) ditty bag.

227 26 16 Mattingly (onboard): Well, it's pretty (garble).

227 26 17 Duke (onboard): Yeah.

227 26 22 Young (onboard): What we want to do is (garble).

227 26 42 Duke (onboard): Well, the way I sent them over is the way - is the way they were to be stowed because - they were - and that's the way we stowed them over there.

227 26 49 Mattingly (onboard): (Garble) That was the way we had stowed them (garble).

227 27 22 Duke (onboard): Yeah, but the decon bags that came (garble) in, too (garble).

[End of CM Transcript for Day 10,]

227 46 07 Peterson: 16, Houston. I've got about three or four more little small items for you here. First of all, we'd like you to verify that you're going to use the OPS to bump the cabin up to 5.7.

227 46 23 Mattingly: Okay, Don. We will.

227 46 25 Peterson: Okay. And, Ken, you look good on the - on the biomed data. It's all checking out okay. And there's a couple items on the Gamma Ray. We want to Retract for 12 seconds and Gainstep up four steps.

227 46 44 Mattingly: Okay. Retract for 12, and Gainstep up 4. Is that right?

227 46 48 Peterson: That's affirmative. And let us know before you turn the voice subcarrier down.

227 47 00 Mattingly: Okay.

227 55 16 Peterson: And, 16, could we get you to tweak the evap out temperature to about 45 degrees? Looks like it's about 38 right now, and that's going to be a little cold after you get into PTC.

Public Affairs Officer: This is Apollo Control at 252 hours, 44 minutes [227:57]. The crew aboard Apollo 16 has completed all of their presleep activities and the spacecraft appears to be in good shape now for the sleep period. The Gamma Ray and Alpha Particle experiments will be operating from the Scientific Instrument Module bay during sleep. The Command Module pilot Ken Mattingly is wearing a biomedical harness and we'll be receiving heart rate data from him while the crew is sleeping. And the spacecraft is in the slow roll for Passive Thermal Control. We have some updated figures on the predicted lifetimes for the Lunar Module Orion in lunar orbit and also for the Particles in Field subsatellite which was ejected from the Scientific Instrument Module bay prior to the time Apollo 16 ignited its Service Propulsion System engine to start the spacecraft on its route back to Earth. The predicted LM lifetime is 343 days and the predicted orbital lifetime for the subsatellite is 192 days. We're in the process of a shift handover at the present time in Mission Control. Flight Director Gerry Griffin coming on now to replace the Flight Control team headed by Flight Director Don Puddy. We do not plan to have a change of shift press briefing following this shift.

228 00 23 Peterson: Okay. 16, your evap out temp looks good now.

228 00 31 Mattingly: Okay, Don. I was just going to let it - see how it does - I just moved it to about the middle amount I could. And the OPS is now reading 800 psi.

228 00 43 Peterson: Understand. 800 psi on the OPS. Thank you.

228 00 47 Mattingly: That's affirmative . And what else do you have before we call it a day?

228 00 55 Peterson: Stand by one, but I believe that's got everything.

228 01 35 Peterson: Okay, Ken, I guess that's it. You guys get a good sleep.

228 01 45 Mattingly: 66-2/3 percent RDR [?]. Who else is on down there with you tonight? Who is your Flight Director?

228 02 14 Peterson: Say again, Ken?

228 02 18 Mattingly: I say who's - who's on with you tonight? Who's the Flight Director?

228 02 23 Peterson: Don Puddy is on right now. We're getting ready to leave, and Gerry Griffin's going on.

228 02 29 Mattingly: Ah so. Okay. Well, I'm glad you guys are getting off at a reasonable hour for a change. Although I just looked at my watch, and I guess it's about 3:29 (laughter). Sorry about that.

228 02 41 Peterson: It's pretty reasonable by comparison.

228 02 43 Mattingly: Appreciate all your looking out for us today.

228 02 46 Peterson: Roger.

228 02 47 Mattingly: Okay. You're sure a big help in taking care of all the things we did today while we were trying to get things restowed up here. We still - You can see daylight now anyhow. So I'll see you folks tomorrow.

228 03 00 Peterson: All righty now. See you in the morning.

[Rest period with no communication.]

