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Day Five Part Four
Rendezvous and Waiting,
Revs 13 to 15

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Day 5 Part Six
Lunar Observation and Rest
Revs 16 to 21

Apollo 16

Day Five Part Five - Clearance for PDI - Again - and Landing, Revs 15 and 16.

Corrected Transcript and Commentary Copyright © 2006 David Woods and Tim Brandt. All rights reserved.

Start of Chapter


Start of Station-Keeping


Comms Problems and Troubleshooting


CM Urine Dump


PAO Announcement of Go Decision for Landing


Acquisition of Signal


Approval for PDI


Separate LM Transcript Starts


LM Pads


End of LM transcript at Loss of Signal


CM Transcript Starts


CM Sep and Circ Pads


Sep Burn


End of CM Transcript and LOS


Start of Combined Transcript 103:14
Circ Burn 103:21
Start of Rev 16 103:45
AOS and Start of LM Transcript.
Preparation for PDI

Go for PDI. End of LM Transcript


Start of CM Transcript. Circ Burn Report


P24 Pad. Flight Plan Changes 103:54

Orion PDI


Orion Touchdown


Camera Pads


End of chapter


[At 101 hours, 11 minutes Ground Elapsed Time, it is just after LOS on Rev 14. We have the CM transcript, providing Ken Mattingly's speech onboard the CM (Casper) and providing comms from John Young and Charlie Duke in the LM (Orion).]

101 11 01 Young (LM comm): You got the tracking light on?

101 11 02 Duke (LM comm): Yeah.

101 11 03 Mattingly (CM comm): I tell you, the spotlight isn't nearly as good as earthshine. I'm really surprised.

101 11 08 Duke (LM comm): We got a tracking light on, Ken.

101 11 10 Mattingly (CM onboard): Yeah, I know. I'm - I'm using that [garble] turned it over.

101 11 19 Duke (LM comm): You're closing at - at 500 [150 metres] - at 2 feet [0.6 metres] a second, 520 feet [160 metres].

101 11 31 Mattingly (CM comm): Okay.

101 11 33 Young (LM comm): Spotlight is probably good for 300 feet [90 metres] on in, Ken.

101 11 37 Mattingly (CM comm): That sounds like a good number. I can tell that you're out there. I can [garble] three hours [garble].

101 11 49 Young (LM comm): Okay; you're at 510 feet [155 metres], 2 feet a second.

101 11 54 Mattingly (CM comm): Okay. I'm really amazed how when you get range [garble] all the way in there. I'm at point - Well, I'm down to 0.09 now.

101 12 14 Young (LM comm): Okay.

101 12 15 Mattingly (CM comm): Oscillating between 1 and 0.09.

101 12 17 Young (LM comm): Okay. Verb 40 should be - You're at 480 feet [145 metres]now, Ken.

101 12 21 Mattingly (CM comm): All right, sir.

101 12 24 Young (LM comm): You're going to station-keep, right?

101 12 26 Mattingly (CM comm): Yeah, I thought I'd come in to where I can guarantee a good spotlight.

101 12 32 Young (LM comm): Okay.

101 12 34 Mattingly (CM comm): Then you can - I'd like to get a little closer before you power down the radar.

101 12 40 Young (LM comm): Okay.

101 12 41 Mattingly (CM comm): Hello. Maybe this is where we ought to stop to keep from burning it out. What do you think?

101 12 48 Young (LM comm): Ken, I don't know. If - if you want to get closer right now, I don't care. I think that - I would like for you to be in good station-keep position and be sure what you're doing, and then we'll just go on around. Okay? Kind of dark out there.

101 13 08 Duke (LM comm): We can still see your probe.

101 13 12 Mattingly (CM comm): Yeah, I hope that's still there. We've got enough problems without that. Actually, the RCS [garble] doesn't look as bad as I thought it would.

101 13 25 Young (LM comm): You better [garble] again.

101 13 27 Mattingly (CM comm): Say again?

101 13 28 Young (LM comm): [Garble] again.

101 13 40 Young (LM comm): Okay, Ken. You're at 370 feet, 360 - 370 feet [110 metres] at - still at 2.

101 13 48 Mattingly (CM comm): Okay [garble]. It'll be daylight by the time we get there, won't it?

101 14 02 Young (LM comm): Probably. Have you got me good enough to where I can shut off the radar?

101 14 07 Mattingly (CM comm): Yes, sir.

101 14 09 Young (LM comm): Thank you.

101 14 12 Mattingly (CM comm): What me to - want to slow it down?

101 14 17 Young (LM comm): Yeah. Okay; you're - we still showed you with 2 feet a second. You still got it, man.

101 14 30 Mattingly (CM comm): Okay.

101 14 31 Young (LM comm): We see you getting a hair bigger.

101 14 54 Mattingly (CM comm): Okay; I pulled off one foot.

101 14 57 Young (LM comm): Okay.

[Ken Mattingly and Casper have finally achieved a close rendezvous with Orion, and can start station-keeping.]

101 15 15 Duke (LM comm): Okay; you can pull the breakers.

101 15 19 Mattingly (CM comm): If I knew where they were, there'd be no need to sweat it.

101 15 24 Duke (LM comm): Want me to turn those lights on?

101 15 37 Young (LM comm): [Garble].

101 15 40 Duke (LM comm): I thought I'd leave the tracking light on. Ken, do you need the tracking light?

101 15 45 Mattingly (CM comm): Well, you can turn it off and let's see.

101 15 49 Duke (LM comm): It's off.

101 15 51 Mattingly (CM comm): Nope, don't need it.

101 15 52 Duke (LM comm): Okay. 101:15.

101 15 59 Young (LM comm): [Garble]

101 16 29 Duke (LM comm): Boy, that landing site and that North and South Ray are really something, Ken.

101 16 34 Mattingly (CM comm): That sure is. I got a good look at them a couple of times.

101 16 37 Duke (LM comm): It looks just like the LMA.

101 16 41 Mattingly (CM comm): Sure looks different than it did yesterday.

101 16 43 Duke (LM comm): Yeah.

101 16 54 Young (LM comm): Guess we better [garble] track [garble]. On the ground [garble].

101 17 17 Mattingly (CM comm): Boy howdy. That [garble].

101 17 23 Young (LM comm): [Garble]. Yeah.

101 17 36 Young (LM comm): Phew! There's no cooling on this thing at all.

101 18 19 Mattingly (CM comm): Sure looks like a jack-o'-lantern.

101 18 29 Young (LM comm): Oh, me! Give me some water, Charlie. I'm really about to erp.

101 18 33 Duke (LM comm): Okay, Just a minute.

101 18 47 Duke (LM comm): Well, you're in Suit Disconnect. That's why.

101 18 49 Young (LM comm): Huh?

101 18 51 Duke (LM comm): You're in Suit Disconnect.

101 18 52 Young (LM comm): Oh, no kidding?

101 18 53 Duke (LM comm): Yeah.

101 19 09 Young (LM comm): What a [garble]. Okay, you can shut that water off.

101 19 16 Duke (LM comm): Okay.

101 21 10 Young (LM comm): Well, you're holding like a rock out there, Ken. Not using any thrusters, are you?

101 21 16 Mattingly (CM comm): Beg your pardon?

101 21 18 Young (LM comm): Huh?

101 21 19 Mattingly (CM comm): I'm sorry. I didn't understand you.

101 21 20 Young (LM comm): Not using any thrusters, are you?

101 21 23 Mattingly (CM comm): Yeah, I think so. Bound to be some for attitude control.

101 21 31 Young (LM comm): Oh.

101 21 46 Young (LM comm): What are you looking at, Charlie?

101 21 47 Duke (LM comm): The RCS.

101 21 50 Mattingly (CM comm): How you like the propellant position?

101 22 21 Young (LM comm): I just [garble] How about turning your [garble]?

101 22 27 Duke (LM comm): [Garble] over here [garble].

101 22 31 Young (LM comm): Okay, [garble] little gadget [garble] I think [garble] 101:22:36.

101 22 55 Duke (LM comm): I think you got [garble] pretty bad.

101 23 01 Young (LM comm): Is that what [garble]?

101 23 02 Duke (LM comm): Yeah.

101 23 40 Mattingly (CM comm): [Garble] cut in here [garble]. ? Seems like it [garble] on the gimbal? [garble]?

101 23 51 Young (LM comm): Boy, Ken. You got me there.

101 23 53 Mattingly (CM comm): Did you understand?

101 23 54 Young (LM comm): I don't have any idea.

101 23 56 Mattingly (CM comm): Hey, if y'all will turn the Voice/Ranging off, maybe we can get better comm.

101 23 59 Young (LM comm): Okay.

101 24 02 Duke (LM comm): It's off. How do you read?

101 24 04 Mattingly (CM comm): Loud and clear. I got a - a squeal with you. But I got you good and - good and clear.

101 24 13 Duke (LM comm): Ken, how do you read now?

101 24 15 Mattingly (CM comm): You still got a real bad squeal.

101 24 21 Duke (LM comm): Ken, over.

101 24 22 Mattingly (CM comm): Loud and clear.

101 24 27 Duke (LM comm): Okay, Ken, we have Voice/Ranging back on. How do you read?

101 24 30 Mattingly (CM comm): Well, it's a little scratchy, but clear.

101 24 38 Young (LM comm): Charlie, we must not be doing anything right.

101 24 42 Duke (LM comm): Ken, how do you read?

101 24 44 Mattingly (CM comm): Loud and clear.

101 24 49 Duke (LM comm): Okay, Ken. How do you read VHF B?

101 24 51 Mattingly (CM comm): Loud and clear.

101 25 10 Duke (LM comm): Okay, Ken. How do you read?

101 25 12 Mattingly (CM comm): Loud and clear. How me?

101 25 13 Duke (LM comm): Okay, if you read, I'm transmitting -

101 25 17 Mattingly (CM comm): Okay; are you getting - getting me now?

101 25 35 Duke (LM comm): How do you read, Ken?

101 25 36 Mattingly (CM comm): Loud and clear. How me?

101 25 38 Duke (LM comm): Okay; you're still a little garbled but okay. What are you transmitting?

101 25 41 Mattingly (CM comm): I'm transmitting on B and receiving on A.

101 25 49 Duke (LM comm): Okay. Why don't we try - I think it's our B Receiver. Why don't you try B Duplex? Transmit B - correction, transmit A and receive B.

101 26 00 Mattingly (CM comm): Well - Okay, just a second. Let's go to something simplex. That worked real nice.

101 26 09 Duke (LM comm): Okay, B Simplex.

101 26 10 Mattingly (CM comm): Okay. B Simplex.

101 26 20 Duke (LM comm): How you read B Simplex?

101 26 22 Mattingly (CM comm): Loud and clear. How me?

101 26 24 Duke (LM comm): Still the same. You sound - you're a little garbled is all, but you're okay.

101 26 30 Mattingly (CM comm): Okay; you sound good.

101 26 32 Duke (LM comm): Okay. I think it's our B Receiver.

101 26 35 Mattingly (CM comm): Well, why don't we use A Simplex then?

101 26 39 Duke (LM comm): Tag back here in 30 seconds.

101 26 43 Mattingly (CM comm): Say again?

101 26 45 Duke (LM comm): A Simplex is no good. Tag back B Simplex in 30 seconds.

101 26 49 Mattingly (CM comm): Okay.

101 27 01 Duke (LM comm): VHF A, Ken?

101 27 05 Mattingly (CM comm): Loud and clear.

101 27 08 Duke (LM comm): That's the best one. It - it's our B Receiver is a little scratchy.

101 28 35 Young (LM comm): Ken, this in plane may be mighty bad if the Sun comes up and hits you in the eyes. I don't know which way you're pointed.

101 28 46 Mattingly (CM comm): I don't either.

101 28 50 Young (LM comm): Find out right quick.

101 28 53 Mattingly (CM comm): Yeah. Well, if it is [garble] field of view.

101 29 01 Young (LM comm): Yeah, I'm pointing...

101 29 02 Mattingly (CM comm): It ought to - I think you're the one that's going to be looking into the Sun, because we're in - in an inertial attitude and I was looking at the Sun at sunset. I think the Sun's going to rise over my back.

101 29 22 Young (LM comm): That'll be fine. I don't care.

101 29 32 Mattingly (CM comm): I'm glad to hear that because there's really not much that I can do about it.

101 29 39 Young (LM comm): Yeah, I knew that there wasn't. You know, if we do PDI from now, it will be a miracle.

101 29 47 Mattingly (CM comm): I'm afraid you're right. And here comes the Sun. Man, are you bright.

101 30 00 Duke (LM comm): Well, Ken, at least our urine dump works.

101 30 04 Mattingly (CM comm): (Laughter) Well, I guess [garble] you have to have something to do. Have to get down and get that water in a few minutes. I thought about that on the last pass, and I thought I had - had more than

enough time to get it squared away.

101 30 27 Duke (LM comm): Well, we don't see you venting anything.

101 30 29 Mattingly (CM comm): I'm not. Had a problem [garble]. Afraid I'm gonna - gonna pop that relief valve if they don't [garble].

101 30 42 Duke (LM comm): Okay; well, are you - No. Hey, Ken, if you - you're in great shape. Why don't you go get it, and we'll - watch it.

101 30 55 Mattingly (CM comm): Let's wait until we get - get daylight on the whole spacecraft.

101 31 00 Duke (LM comm): Oh, we ain't got day - I got daylight on you.

101 31 02 Mattingly (CM comm): You have? Okay. That's a beautiful sight. All right, I'm going to go down and turn the dump on, and if it looks like it's going to obscure our vision, then I'll - holler and I'll turn it off right away.

101 31 16 Duke (LM comm): We'll do it.

101 32 08 Duke (LM comm): Bring that out of there! I can see why that's propulsive.

101 32 23 Mattingly (CM comm): Okay; I'm back at the capsule to visual.

101 32 29 Young (LM comm): Okeydokey.

101 32 31 Mattingly (CM comm): Man, we must be over the Sea of Rain.

101 32 38 Duke (LM comm): Ken, you ought to see that dust squirt out of there.

101 32 41 Mattingly (CM comm): I can see it going past you.

101 32 45 Duke (LM comm): I got a good picture of that.

101 32 47 Mattingly (CM comm): That's good. Somebody will get something out of all this.

101 32 56 Young (LM comm): Looks like you're translating your spacecraft.

101 32 58 Mattingly (CM comm): Yeah, I've picked up quite a drift here.

101 33 40 Mattingly (CM onboard?): Man, that's a long wench coming over the cold north [garble].

101 37 56 Mattingly (CM comm): You guys have another dump going?

101 37 58 Duke (LM comm): No. This thing just catches this in a can down there, Ken.

101 38 03 Mattingly (CM comm): Oh. There was still something. Maybe it's just - my stuff was bouncing off of you.

101 38 08 Young (LM comm): Hey, there's an icicle hanging off that dump.

101 38 11 Mattingly (CM comm): That right?

101 38 13 Young (LM comm): Is you about to go ahead and terminate?

101 38 16 Mattingly (CM comm): I beg your pardon?

101 38 18 Young (LM comm): (Vox) popped your dump valve, there.

101 38 21 Mattingly (CM comm): Did you say something about terminating?

101 38 25 Young (LM comm): (Vox)nate your dump?

101 38 28 Mattingly (CM comm): If you want me to. Like I'm down to 50 percent.

101 38 35 Young (LM comm): It's ice, I guess.

101 38 52 Young (LM comm): That little door down there that's open, is that the solar door?

101 38 57 Mattingly (CM comm): Well, the solar door should be down off my left foot. Yeah, underneath the terminal lines of the urine dump - the water dump, rather. Can you see it from there?

101 39 12 Young (LM comm): Sure can.

101 39 14 Mattingly (CM onboard): How about that.

101 39 31 Mattingly (CM comm): If you'd like to yaw around and get the Sun out of your eyes - you can do that.

101 39 38 Duke (LM comm): We're in great shape. It's not in our eyes, Ken.

101 39 40 Mattingly (CM comm): Oh, okay.

101 39 42 Duke (LM comm): Ken, your SIM bay is all retracted.

101 39 46 Mattingly (CM comm): Okay; how about taking a look at that mass spec. You - you know where that one is. That's the one in the - all the way in the aft shell, and it's the one towards the plus-Y axis.

101 39 58 Young (LM comm): Cover's silver, right?

101 40 01 Mattingly (CM comm): Beg your pardon? The cover over it is white. The silver cover goes over the gamma ray.

101 40 09 Duke (LM comm): Okay; it's all - everything's in, and all the covers are closed.

101 40 16 Mattingly (CM comm): Okay. That's interesting.

101 40 19 Duke (LM comm): Following us?

101 40 22 Young (LM comm): Yeah, he's drifting some.

101 40 30 Mattingly (CM comm): Yeah, I was trying to see what this dump did. Looks like it started out giving me Delta-V and then it looked like it quit. Or at least it changed. It could be that it - if it's forming icicles out there, that it's deflecting us up.

101 41 17 Duke (LM comm): That big chicken's been over on this side again, Ken.

101 41 22 Mattingly (CM comm): Yeah. That sure is a fascinating place down there. [Garble] good-size chicken, though.

101 41 42 Duke (LM comm): You said it was - once you tried it with the - in Accel Command with the 204. Did that have - It said it looked like it was stable but oscillating. What does that mean?

101 41 57 Mattingly (CM comm): Well, it meant that it was pointing about plus or minus one degree. But it seemed to be pointing at one degree about the desired axis.

101 42 10 Duke (LM comm): We got you about ten minutes on the dump, Ken.

101 42 14 Mattingly (CM comm): Okay; I'm down to 40 percent. I got my timer running here.

101 42 23 Duke (LM comm): One for you, too. You know every crater - every one over here shows those lineations, like on 15.

101 42 32 Mattingly (CM comm): Yeah, I was noticing that. Everywhere I looked, I saw that. In the craters, in the highlands, in the - just the whole surface of the Moon is covered that way. I was about to decide it was an optical illusion, but the last time I came across Theophilus down low, it turned out that those lineations follow the depressions that touch the craters that are along the rim. Where - where there was a crater on the rim, you see these - these little lineations curve around it. They take the same pattern, like there is really a whole bunch of - of fractures there.

101 43 14 Duke (LM comm): Yeah.

101 43 19 Mattingly (CM comm): But you're right. They're everywhere. I haven't seen any place, except there's a couple of places around Descartes that looked to me like they didn't have it.

Public Affairs Officer: This is Apollo Control 101 hours 44 minutes into the mission of Apollo 16. Fourteen minutes before the start of revolution number 14 around the Moon. At which time shortly after the spacecraft, which now should be nose-to-nose station keeping, will come around the east limb of the Moon. They will be given a Go/No-Go decision from the ground on whether or not to make the landing during the succeeding rev- revolution, or lunar orbit number 16. To recap again, the source of the current situation and delaying the landing, [is] the secondary, back up system, which actually acts as a tiller for the large 20,000 pound [89,000 newton] thrust engine in the Service Propulsion System, or the main engine on the Command Service Module, has experienced some difficulties in the yaw mode or the left and right motion of the engine. The engine is moved up and down, left and right by what are called gimbal actuators. This back up system in the Command Module guidance equipment is used if there is a failure in the primary system, which is called the Guidance and Navigation, or the G&N system. And the flight mission rules call for both systems to be functioning perfectly before a landing is committed. Simulations at the manufacturer's plant in California and in the Command Module simulators here in Houston have been under way for the last several hours to determine the possible effects of having this oscillation left to right oscillation - by the engine, whether or not it would damage the spacecraft structurally. Some initial times have been generated here by the Flight Dynamics people on the maneuvers for a landing should the decision be made to continue with the landing. The Command Module circularization burn would be made at 1:03:22:05. The Powered Descent Ignition [sic] or the start of the landing phase would be at 104:17:20 Ground Elapsed Time. These times are subject to change within a few seconds one way or another. To repeat again, some 11 minutes from now the two spacecraft will come around the front-side to start lunar orbit number 15. The spacecraft communicator will pass up to the crew the Go/No-Go decision for landing during revolution number 16. The crew has requested that if a landing is made that the EVA be postponed until after they can have a sleep period.

101 43 47 Mattingly (CM comm): All right. Let's see, if we delay - I bet one of the constraints may even be the Sun angle for me. Just trying to think - looking back at - at how much effect that Sun angle had between looking at that landmark last night and looking at it this morning. Last night you couldn't tell North and South Ray. You could tell that the craters were there, but you couldn't see any rays. And this morning, the rays were very obvious.

101 44 15 Duke (LM comm): I think the constraint to landing is you.

101 44 18 Mattingly (CM comm): Well, I'm thinking that, if we get a - if we get a workaround, which right now, I'm fresh out of ideas. But they've given me clever ideas before.

101 44 30 Duke (LM comm): Yeah. Let me say I didn't mean that "you" literally.

101 44 34 Mattingly (CM comm): I understand. (Laughter) You don't - well, I guess you do feel worse than I do, but not a lot.

101 44 41 Young (LM comm): It'd be better. You'd get shadows and - and then the shadow of the LM when it comes down, in case this landing radar does its thing again.

101 44 52 Duke (LM comm): If we do go, it'll probably be - probably just a two-EVA sequence.

101 44 58 Mattingly (CM comm): Yeah. Yeah, it seems like the only hope is to get back on the time line and pick it up with the nominal numbers.

101 45 07 Duke (LM comm): Yeah, I don't think we can get a - have the consumables to stay for three EVAs.

101 45 17 Young (LM comm): Not after all this, I don't think. Might not even be a one-EVA, or a one-EVA is about all, I guess.