Public Affairs Officer: This is Apollo Control; 252 hours, 54 minutes [228:07] Ground Elapsed Time. Two clocks counting up to, or counting down to entry and landing. 37 hours, 28 minutes plus seconds to entry and 37 hours, 41 minutes plus seconds to landing. Crew of Apollo 16 has turned off their voice downlink and presumably are closing up the spacecraft window curtains for a night's sleep. We'll take down the air-ground circuit at this time. There will be some television from the Descartes landing site area from the Ground Commanded Television Assembly, starting at about 12:30 am Central. At 252:56 [252:09], this is Apollo Control.

Public Affairs Officer: This is Apollo Control; 254 hours, 56 minutes [230:09] Ground Elapsed Time. Apollo 16 now 35 hours and 40 minutes away from splashdown in the Pacific. Some 146,179 nautical miles out from Earth, approaching at a velocity of 4,503 feet per second. Spacecraft weight at this time 27,349 pounds. Apollo 16 crew has been asleep for better than 2 hours, some 6 hours remaining in the scheduled 8-hour rest period. And at 254:57 [230:10], this is Apollo Control.

Public Affairs Officer: This is Apollo Control [at] 257 hours, 55 minutes [233:08] Ground Elapsed Time. Apollo 16 homeward bound some 32 hours, 41 minutes out from splashdown in the Pacific near the equator south of Hawaii. Apollo 16 crewmen asleep at this time. The only biomedical data [is] coming from the Command Module Pilot which shows his heart rate in the 40's - mean heart rate in the 40's. Cabin pressure now 5.5 pounds per square inch at a temperature of 66 degrees [F]. Spacecraft currently in the Passive Thermal Control mode rotating very slowly about the longitud[inal] axis. Three revolutions per hour maintain a thermal balance on all the spacecraft systems. Apollo 16 getting ever closer to Earth. Altitude now 138,160 nautical miles. Velocity continuing to build up. Now approaching at 4,690 feet per second. Flight path angle, the angle at which the spacecraft enters the atmosphere - this is relative to the local horizontal at the landing site at splashdown point - is now -6.6 degrees which is very near the desired flight path angle. Velocity predicted at this point from the tracking to be 36,196 feet per second. Spacecraft current weight 27,349 pounds. Crew has 2½ hours remaining in their scheduled sleep period. And the Gold Team of Flight Controllers has about that long in their wake period. At 257:58 [233:11], this is Apollo Control.

Public Affairs Officer: This is Apollo Control; 258 hours, 48 minutes [234:01] Ground Elapsed Time into the mission of Apollo 16. Apollo 16 now 31 hours, 41 minutes away from splashdown. Meanwhile in the central Pacific landing area, the Ticonderoga prime recovery vessel is some 85 nautical miles north of the splash point and steaming in that direction. Weather in the landing site is good at the present time. Cloud base at 2,000 feet, scattered, visibility 10 nautical miles, depending on how high you are. Wind is out of the east at l0 knots, 3 feet wave height. Splash point right now is predicted to be 44 minutes south latitude, 156 degrees, 09 minutes west longitude. That is approximately 1,310 nautical miles south of Pearl Harbor and probably 300 miles or so south of Christmas Island. Apollo 16 is now 135,707 nautical miles out from Earth, traveling at a speed of 4,750 feet per second. One hour and 39 minutes remaining of the crew's scheduled sleep period and at 258:50 [234:03] in the current Ground Elapsed Time, this is Apollo Control.

Public Affairs Officer: This is Apollo Control; 259 hours, 47 minutes [235:00] Ground Elapsed Time into the mission of Apollo 16. 42 minutes until wakeup - reville for the crew. Spacecraft is presently 133,064 nautical miles out from Earth. Approaching at a velocity of 4,816 feet per second. One of the first items after wakeup will be a Flight Plan update for the balance of the day's activities which include light flash observations, a press conference which will begin at 268:10 [243:23]and run for 30 minutes with a group of questions being read up by the Capcom from the newsmen covering Apollo 16. The crew will also receive instructions on setting up a different form of Passive Thermal Control in which the spacecraft axis is pointed in a slightly different direction. Instead of being normal to the plane of the ecliptic - the longitud[inal] axis of the spacecraft normal to the plane of the ecliptic - [the] spacecraft will be tilted over to point the SIM bay experiments to a different region of the galaxy. However the roll rate will remain essentially the same. At 259:49 [235:02], this is Apollo Control.

[End of Chapter]