101 45 30 Mattingly (CM comm): Well, unless - Your battery power may be down? I bet you could get two. Well, there's no sense in speculating. The numbers will come out of the computer. Man, that [garble] of yours sure is looking clean.

101 46 42 Mattingly (CM comm): Okay; down to eight percent.

101 47 27 Mattingly (CM comm): Okay; I'm going to go down and shut it off.

101 47 31 Duke (LM comm): Okay.

101 48 24 Mattingly (CM comm): Okay; it's off, so it ought to tail off pretty quickly. It'll be [garble].

101 48 35 Duke (LM comm): Okay, we're looking at it now, Ken. It's still spitting out quite a few particles.

101 48 40 Mattingly (CM comm): Yeah. On this side, it looks to me like the particles have changed nature, though. They look like snowflakes now, when they looked like rain before.

101 48 48 Duke (LM comm): That's true.

101 48 49 Mattingly (CM comm): And they don't have the appearance of having the same velocity, but I'm not sure about that.

101 48 56 Duke (LM comm): No, they don't have the same velocity. They just sort of sublimating out of there. The other ones were coming out like a rifle shot.

101 49 24 Duke (LM comm): What time do you have AOS on the Flight Plan, Ken?

101 49 30 Mattingly (CM comm): Well, the schedule numbers all went out the window.

101 49 44 Young (LM comm): You got the dooby [garble] abort? Anybody?

101 49 51 Mattingly (CM comm): Do I have any more what?

101 49 58 Young (LM comm): (Vox) body. Our first CSM active rendezvous, too.

Public Affairs Officer: This is Apollo Control [at] 101 hours, 50 minutes Ground Elapsed Time. Manned Spacecraft Center Director, Dr. Christopher C. Kraft, Jr., just came back into the control center after having attended the meeting by management people in one of the back rooms, and the situation is Go for landing. To reaffirm we do have a Go for landing in revolution number 16. That decision will be passed up to the crew at acquisition of signal some seven minutes from now as they come around the front-side of the Moon. The new maneuver, timewise, will be read up to the crew for circularization by the Command Module and powered descent and landing by Lunar Module Orion. To repeat again - we are go for landing. This Apollo Control at 101:51.

101 50 51 Mattingly (CM comm): Okay, Charlie, we're at 138 now, so at 155 before we pick up AOS and - Well, no, it should be about 145 at this altitude. That's - that's - it looks like we ought to get it pretty soon.

101 51 23 Mattingly (CM comm): Looks like all those little particles there, they're coming out and slowing it down. They look like they're just sort of stopping out there.

101 51 31 Duke (LM comm): Okay; it's almost stopped, Ken.

101 51 34 Mattingly (CM comm): The thing I haven't figured out is that the particles also look like they're coming out slower.

101 52 08 Mattingly (CM comm): Every now and then you get a blizzard. It looks just like you're really drowning in [garble].

101 52 52 Mattingly (CM comm): Okay; rough calculation says we should pick up AOS about 102:02 [garble].

101 55 16 Young (LM comm): What's your best guess for P21, say, Ken?

101 55 20 Mattingly (CM comm): Where we are right now. We're about 125 degrees, probably about 30 miles high.

101 55 29 Young (LM comm): I don't care. Just wondering when we was going to get acquisition.

101 55 33 Mattingly (CM comm): I'd say about 102:02, I think.

101 55 37 Young (LM comm): Okay.

101 55 38 Mattingly (CM comm): That's about 100 degrees east and gonna be about 25 miles high. I got that out of our spiffy - spiffy little P29. He's doing longitude now. Get that. That wasn't a bad guess. We're now at a 121 and 33 miles high.

101 56 19 Duke (LM comm): Ken, the way that figure looks, we're down to one gimbal motor in yaw then, huh?

101 56 25 Mattingly (CM comm): Well, that's right unless they can find something.

101 56 30 Young (LM comm): Well, there's not much that they can find on the ground to fix it, though.

101 56 34 Mattingly (CM comm): Well, they may find some crude control mode that you could use in here that would make it oscillatory but not unstable. It's the divergence [garble] it's tracking. If it had been just the [garble] we got to go ahead and burn; then we go [garble] the Moon.

101 57 02 Mattingly (CM comm): I tell you, that thing is really threatening to whip around to[at?] the back end. Think it'd just be [garble] like that.

101 57 22 Young (LM comm): They've got the data from one that you'd let it do that on a little?

101 57 27 Mattingly (CM comm): Yeah, I showed it to them on two separate occasions on that last pass. Both times, they had high gain all the way. So there should be no question about it.

101 57 55 Mattingly (CM comm): I just really didn't follow their comment about what they were trying to duplicate conditions on the simulator.

101 58 13 Young (LM comm): Well, they want to make - make it unstable and see if somebody can fly it. Would you believe?

101 58 24 Duke (LM comm): Hey, Ken. If they let us go, boy, I'll tell you, if you ask me, you ought to just forget about that MEP - EMP thing, and just leave the gimbal motors on those six minutes.

101 58 51 Mattingly (CM comm): Well, I really don't really know if that had anything to do with it or not. It - it would seem that, with this being our first gimbal problem and that's the first time we've done that, that would seem like a reasonable thing to suspect. But if that's what they suspect, then - then the next answer is pull the plug.

101 59 17 Duke (LM comm): First answer's what - second answer's what?

[End of CM transcript until 103 02 13]

Public Affairs Officer: this is Apollo Control [at] 101 hours, 56 minutes Ground Elapsed Time in the mission of Apollo 16. Less than two minutes prior to acquisition of signal with Orion and Casper coming around from the rear face of the Moon on the 15th revolution. As the conversation begins with the crew the word that we're Go for landing will be passed up to the crew. Apparently during the simulations here and Downy in California it has been determined that the oscillations in the backup control system which controls the motion of the large engine on the Service Propulsion System, would present no structural hazard to the spacecraft. The backup system is go at this time and we've had no problem at all with the primary system, the G&N system as it's called. To repeat again the preliminary time for the Command Module circularization burn would be 103:22:05 [and] for the Power Descent Initiation 104:17:20. Standing by for acquisition some 20 seconds from now. Ten seconds away. New flight control team schedule being posted on one of the Idefor projectors. You hear noise on the down link, waiting for confirmation from the network controller that we have solid lock on with the spacecraft.

101 59 22 Young (LM): We got AOS. Let's wait.

101 59 28 Irwin: Orion, this is Houston.

101 59 30 Young (LM): Hello, Houston.

101 59 36 Irwin: Roger. I have some switches and circuit breakers we want you to take care of to try to improve the comm situation. I'll give them to you as soon as you're ready to copy.

101 59 47 Duke (LM): Go ahead.

101 59 48 Irwin: Okay, we want on Panel 12, Track Mode switch, Off; on Panel 16, Primary Transmitter/Receiver circuit breaker, Open; S-Band Antenna Heater Circuit breaker, Open; S-Band Antenna Comm circuit breaker, Open; and Primary S-Band Power Amplifier, Open. Then on panel 11, AC Bus S-Band Antenna, Open. Over.

102 00 15 Duke (LM): Okay. Turn off the Track Mode on 12 - Track Mode, Off. Is that right, Jim?

102 00 36 Irwin: That's right, Track Mode switch, Off, on Panel 12.

102 00 48 Duke (LM): Okay, you'll have to find another name for that switch. Oh, okay, we got it.

102 00 56 Irwin: It's been a long day. And did you copy those circuit breakers, Charlie?

102 01 07 Young (LM): Yeah, he's got them; we're getting them now.

102 01 10 Irwin: Okay, and you do have a Go for another try here at PDI on Rev 16. And I have some words on that problem with the TVC whenever y'all are ready to copy.

102 01 26 Duke (LM): Well, I'm all ears, I don't know about Ken.

102 01 28 Young (LM): Go to it.

102 01 36 Irwin: Okay, Orion can always tell Casper what his problem is, but it looks like an open circuit in the rate feedback and your servo loop. We've run exhaustive tests down here on the West Coast and East Coast on controlability aspects and structural aspects, and everything looks satisfactory. On Apollo 9, we ran - a similar test was run, as you probably remember. And if such a - such a problem did occur up there, you could expect oscillations, of course, with the gimbal, but you could expect a steady attitude. It would be a limit cycle. So we're convinced down here that we have a satisfactory control mode if we have to revert to that one. Over.

102 02 38 Irwin: And I hope Casper copied.

102 02 41 Duke (LM): Okay, Jim, one thing...

102 02 42 Mattingly: Okay, Casper copied that. I - I guess I'd like to know, is that thing going to diverge up to a point and then cease to diverge? Does it become neutrally stable at some - some amplitude, Jim?

102 03 02 Irwin: That's affirmative, Ken.

102 03 07 Mattingly: Okay, that must be some number bigger than the one I looked at, and the other question - only other question I had is: "Is there any connection between this, in your mind, and the - and the longer duration gimbal On times?"

102 03 31 Irwin: Okay, the answer to that, Ken, is negative.

102 03 38 Mattingly: Okay, sounds good. Thank you.

[We move to separate LM & CM transcripts for next front-side pass, reflecting the return to two separate CapComs and communications links. We start with the LM until LOS at 103 02 27. The CM loop is here.]

102 03 43 Duke (LM): Jim, could you go through that switch list one more time - CB list one more time a little bit slower?

102 04 00 Irwin: Okay, Charlie. On that circuit breaker list, on panel 16, it was Primary Transmitter and Receiver, S-Band Antenna Heater, S-Band Antenna Comm, Primary S-Band Power Amp. And then on panel 11, it was just one, AC Bus S-Band Antenna. Over.

102 04 15 Duke (LM): Okay. We got them all.

102 04 24 Irwin: Okay, understand that's complete.

102 04 29 Duke (LM): That is complete. Roger.

102 04 31 Irwin: Okay. Let me give you some words on the general plan here in this rev. We want to get the pads up to you, then we'll up-link, and then we want you to do a P52 Option 1. And then you'll pick up in the Timeline Book at circ.

102 04 51 Duke (LM): Roger; copy.

102 04 54 Irwin: And some more information, if you'd like to copy it; I have sunset at 102:35:50 and perform 400 plus 3 after the P52. And for the P52 use the same stars as the P52 in the Timeline Book. And, of course, after the up-links to you - Verb 47. Over.

102 05 24 Duke (LM): Roger. We copy all of that. One thing - you want us to do Option 3 before the Option 17

102 05 34 Irwin: Negative; just the Option 1.

102 05 40 Duke (LM): Okay. Okay, we're ready to copy.

102 05 45 Irwin: Okay. We're standing by for the pads.

102 05 57 Duke (LM): And- -

102 05 58 Irwin: Orion, will you turn S-Band Ranging switch Off?

102 06 06 Duke (LM): Ranging is Off.

102 06 08 Irwin: Let's go Hi Bit Rate.

102 06 16 Duke (LM): You are Hi Bit Rate. Is Casper going to get a little sep maneuver here?

102 06 21 Irwin: Yes, we'll be giving that, and I have T2, T3 aborts - pads, if you're ready to copy, Charlie.

102 06 33 Duke (LM): Stand by. Okay. Go ahead.

102 06 36 Irwin: Okay. Lima, 104:42:16.64; 111:03:30.0; T2 at PDI plus 24 plus 54; and then T3, Nectar, 106:25:11.81. Over.

102 07 08 Duke (LM): Roger. Say Lima and Mike again.

102 07 12 Irwin: Okay. Lima is 104:42:16.64. Over.

102 07 21 Duke (LM): Copy that. Also Mike.

102 07 26 Irwin: Okay. Mike is 111:03:30.00. Over.

102 07 37 Duke (LM): Okay. Copy. T2 would be PDI plus 24:54. And we have Lima, 104:42:16.64; 111:03:30.00; November, 106:25:17.81. Over.

102 07 54 Irwin: Roger; on November there, it's - the seconds, 11.81. Over.

102 08 02 Duke (LM): Copy, 11.

102 08 06 Irwin: And I have the PDI pad when you're ready.

102 08 12 Duke (LM): Go ahead.

102 08 14 Irwin: Okay, here's India first. 104:17:23.29; 11:04 plus 0003.6; 002, 114, 340; plus 56980. Juliet 107:05:45.00. Kilo, 109:04:30.00. Over.

102 09 04 Duke (LM): Copy PDI pad. 104:17:23.29; 11:00 [sic] plus 0003.6; 002, 114, 340; plus 56980, 107:05:45.00; 109:04:30.00. Over.

102 09 26 Irwin: Roger. And now I have the No PDI Plus 12. Orion, we've turned the biomed off.

102 09 46 Duke (LM): Okay, go ahead. Okay, you got the old biomed off.

102 09 48 Irwin: Okay. And here's No PDI Plus 12. 104:30: all zeros; plus 0102.3; plus all zeros; minus 0050.0; 0138.4, plus 0011.4, 0113.9; 0:35; all zeros, 271; 0870.0; plus 0102.6, all zeros; minus 0049.4; 105, 18, all zeros; 107, 05, 45.00. Throttle profile 10 percent for 26 seconds. Full throttle for remainder. Over.

102 10 56 Duke (LM): Roger; copy. Give me the Noun 42 begin. Over.

102 11 02 Irwin: Roger. Noun 42. 0138.4, plus 0011.4, 0113.9. Over.

102 11 14 Duke (LM): Roger. Copy 104:30:00.00; plus 0102.3; plus all balls; minus 0050.0; 0138.4, plus 0011.4, 0113.9; 0:35; 000, 271; 0870.0; plus 0102.6, plus all balls, minus 0049.4; 105, 18, 00.00; 107, 05, 45.00. Over.

102 11 54 Irwin: Good readback, Charlie. I have AGS abort constants when you're ready.

102 11 59 Duke (LM): Stand by. Okay, I'm ready to copy.

102 12 08 Irwin: Okay, Orion. We're going to hold up. We've got to get some high bit rates. Orion, select Downvoice Backup..

102 12 44 Duke (LM): Houston, how do you read Downvoice Backup? Over.

102 13 00 Irwin: Orion, this is Houston. I read you very, very weak. We want you to go to P00 and Data. We're gonna send you some up-links, And we do not want you to transmit until the up-links are complete.

102 13 17 Duke (LM): Understand. We have P00 and Data.

102 14 32 Irwin: Orion, we want you to go to Downvoice Backup.

102 17 16 Irwin: Orion, this is Houston with the new Sep Pad and Circ Pad whenever you are ready.

102 17 25 Duke (LM): Okay. We're still getting up-link.

102 17 31 Irwin: Okay, no transmissions here.

102 17 41 Irwin: You guys should maintain radio silence up there.

102 24 08 Irwin: Okay, Orion. We have the up-links in, and I'm ready to give you the AGS abort constants.

102 24 17 Duke (LM): Okay, stand by. Go ahead.

102 24 24 Irwin: Okay, beginning with 224 plus 60529, plus 29402, plus 60406, plus 00572, minus 32664, minus 54401. And we want you to reload 373 with plus 08574 and change 254 to plus 08817. Over.

102 25 06 Duke (LM): Okay, Jim. We copy starting with 224, 60529, 29402, 60406, 00572, 32664, 54401. Load 373 with plus 08574; 254 plus 08817. Over.

102 25 36 Irwin: That's a good readback, and, of course, 662 and 673 are minus.

102 25 42 Duke (LM): That's affirmative.

102 25 49 Irwin: Okay, and I have the Sep Pad and Circ Pad if you' re ready.

102 25 54 Duke (LM): Go ahead.

102 26 07 Irwin: Okay, Sep Pad is at 102.30, all zeros. And on this Circ Pad, ignition 103:21:42.43, Noun 81 plus 0069.1, plus all zeros, minus 0043.5. Over.

102 26 28 Duke (LM): Okay. Hopefully, that's a Sep Pad. Ken got 103:21:43; plus 0006.9 - correction, plus 0069.1, minus all bails, minus 0043.5. Over.

102 26 50 Irwin: Roger. That's the - the Circ Pad. The other - the first one was the Sep Pad.

102 26 57 Duke (LM): Okay, just the Tig. . Okay, we're gonna get to work - start loading these AGS stuff.

102 27 05 Irwin: Okay, and after you load those AGS abort constants, you'll be clear to pick up on the Timeline Book at the circ burn.

102 27 17 Duke (LM): Roger. After the P52.

102 27 27 Young (LM): Ask them for a new DAP load or new DAP weight - it doesn't make any difference.

102 27 33 Duke (LM): Why don't - why don't you do that, John, while I...

102 27 35 Young (LM): Okay.

102 27 38 Duke (LM): ...I think we're all right, but I got to load this stuff.

102 27 39 Young (LM): Houston, do we have a new LM DAP weight?

102 27 41 Irwin: Stand by.

102 27 43 Young (LM): Or is that worth fooling with?

102 27 48 Duke (LM): [Garble] when we pitch up like this, I feel like I'm going backwards - in an orb or in an inertial pull.

102 28 06 Young (LM): Kind of got your [garble].

102 29 10 Irwin: Orion, this is Houston. We'd like you to open AC Bus A Tape Recorder on Panel 11.

102 29 17 Young (LM): Okay. It's coming open.

102 29 22 Irwin: And I have a PIPA bias for you...

102 29 23 Young (LM): Okay, it's open.

102 29 24 Irwin: ...when you're ready to copy.

102 29 30 Duke (LM): Stand by. Whew. Go ahead.

102 29 40 Irwin: Okay. Address 1456. Data, 03141. Over.

102 29 54 Duke (LM): Okay, 1456. Say again the data.

102 29 56 Irwin: 03141. Over.

102 30 04 Duke (LM): Roger; 1456 address, 03141.

102 30 07 Irwin: Good readback.

102 30 08 Duke (LM): We' re entering that now. Verb 21 Noun 0 - Noun 01 Enter, 1456 Enter, load 0314 - 03141.

102 30 31 Duke (LM): Good number, I guess, huh? [garble].

102 30 50 Irwin: Orion, this is Houston. We'd like you to open the Up Data Link circuit breaker on panel 11 and go to Normal voice configuration.

102 31 01 Duke (LM): Roger. Data Link.

102 31 28 Duke (LM): Okay, Houston; Orion. How do you read Normal voice? Over.

102 31 30 Irwin: Very good. Much better, Charlie.

102 31 35 Duke (LM): Okay.

102 31 42 Young (LM): Okay. Can you say something about our trajectory now? Are we still 17,000 feet [5000 metres] south and the same as before?

102 31 51 Irwin: Stand by, John. We'll have some words for you.

102 31 56 Young (LM): Okay.

102 32 07 Young (LM): And I assume you want to use both systems for PDI, both RCSs.

102 32 13 Irwin: We're still talking about that down here, John.

102 32 17 Young (LM): Okay.

102 32 45 Irwin: Orion, this is Houston. At the present time, it looks like you will be coming in 16,000 feet [4800 metres] high and about 20,000 feet 6000 [metres] south,

102 32 54 Young (LM): Okay, understand. 16,000 high and 20,000 south.

102 33 01 Irwin: Roger.

102 33 04 Duke (LM): Jim, John and I are just laughing. We'd like to go back to the sims, please.

102 33 14 Irwin: So would we.

102 33 21 Duke (LM): Glad you turned the biomed off.

102 33 42 Young (LM): Houston, okay to do that P52 now?

102 33 54 Young (LM): Houston, are we clear to do the P52 now?

102 33 59 Irwin: Roger; as soon as you're in darkness, John. Well, just an, advisory, it's Option 1.

102 34 05 Young (LM): Understand. Option 1 and we're going to gyro torque it.

102 34 12 Irwin: Roger.

102 39 06 Duke (LM): Jim, entered the P52. We've got you on the Aft omni now.

102 39 09 Irwin: Roger. We copy.

102 39 19 Duke (LM): That new REFSMMAT was pretty close to the old one - just a couple of degrees, right?

102 39 22 Irwin: Affirmative.

102 39 32 Duke (LM): Man, when those jets turn on, Jim, nobody had ever commented before, but it really horses this old thing around.

102 39 40 Irwin: Roger.

102 39 59 Irwin: Okay. Orion, this is Houston. We have another procedure we wanted you to try for the comm problem.

102 40 07 Duke (LM): Go ahead.

102 40 08 Irwin: Okay, we want you to open the Secondary Power AMPs circuit breaker on Panel 11. And, of course, you'll lose comm when you open that; and then after one minute, close it, and then we'll re-establish comm.

102 40 28 Duke (LM): Roger; copy. We'll do that after John finishes marking.

102 40 37 Irwin: Okay.

102 43 47 Irwin: Orion, this is Houston. How do you read me?

102 43 51 Duke (LM): Loud and clear.

102 43 55 Irwin: Oh, you're loud and clear too.

102 44 02 Irwin: Roger; could you give us the - your Noun 93s? We'd - had lost data at that point.

102 44 10 Duke (LM): Yeah, sorry about that, Jim. Here they are: the star angle difference was 4 balls 1, minus 4 balls 1; our torque angles were minus 0.067, plus 0.108, plus 0.050; torqued at 104:42:25.

102 44 31 Irwin: Roger. Copied down to Noun 93 is minus 0.067 plus, 0.108, plus 0.050. Over.

102 44 42 Duke (LM): That's affirmative.

102 45 30 Young (LM): Heys Houston, I don't know where Ken is at this point when we missed up into our P52. I trust he is still keeping an eye on us.

102 45 40 Irwin: I hope so too.

102 45 41 Young (LM): Hey, Ken.

102 46 20 Irwin: And, Orion; this is Houston. Just a reminder on the 400 plus 3, and a Verb 47.

102 46 31 Duke (LM): Roger; we already did that.

102 46 33 Irwin: Okay; very good.

102 47 14 Irwin: Charlie, this is Houston. Could you put your mike a little closer? Your volume seems to be a little lower than - than John's.

102 47 26 Duke (LM): Okay; how's that?

102 47 28 Irwin: That's better.

102 47 32 Duke (LM): Okay; I had one of them up. Every time I turn my head I get orange juice.

102 47 39 Irwin: Roger.

102 47 50 Duke (LM): It's delicious, Jim, but it's better in your mouth than floating around the cockpit.

102 47 55 Irwin: I know what you mean. I wish I had some.

102 48 00 Duke (LM): As a matter of fact, I've already had an orange shampoo with the helmet on.

102 48 09 Irwin: I guess that's better than no shampoo.

102 48 15 Duke (LM): Yeah, I think you're right. Jim, we were really impressed with that landing site from ten miles, anyway, it sure looks exactly like the LMA.

102 48 32 Irwin: Okay, Charlie. We're kind of curious about the orange juice problem. Did you have a - a bag failure?

102 48 39 Duke (LM): Well, I think it must be the valve. The Command Module water had a lot of air bubbles in it and when I - of course, when I put my suit on, it sort of compressed everything. And every time my mike comes by and grabs the - the valve, it bends it down just slightly, which is - which is enough to cause some to squirt out due to the pressure from the suit. Over.

102 49 04 Irwin: We copy.

102 49 10 Young (LM): I have the same problem all the time in one g.

102 49 15 Duke (LM): Yeah, at one g though, you bend over and it's on your visor and you can lick it off.

102 49 59 Duke (LM): Casper, Orion transmitting VHF A Simplex. How do you read?

102 50 09 Irwin: Charlie, this is Houston. We're kind of concerned about how much...

102 50 Duke (LM): Casper, Orion...

102 50 13 Irwin: ...orange juice might have spilled out. We're concerned about the amount that might have got in the suit loop and its effect on the LiOH canister.

102 50 25 Duke (LM): Jim, most of it, for some reason floated up under my helmet - I mean my Snoopy hat, and I'm pretty sticky around the temples and all; and I don't think anything - most of it stuck right in my helmet. And the suit loop flow is not enough to drive it down under - into the suit. And I don't feel like I'm wet at all down in that area. Over.

102 50 49 Irwin: Okay; thank you, Charlie.

102 51 03 Young (LM): Yeah, I don't - I don't think there is any of it in the suit loop to amount to anything. Looking at Charlie, I can tell where most of it is.

102 51 27 Duke (LM): Yes, Ken, I was just seeing how you read. We're all set to go for your circ. Okay, what kind of sep maneuver did you do? All right, thank you.

102 51 55 Irwin: Orion, let's try Biomed, Left.

102 52 02 Duke (LM): Okay, you got John's arrhythmia.

102 52 05 Irwin: Roger.

102 52 53 Duke (LM): Houston, Orion. I'd like to confirm that in System A we have enough ullage volume to get all the propellants out of the tank. Over.

102 53 02 Irwin: That's not correct, Charlie, we'll give you the exact number here shortly.

102 53 12 Duke (LM): Okay, we're still looking at 2000 - about 2100 psi [14500 kPa] on the helium.

102 54 37 Irwin: Orion, this - this is Houston. In answer to your question, Charlie. If you were to lose source pressure right now, you could get 35 percent out.

102 54 50 Duke (LM): Okay; well, we only have 50 - 50 percent remaining.

102 54 55 Irwin: Understand. And that 35 percent is enough to complete this mission.

102 55 02 Duke (LM): Okay. if we could - Do we have a double failure here on the two regs and that loop?

102 55 07 Irwin: That's affirmative.

102 55 14 Duke (LM): Okay. So what's holding us is that check valve that unseats at 2 - about 225 and reseats at 2127.

102 55 25 Irwin: That's correct, Charlie. And really you have - should have about 60 percent in that system. Your gage has an error in it.

102 55 35 Duke (LM): We copy. Roger; we copy.

103 01 26 Duke (LM): Houston, Orion.

103 01 27 Irwin: Go ahead, Orion.

103 01 31 Duke (LM): Roger, Jim. We watched Ken's waste water dump, and I can see why that thing really gives FDO fits. It really comes out of there like a water hose.

103 01 44 Irwin: Okay; we copy.

103 01 45 Duke (LM): And we took a picture of it, or two, and I hope they come out and show you that. We had pretty good lighting.

103 01 54 Irwin: Good; we hope you have some good pictures of it. And we're showing about two minutes and a half to LOS.

103 02 03 Duke (LM): Roger; AOS time, please.

103 02 06 Irwin: Stand by.

103 02 23 Irwin: AOS for Rev 16 is 103:51:25.

103 02 27 Duke (LM): Roger.

[LOS on Rev 15.]

[We now return to the CM transcript for this front-side pass. The combined CM and LM transcript restarts after LOS here.]

102 04 04 Hartsfield: Casper, Houston. We're on two loops now.

102 04 13 Mattingly: Okay, Henry. Thank you.

102 04 16 Roosa: Hey, Ken, I've got a couple other words about that if you'd like to listen.

102 04 26 Mattingly: I surely would, Stu.

102 04 27 Roosa: Okay. Most of the cases where they appeared to be diverging to you and you shut it off the motor, would short, and some of them was just very close to the point at which it became stable. And on some of the - the longer ones, we did see the stability, but those that you called as diverging were short of reaching this stable point, it appears that the controllability is not going to be any problem when - If you would have to burn with this, according to the stroking tests on [Apollo] 9, you'll get a lot of - of oscillations and you'll feel the spacecraft shaking, but the attitude will not be changing. You'll probably see the rate needles moving around a little bit. And just for your info also, most probably do the burns with the 90 degree roll, so we'll have a - so we'll have the redundancy in the - in the yaw axis platform consideration.

102 05 43 Mattingly: That sounds like a good plan. Now, I guess if I'd have been a little smarter, we'd have pressed on on schedule.

102 05 49 Roosa: No, I don't think so, Ken. They - they appeared to be diverging and it was a - it was a true divergence as far as you could tell. It - it was just, in most cases, just short of becoming stable.

102 06 09 Mattingly: Okay, I tell you - you know the difference in this and the simulator, where you can really feel it move, and this old dog was really wagging its tail.

102 06 14 Roosa: Yes. You know, Jim was talking about the Apollo 9 test, and he said that - that they really - you really feel it in the spacecraft. But this thing is stable. They have - they've really checked that out, and it'll rattle and roll a little bit, if you have to use it, but it's stable.

102 06 37 Mattingly: Sounds good. Once again, the ground earns their pay.

102 06 56 Mattingly: Okay, Hank, I guess I'm in need of a general outline of where we intercept the Flight Plan. And it looks like one of the things I'll be needing is a - some kind of a separation burn from Orion again, so that I'm not setting here blasting it into his face. And then I'll need a certain burn pad. And after that, I'll - I guess we just sort of stumble along and try to pick up some landmark tracking and things like that.

102 07 27 Roosa: Okay...

102 07 28 Mattingly: My fuel is kind of low.

102 07 33 Roosa: Okay, of course, as you know, we're working the Flight Plan now, and Hank's got the - the pads for you. And I just wanted to make one other comment now. Do you have any other questions - do you have any reservations about this duty, because we sure want to get - get your concurrence? But everything looks like it's - it's go.

102 07 58 Mattingly: Okay. Did somebody fly one of these in the CMS?

102 08 02 Roosa: Well, But...it's been flown on the hardware evaluator.

102 08 11 Mattingly: Okay, I just want to get - if anyone's...

102 08 13 Roosa: Yeah.

102 08 14 Mattingly: ... run one of these things in the manual MTVC or something like that.

102 08 22 Roosa: Okay, yeah. They - it's been flown, in all three - three modes, Ken, G&N, SCS Auto and MTVC. It's also been flown on the...

102 08 35 Mattingly: Roger.

102 08 36 Roosa: ...on the hardware evaluator, and - and, of course, we did have the stroking test on Apollo 9, where it was flown in front, and pretty much duplicated this exact problem as far as cycles per second, so forth.

102 08 55 Mattingly: All right, sir. I'm happy.

102 08 59 Roosa: Very good. And Hank's got some good words here for you here.

102 09 06 Hartsfield: Okay, Ken. I have your...

102 09 07 Mattingly: Thank you very much.

102 09 08 Hartsfield: ...Sep Pad for you. You'll use normal sep procedures. In other words, you'll be below the LM, facing it, and back away with your minus-X thrusters. I'll read you your new pad, if you're ready to copy.

102 09 23 Mattingly: Okay, just a second. I got my pad book handy.

102 09 47 Mattingly: Okay, I'm ready for a little Sep Pad.

102 09 57 Hartsfield: Roger. Noun 33, 102:30, all zip; attitude 000, 357, 000.

102 10 10 Mattingly: Okay, this is sep. That's at 102:30:00; attitude 000, 357, and 000.

102 10 22 Hartsfield: Good readback, Ken.

102 10 24 Mattingly: And this is to be a - a one-foot-per-second radial inward.

102 10 33 Hartsfield: That's affirmative.

102 10 47 Mattingly: Okay.

102 11 05 Hartsfield: And I have your Circ Pad for you now, Ken, if you're ready to copy.

102 11 17 Mattingly: Okay, go ahead.

102 11 18 Hartsfield: Roger. Circ, SPS/G&N; 39095; plus 0.49, plus 1.19; 103:21:42.43; Noun 81, plus 0069.1, all zips, minus 0043.5; 000, 139, 358; 0068.0, plus 0053.1; 0081.6, 0:05, 0070.1. The rest is NA. Sirius and Rigel; 131, 071, 014. Two jets; 16 seconds; quads Alfa and Charlie. And in comments: manually roll 90 degrees from pad attitude for burn, except the final attitude and trim in P40.

102 13 08 Mattingly: Okay. Let me ask one question before I read it back. I assume that I would be outsmarting myself if I went through the 90-degree roll in the Verb 49 maneuver rather than going to zero roll. I'm looking for ways to kind of be stingy with the RCS.

102 13 32 Hartsfield: Stand by one.

102 13 37 Mattingly: Let me read you the pad back now and then ask you the questions, Hank.

102 13 40 Hartsfield: Okay.

102 13 44 Mattingly: Okays it's circ, SPS/G&N; 39095; plus 0.49, plus 1.19; 103:21:42.43; plus 0069.1, all zips; minus 0043.5, 000, 139, 358; 0068.0, plus 0053.1; 0081.6, 0:05, 0070.1. Sirius and Rigel; 131, 071, 014. Two jets, 16 seconds; quads Alfa and Charlie. Manually roll 90 degrees for burns.

102 14 35 Hartsfield: Good readback, Ken.

102 15 27 Mattingly: And would you like for me to go to A/C Roll for the normal roll coming up to control?

102 15 33 Hartsfield: Ken, there's too much noise. Can you say it again.

102 15 39 Mattingly: Would you like for me to go to A/C Roll for normal roll control also?

102 15 43 Hartsfield: Stand by. That's affirmative, Ken. Go to A/C Roll.

102 15 52 Mattingly: Okay.

102 16 11 Hartsfield: Ken, we're trying to work in a P52 here, and we're checking that attitude, and then we'll give you what we think is best as far as that maneuver. .

102 16 22 Mattingly: Okay.

102 17 20 MCC: Hey, tell him not to talk now, because they're hitting the data then every time now in Downvoice Backup.

102 18 41 Hartsfield: Casper, Houston. Between now and sep we're not going to do anything. In the meantime, FAO is working on a - whether the burn attitude is going to be good for your P52 or not. So just go ahead, get sep out of the way and we'll have some words for you then.

102 18 59 Mattingly: Okay, looks like I could use a new state vector, too.

102 19 04 Hartsfield: Roger. They are working on the vectors now.

102 19 10 Mattingly: Okay, will it do me any good to load - Yeah, I can go ahead and load this thing and let them put in a new vector later. Is that correct?

102 19 19 Hartsfield: Say again.

102 19 23 Mattingly: Is it okay to go ahead and load P30 and then out in a new vector afterwards, or is it best to wait until I get the vectors in?

102 19 31 Hartsfield: Stand by a minute, Ken.

102 19 42 Hartsfield: Ken, go ahead and sep. We'll up-link after sep.

102 19 47 Mattingly: Okay, thank you.

102 20 57 Mattingly: How about if I do this 90 degrees to that attitude to save - save the maneuver. I'll have to go pretty fast to get there.

102 21 08 Hartsfield: I guess I didn't understand your question, Ken.

102 21 09 Mattingly: I'm almost 90 degrees to that attitude and I could do it. Instead of pointing and doing it along the X-axis, suppose I come down and do this 90 degrees out and do it with the B/D thruster? Put in that one foot per second?

102 21 29 Hartsfield: Stand by, Ken.

102 21 32 Mattingly: That'd get me a - a pitch attitude of 085 - or 087, excuse me.

102 23 26 Roosa: Okay. Now, he loaded - he loaded his P30 and you're looking at...

102 23 50 Mattingly: Stu, you were on air to ground. I've loaded P30, and I have flown to 90 degrees from the attitude in order to save that extra high-speed maneuver to get there. And I'm going to burn it along the Z-axis. It'll be towards the Moon, which is our check, and I'll take it from 1 foot per second to 2 foot per second as per the normal procedures, except I'll be using the Z-translation.

102 24 26 Hartsfield: Okay, Ken. We concur as long as it's 1-foot down radial.

102 24 31 Mattingly: Okay, it'll be 1 foot towards the Moon, and we'll still count from 1 to 2 foot per second on the Noun 85.

102 24 40 Hartsfield: Roger.

102 26 15 Hartsfield: Casper, you a Go for sep.

102 26 25 Mattingly: Okay; go for sep. Thank you, sir.

102 27 27 Hartsfield: Just to clarify, Ken. You're going to burn the Noun 85 to zero.

102 27 36 Mattingly: Negative; the Noun 85 will go to plus 2. it was loaded so that it would point you in the other direction, and by taking it this way, I'll - the dummy load we put in was a - a minus, and we normally burned it to a plus 2. I'm going to burn towards the Moon, which is going to make this come out to be plus 2.

102 28 37 Mattingly: We originally put in a vector. We wanted to burn radially inward, and we put in a vector that was - would cause you to point radially outward on the calculations and then we just burned it to a larger number. So P40 wouldn't - wouldn't cause you to turn around and point 180 from where you were when you undock.

102 28 58 Hartsfield: Roger; copy.

102 29 03 Mattingly: Do you have any reservations?

102 29 07 Hartsfield: Long as you get a foot toward the Moon.

102 29 12 Mattingly: Okay. We can do that.

102 29 33 Mattingly: Okay. Inside of 30 seconds.

102 30 38 Mattingly: Okay; how's that?

102 30 48 Hartsfield: Looks okay, Ken.

102 32 43 Hartsfield: Casper, Houston. If you'll give us Accept, we'll up-link.

102 32 50 Mattingly: You have it.

102 32 59 Hartsfield: And, Casper, when you get through with the up-links I we want to go to an attitude of 000, 060, 000 and do a P52.

102 33 11 Mattingly: Okay, 000, 060, and 000 and a P52, option 3. And I take it that I should enter 509 just before the P52, and leave it in until after the gimbal drive check in P40. The same procedure we had last time. Is that affirmative?

102 33 40 Hartsfield: That's affirmative.

102 33 44 Mattingly: All righty.

102 36 31 Hartsfield: Casper, the computers are yours.

102 36 38 Mattingly: Thank you.

102 37 46 Hartsfield: Casper, Houston. We're trying to troubleshoot the LM communications problems and it will help if you go to omni Alfa.

102 45 30 Hartsfield: Casper, we have a Noun 93.

102 45 39 Mattingly: Okay.

102 45 41 Hartsfield: And, Ken, what we would like for you to do is pick up in the Flight Plan at 97:07, and with the circ preps, and just step on through that, procedure-wise, and be sure you do the Verb 49 after the circ. I have a change in your pad attitude...

102 46 02 Mattingly: You said Verb 29, what first to take?

102 46 06 Hartsfield: Roger. Right after the circ burn, want to be sure you do the Verb 49. And, to get it into the landmark tracking attitude, we're going to do the high-altitude landmark tracking. And we've got a change to your pad attitude for your circ. We're going to go ahead and give you an attitude that has the 90 degrees in it, so the Verb 49 will be more efficient. And the new attitude is 090, 139, 358.

102 46 39 Mattingly: Okay; 090, 139, and 358. I'm on my way now. And I'll get myself into the proper tracking attitude if we don't get all those things worked out.

102 46 50 Hartsfield: Roger. And we want to make sure you don't bypass the final trim in P40, in that attitude.

102 46 59 Mattingly: That's affirmative. I will take the final trim.

102 47 03 Hartsfield: Roger. And somewhere in here I need to give you the new abort pads, whenever you can get the chance to copy them.

102 47 10 Mattingly: Okay. Let me get the maneuvers started, and let me get myself squared away and get the time line in my head and then I'll give you a call.

102 27 16 Hartsfield: Okay; whenever you're ready.

102 48 32 Mattingly: Okay, Hank; and one question that comes to my mind is, do you want the secondary yaw gimbal brought on the line or not?

102 48 47 Hartsfield: Stand by, Ken. I'll get you an answer on that one.

102 49 18 Hartsfield: Okay, Ken, what we'd like for you to do is leave the secondary gimbal motors off until you have finished the gimbal drive check, then bring the secondary gimbal motors on, and do a normal burn. And if you have to, go ahead and down grade, down mode, if you have to to arrest some kind of a bad rate or something.

102 29 42 Mattingly: Okay. I'll not do - I'll do the gimbal drive check with the secondary in pitch - unless - Are they in the same package? It seems like they're in separate packages. The secondary in yaw is the one I'll bring on after the gimbal drive check.

102 49 59 Hartsfield: That's okay, Ken.

102 50 01 Mattingly: Or would you rather just not exercise it. It's macht's nicht to me.

102 50 09 Hartsfield: It's your druthers, Ken. If you want to do it that way, that's fine.

102 50 19 Mattingly: Okay. It'll just verify that I've got everything else hooked up properly. I'd like to keep as close to the normal procedures as I can. Hey, you did copy the P52 things?

102 50 31 Hartsfield: Roger. It looked good. And Orion's trying to call you on VHF.

102 50 38 Mattingly: Okay, I had turned them off while we were doing our chatter. Let me get to them.

102 50 44 Mattingly: Orion, Casper.

102 51 25 Mattingly: Orion, did you call Casper?

102 51 33 Mattingly: Okay. We'll give it a try again, I did a 1-foot-per-second radial in towards the Moon.

102 52 29 Hartsfield: And, Ken; in addition to the pads, I also have you LOS and AOS time.

102 52 45 Mattingly: Okay.

102 53 47 Hartsfield: Casper, Houston. How do you read?

102 53 52 Mattingly: Loud and clear.

102 53 53 Hartsfield: Okay, we lost you there a minute.

102 53 59 Mattingly: Okay. Do you want another omni?

102 54 04 Hartsfield: Stand by.

102 54 59 Hartsfield: Casper, Houston. We're about 9 minutes from LOS, and I sure would like to get these pads up when I ever - you get a chance.

102 55 09 Mattingly: Okay. Can I catch them when we get AOS, Hank? These are all the abort pads, right.

102 55 17 Hartsfield: Okay. And - but let me give you the LOS and AOS.

102 55 24 Mattingly: Okay; go ahead.

102 55 25 Hartsfield: Roger. LOS is 103:04:54; AOS, 103:51:25. Are you interested in sunrise?

102 55 42 Mattingly: No, sir. That's all right, thank you. Yeah, let me concentrate on making sure that it all goes well in time, Hank. And I'll pick up those abort pads at AOS.

102 55 52 Hartsfield: Roger.

102 56 03 Hartsfield: Omni Delta, 16, or Casper.

102 57 43 Mattingly: And, Houston; Casper.

102 57 49 Hartsfield: Go ahead.

102 57 55 Mattingly: One thing on the plus side, Hanks, is Charlie took a look at the mass spec and says that it's all inside and buttoned up.

102 58 05 Hartsfield: He said the mass spec is all inside and buttoned up?

102 58 11 Mattingly: Yes, sir.

102 58 12 Hartsfield: Okay. I'll relay that.

102 58 26 Mattingly: Okay, and I took the trim maneuver in P40 and I put that bias to Attitude B, 90 degrees roll, 139 pitch, and 1.7 in yaw, and that's about right, considering the roll.

102 58 44 Hartsfield: Roger.

103 01 54 Hartsfield: Casper, Houston.

103 01 58 Mattingly: Go ahead.

103 02 00 Hartsfield: Roger. You have a Go for circ, and when you come up on - at AOS next time we'd like you to come up in the landmark tracking attitude that is giving us 98.22. That's a little different from the Verb 49 maneuver that's called out right after the circ burn. It's different in roll. In fact, you should be in attitude 000, 276, 000. And we want you to do your Verb 49 to that attitude: 000, 276, 000, rather than a roll of 060 as it calls for there right after the circ burn.

[Short CM transcript starts at 103:02:13, on until 103:02:45]

103 02 13 Young (LM comm): What time did they say AOS was, Ken?

103 02 17 Young (LM comm): Well, the reason I ask, Ken, is, for this P52, I need to be close to the right attitude to pick up your story.

103 02 34 Young (LM comm): My eight-ball in normal.

103 02 42 Young (LM comm): Oh, let's try it and see what happens.

[End of short CM tape, until 103 14, 15]

103 02 41 Mattingly: Okay. I'll pick you up on the best antenna.

103 02 46 Hartsfield: Roger. Omni D, Omni Delta.

103 02 51 Mattingly: Okay, thank you, Hank.

103 02 58 Hartsfield: Ken, we'd like to know if you did a purge when you did the waste water dump.

103 03 05 Mattingly: A purge? A fuel cell purge? No, sir.

103 03 10 Hartsfield: Okay, copy. You didn't purge fuel cells.

103 03 15 Mattingly: No, that's correct.

103 04 29 Hartsfield: Ken, if you can work it in, don't jeopardize the burn. Maybe after the burn you can get a urine dump and purge on all those things so we can get the SIM bay going later. That's okay, but if you can't work it in, don't - don't jeopardize anything

103 04 47 Mattingly: Okay, I'll get you a purge in there, anyhow.

Public Affairs Officer: And we've had loss of signal as Apollo 16 spacecraft Orion and Casper have passed behind the Moon. Nearing the end of lunar orbit 15, some 47 minutes before spacecraft come around for the 16th revolution and subsequent landing which is now scheduled for Ground Elapsed Time of - actually the ignition for PDI, Powered Descent Initiation will be at 104:17:23 with the landing some 12 minutes later. The powered descent will have a total velocity change of 6,703 feet [2,043 metres] per second. The crew has been advised - that is the crew of Orion - that they will be about 16,000 feet [5,000 metres] high above the normal flight path at the time of powered descent, and some 20 000 feet [6,000 metres] south of track. However, the Lunar Module guidance system will guide the spacecraft to take these discrepancies [out and make a ] normal landing. After landing the crew will then have a sleep period prior to beginning the first EVA which at this time is scheduled to begin at 118 hours 30 minutes Ground Elapsed Time or about 10:30 a.m. tomorrow morning Central Time. The decision on whether or not the EVAs will be their full length - a total of 21 hours - will be made during the night while the crew is asleep. Such factors as the consumables remaining such as battery power et cetera in the Lunar Module will have an effect on this decision. To go back and recapitulate, the reasons for the delay in landing was [that] Ken Mattingly, on his circularization burn during revolution number 13, experienced a oscillation in the yaw mode for the Service Module engine during checkout and it turns out that the secondary servo loop or one of the circuits for the yaw gimbal drive which can be controlled by either the G&N system or the Stabilization and Control System (which is a backup mode) apparently had this oscillation in it. Subsequent simulations and tests here and across the country have found that there is no potential structural hazard to the spacecraft even if it were necessary to go to the mode where there might be some chatter oscillation in the yaw gimbal. [The] Gimbal is the yoke on which the engine is mounted; one for pitch and one for yaw and the thrust vector control system in effect acts as a tiller for turning the engine much as you would use a handle on an outboard motor to direct the thrust of the propeller. The thrust vector control aligns the engine through the center of gravity of the spacecraft. At 103:09 into the mission of Apollo 16, this is Apollo Control.

[CM transcript restarts from 103 14 15 until 103 52 00. There is no corresponding LM transcript during this far-side pass.]

103 14 15 Mattingly (CM comm): Okay. Caution/Warning's back to Normal. TVC Servo Power Number 1 and Number 2 are on. RHC is to AC. Direct is Off. The BMAGs are uncaged. I'm in SCS.

103 14 43 Mattingly (CM comm): Mark it. Seven minutes, the gimbals are coming on. One, Pitch; one, Yaw. Pitch looks good, trimmed at 1.5. Yaw looks good, trimmed at 1.2. MTVC; good in pitch; it's good in yaw. Turn the THC control. Goes back to zero. No MTVC. Going clockwise. No MTVC. Secondary Gimbal; Pitch 1. MTVC is good. Thumbwheels are good. Back to neutral. AC/DC; Main A, Main B. BMAGs are caged.

103 16 17 Mattingly (CM comm): Gimbal drive check; minus 2 in pitch, plus 2, minus 2 in yaw, zero. And they're trimmed. Trims are good. And P509 is coming out.

103 16 43 Duke (LM comm): Hey, how about going Vox, Ken.

103 16 45 Mattingly (CM comm): I am in Vox.

103 16 57 Mattingly (CM comm): Are you reading me in Vox, Charlie?

103 17 03 Duke (LM comm): Yeah, your Vox circuit was like a key, but it's fine.

103 17 17 Mattingly (CM onboard?): Okay; 509 is out.

103 18 15 Mattingly (CM comm): Okay. I'm strapped in. I'll turn the Vox up [garble] a little if that'll help.

103 18 21 Young (LM comm): It would sure be good.

103 18 23 Mattingly (CM comm): Okay. And I'll try to talk to you as loud as I can and good. Burn time is 5 seconds. Two jets for 16 seconds, the ullage. Coming up on three minutes to burn. EMS is in Delta-V; the Delta-V C is set.

103 18 58 Mattingly (CM comm): And I'm bringing on the Yaw Gimbal Number 2 -

103 19 02 Mattingly (CM comm): Mark. And [garble] that's a good sign.

103 20 26 Mattingly (CM onboard): Coming up on one minute. Stand by.

103 20 44 Mattingly (CM onboard): One minute. EMS is Normal. Translation Power is On. The Delta-V Thrust switch A is coming On -

103 20 54 Mattingly (CM onboard): Mark.

103 21 11 Mattingly (CM onboard): DSKY is blank. Average g is on.

103 21 28 Mattingly (CM onboard): Ullage; ullage is good.

103 21 40 Mattingly (CM onboard): Pro.,

103 21 44 Mattingly (CM onboard): Ignition.

103 21 50 Mattingly (CM onboard): Shutdown. Looks like a good one.

103 22 08 Mattingly (CM onboard): Gonna have to do some trims.

103 23 07 Mattingly (CM onboard): Okay; I'm gonna have to roll to get the - to trim out.

103 23 48 Mattingly (CM comm): Might know this little guy would be the one that takes the Z-axis trim that you have to roll for.

103 23 54 Duke (LM comm): Why do you got to roll, Ken? Because of jets?

103 23 57 Mattingly (CM comm): Yeah.

103 24 34 Mattingly (CM onboard): The Gimbal Motors are Off.

103 24 39 Duke (LM comm): You got about a 20-hour charge on those batteries, I bet you.

103 24 42 Mattingly (CM onboard): Yeah. Okay, let me cut this Beta. I have a residual of plus 0.2, plus 0.2, zip. Attitude - 61-

103 25 30 Mattingly (CM comm): Okay, I'm going off Vox. Have a good trip.

103 25 38 Young (LM comm): (Vox) one, Ken.

103 28 31 Mattingly (CM comm): Okay, Orion, you don't need any further data for the P56, do you?

103 28 36 Young (LM comm): No, we got it all, Ken. Thank you.

103 28 39 Mattingly (CM comm): All right. Sorry we held you up so long.

103 28 44 Young (LM comm): No problem.

103 28 48 Duke (LM comm): We're just happy to be on our way, babe. That was great. Hang in there.

103 28 55 Mattingly (CM comm): I'm gonna have to buy some of those cats a couple of cases of beer when we get home.

103 29 00 Young (LM comm): You can bet.

103 29 01 Mattingly (CM comm): Like a light to the blind.

[No communications for ten minutes]

103 39 47 Duke (LM comm): Okay, Ken, I think we ought to go back to the Voice Ranging on the VHF. Is that what your PDI switch list called for?

103 39 57 Mattingly (CM comm): Okay.

103 40 04 Young (LM comm): Ken, do you read? Over.

103 40 06 Mattingly (CM onboard): Loud and clear. How me?

103 40 14 Duke (LM comm): Ken, do you read? Over.

103 40 16 Mattingly (CM comm): Loud and clear. Did you copy him on Voice Ranging?

103 40 26 Duke (LM comm): Houston - Ken. Over.

103 40 31 Duke (LM comm): Yeah, I copy you now.

103 40 34 Mattingly (CM onboard): I went to Voice Ranging and Duplex Bravo, and I could hear you, but I couldn't receive.[or rather transmit?]

103 40 40 Duke (LM comm): (Vox) read now?

103 40 44 Mattingly (CM onboard): How about now; do you hear me? Okay, I'm talking to you on the A Simplex but I'm not getting through to you on the B Duplex.

103 40 56 Duke (LM comm): Okay. You weren't getting through on B Duplex, because I was - I was - had B Receiver Off.

103 41 05 Mattingly (CM comm): That'll do it.

103 41 06 Duke (LM comm): Okay, I'm gonna go Voice Ranging and B Receiver, okay?

103 41 12 Mattingly (CM comm): Okay.

103 41 16 Duke (LM comm): You can put B to Receive over there, John?

103 41 19 Mattingly (CM comm): [Garble], sir.

103 41 20 Duke (LM comm): Okay, you're a little scratchy, but okay.

103 41 23 Mattingly (CM comm): All righty.

103 41 28 Duke (LM comm): My helmet looks like my training helmet now.

103 41 31 Young (LM comm): Yeah.

103 41 41 Duke (LM comm): What time do you have, John?

103 41 45 Young (LM comm): I've got - Well, my clock is wrong.

103 41 50 Duke (LM comm): Ken, what time do you have, Houston time?

103 41 54 Mattingly (CM onboard): I got - 22 minutes of 8.

103 41 58 Duke (LM comm): Okay, thank you.

103 42 01 Young (LM comm): What I haven't been able to figure out is whether it's a.m. or p.m.

103 42 04 Duke (LM comm): p.m.

103 42 14 Duke (LM comm): You can feel those thrusters burn.

103 42 16 Young (LM comm): Yeah.

103 42 21 Duke (LM comm): Okay, 35 minutes, the Ascent Bats are coming On. They're On - at 103:42.

103 42 38 Young (LM comm): Okay, if we're 66,000 feet, we're probably gonna have 10 or 15 or 20 feet a second more to start with.

103 42 44 Duke (LM comm): Yeah. Okay; Throttle Control we got. LMPs we got.

103 42 48 Young (LM comm): Yeah.

103 42 49 Duke (LM comm): Rate Scale, 25 Degrees per Second?

103 42 51 Young (LM comm): Go.

103 42 52 Duke (LM comm): Att/Translation, 4 Jets?

103 42 54 Young (LM comm): 4 Jets.

103 42 55 Duke (LM comm): Okay. Check DCS [sic] - DPS, APS, RCS. Let's go look at the DPS. Okay. APS - was okay. Okay. Okay, there we go. Press l, Press 2. Pressure's coming down. It must be cooling off. Supercrit [garble] - but that ambient's okay. Okay. Okay?

103 43 38 Young (LM comm): The switch guards are checked.

103 43 41 Duke (LM comm): Okay. ECS looks good.

103 43 52 Duke (LM comm): Bias my gages, and EPS.

103 44 10 Duke (LM comm): Okay? The Commander's Bus, Inverter 1.

103 44 18 Young (LM comm): Inverter 1 is closed, Charlie.

103 44 20 Duke (LM comm): Okay; going Descent 1.

103 44 23 Young (LM comm): Okay; we've still got the S-band antenna open.

103 44 26 Duke (LM comm): That's okay. That's just the high gain; and we're not using that,

103 44 29 Young (LM comm): Okay.

103 44 45 Mattingly (CM onboard): Coming up at AOS in a moment - at six minutes.

[Lunar Rev 16 begins at 103:45]

103 45 39 Young (LM comm): See my - It's shedding.

103 45 41 Duke (LM comm): It is? Yeah, I know. Uh-huh. Right out front.

103 45 51 Duke (LM comm): I wish I had a drink of water.

103 46 47 Young (LM comm): I don't know what that noise is, but it really is something.

103 46 50 Duke (LM comm): It sure is.

103 47 58 Duke (LM comm): Man, that really is something. We don't even have VHF Ranging on. Well, we got it on, but Ken's not locked up.

103 48 18 Young (LM comm): That Moon is really some kind of place!

103 48 22 Duke (LM comm): Yeah.

103 50 13 Duke (LM comm): Okay, it's gonna be almost - by - let's see, we're six hours late and it's three degrees - about a 15-degree Sun angle, John.

103 50 20 Young (LM comm): Okay. Whatever that means, Charlie.

103 50 23 Duke (LM comm): Whatever that means.

103 51 52 Duke (LM comm): We'll be having AOS here, momentarily.

103 52 00 Young (LM comm): Okay, I'm AGS initialized.

[End of CM transcript until 104:11:24]

Public Affairs Officer: This is Apollo Control, 103 hours, 49 minutes Ground Elapsed Time. Less than two minutes before Apollo 16 spacecraft Orion and Casper, come around on the 16th revolution. Some 27 minutes away from ignition for the power descent and subsequent landing which should take place around 8:23 p.m. Central Standard Time. Ignition for the descent to the lunar surface is now programmed for a Ground Elapsed Time of 104:17:23 seconds. As Casper comes around the corner it should have circularized its orbit around the Moon with the burn maneuver for circularization having taken place at 103:22 Ground Elapsed Time, some half hour ago while the spacecraft was behind the Moon. The Lunar Module Orion weighing some 18 tons now will weigh half that amount at touch down, some 9 tons. All of this weight loss is propellant that will be consumed by the descent engine. Here in the Control Center all of the scribing plotters in the center display panel in the front of the room have been changed around from lunar orbit tracking chart to show the - we have CSM AOS as confirmed by the network controller. We'll come up live now with the air-to-ground circuit to monitor the next hour and half [of] front-side pass on Rev 16 and hopefully a successful landing.

[In the final preparation phase for PDI, both Ken Mattingly in Casper and John Young and Charlie Duke in Orion are busy communicating with Mission Control. Separate transcripts will be used for this front-side pass.]

[Orion first, leading up to 104:13:09]

103 53 15 Young (LM): Hello, Houston; 16 here.

103 53 17 Irwin: Orion, this is Houston. How do you read?

103 53 23 Young (LM): Loud and clear, Jim.

103 53 25 Hartsfield: Okay. I have a couple of comm procedures for you...

103 53 27 Young (LM): Okay. Jim, I...

103 53 29 Hartsfield: ...on Panel 12, will you get the Function switch to Range; and on Panel 11, Updata Link circuit breaker closed.

103 53 41 Young (LM): Updata Link is closed, Function switch to Range.

103 53 45 Hartsfield: Roger. And I'm standing by for your report.

103 53 49 Duke (LM): And, Jim - Okay, we got the Ascent Bats On at 103:42. The ED bats are Go at 37 volts.

103 53 58 Hartsfield: Roger; copy. The Ascent Bats 103:42, and ED bats are good. And I have a PDI ephem update...

103 54 07 Young (LM): And we were on Inverter 2 for a while.

103 54 12 Hartsfield: Copied. You were on Inverter 2.

103 54 13 Duke (LM): Go ahead.

103 54 14 Young (LM): Go ahead.

103 54 15 Hartsfield: Okay...

103 54 16 Young (LM): Just for a little while.

103 54 17 Hartsfield: ...India, 104:17:24.66; DEDA 231, plus 56990. Over.

103 54 34 Duke (LM): Copy. 104:17:24:66; plus 56990, for 231.

103 54 40 Hartsfield: Good readback.

103 54 54 Duke (LM) Hey, was that 5699[?] or 56990,Jim?

103 54 58 Hartsfield: 56990.

103 55 02 Duke (LM): Okay.

103 55 15 Duke (LM): Do we have an up-link, Jim?

103 55 19 Hartsfield: Roger. If - You have P00. If you go to Data, we'll send you some up-links

103 55 27 Duke (LM): Okay. You have it, P00 and Data.

103 55 29 Hartsfield: Okay. They're on their way.

103 56 23 Hartsfield: And, Orion, this is Houston with a few words for you on RCS ignition.

103 56 33 Young (LM): Okay. Go ahead.

103 56 35 Hartsfield: Roger. John, you can anticipate a slight roll transient at ignition because of c.g. position; and, on the RCS, of course, we'll want normal configuration. And your RCS quantity System A is off because of the high pressure in that system. It's off by about 13 percent.

103 56 56 Young (LM): Okay.

103 56 57 Hartsfield: In other words, you have 13 percent more than indicated.

103 57 01 Young (LM): Understand.

103 57 33 Hartsfield: Orion, do you have a Verb 33 on the DSKY?

103 57 38 Young (LM): That's affirmative.

103 57 40 Hartsfield: Okay. Let's do an Enter on that.

103 57 49 Hartsfield: We've lost high bit rate. We have one more...

103 57 50 Young (LM): Verb 33 entered.

103 57 52 Hartsfield: ...one more up-link to send.

103 57 57 Young (LM): Okay.

103 59 24 Hartsfield: Orion, will you turn the Function switch Off?

103 59 32 Young (LM): Function is Off.

103 59 33 Hartsfield: Roger.

103 59 36 Duke (LM): Which one, Jim?

103 59 37 Hartsfield: That's the S-Band Functions.

103 59 44 Duke (LM): All of them?

103 59 46 Hartsfield: Oh, negative. The one - the Ranging switch.

103 59 51 Duke (LM): Okay. It's going Off.

104 00 18 Hartsfield: Orion, this is Houston. We want Battery 3 Off now ,--

104 00 24 Young (LM): Roger.

104 00 25 Duke (LM): Roger.

104 00 26 Hartsfield:...to put a little more load on the ascent bats.

104 00 34 Duke (LM): Roger. Battery 3 is Off.

104 00 37 Hartsfield: Roger.

104 01 42 Duke (LM): Jim, could we yaw right a little bit and point that omni right at you, would that help?

104 01 48 Hartsfield: Stand by.

104 03 07 Duke (LM): Okay. Any words on that up-link, Jim?

104 03 10 Hartsfield: Why don't you put in that yaw maneuver; yaw right 20 degrees, that might help.

104 03 19 Duke (LM): Roger.

104 03 32 Young (LM): Here's yaw right 20.

104 03 34 Hartsfield: Roger.

104 03 35 Duke (LM): Okay. And how about reading that up to me, and I'll copy it down.

104 03 38 Hartsfield: Looks like we're getting good data now, Charlie. Stand by. We're up-linking now.

104 04 25 Duke (LM): Okay, Jim. I think we'll start the - John says we'll start the PDI from zero yaw since the omni is pointing right at you. That be better for you?

104 04 35 Hartsfield: Stand by.

104 04 39 Hartsfield: Okay, Orion. We're finished with your computer.

104 04 47 Duke (LM): Okay.

104 05 19 Hartsfield: Okay, Orion. This is Houston. That zero yaw looks okay.

104 05 25 Duke (LM): All right. Fine, thank you.

104 06 48 Duke (LM): Can call P63, John. How do you read us Vox, Jim?

104 06 52 Hartsfield: Loud and clear.

104 06 55 Young (LM): Read loud and clear on Vox. Okay?

104 06 58 Hartsfield: Yes, sir, John. You're loud and clear.

104 07 04 Young (LM): Ten minutes.

104 07 07 Duke (LM): Okay. Let's check the DPS configuration card. CB(11): DECA Gimbal AC - closed.

104 07 13 Young (LM): it's closed, and DECA Power's closed.

104 07 16 Duke (LM): CB(16): Display/Engine Override - Logic, Closed.

104 07 19 Young (LM): SCS? Yeah, go.

104 07 20 Duke (LM): Stab/Control, all Closed except the AEA.

104 07 22 Young (LM): All closed except the AEA.

104 07 24 Duke (LM): Okay, 25 degrees a second.

104 07 26 Young (LM): 25 degrees a second.

104 07 27 Duke (LM): Throttle Control - Auto/Commander.

104 07 29 Young (LM): Auto/Commander.

104 07 30 Duke (LM): Att/Translation of 4 Jets.

104 07 31 Young (LM): 4 Jets. Balance Couple - On. Engine Gimbal, Enable Descent Engine Command Override, Off.

104 07 35 Duke (LM): Off. Go.

104 07 37 Young (LM): Abort/Abort Stage, reset. Dead Band, Min. Attitude Control, three, to Mode Control. PGNS, AGS - Auto.

104 07 43 Duke (LM): Go.

104 07 44 Young (LM): Okay.

104 07 45 Duke (LM): Pro.

104 07 46 Young (LM): On Hi Mult, Landing Radar/Computer; Monitor, the PGNS. PGNS - Guidance; AGS - Mode Select. Altitude/Altitude Rate. Supercrit Pressure, 1220; Ambient Pressure, 390.

104 08 00 Duke (LM): Okay.

104 08 12 Hartsfield: Orion, you can configure for normal RCS configuration now.

104 08 21 Young (LM): Okay. System A is on.

104 08 23 Hartsfield: Roger.

104 08 32 Duke (LM): Hey, Jim. We got an RCS A Reg light when that went on. The pressures are good, though.

104 08 36 Hartsfield: Roger.

104 08 47 Duke (LM): Okay, John. We - The DET is set. Okay. FDAI - verified the FDAI:011.

104 09 06 Young (LM): Have to trim it up a little bit.

104 09 14 Duke (LM): Verb 40 Noun 20, please.

104 09 22 Young (LM): Got it, Charlie.

104 09 23 Duke (LM): Okay.

104 09 25 Young (LM): [Garble].

104 09 34 Duke (LM): AGS and PGNS are aligned. 410 is - At the zero. 400 plus 1 going in. And the needles deflect - 433.

104 10 04 Duke (LM): Amazing. How do you read, Jim?

104 10 06 Hartsfield: Loud and clear.

104 10 12 Duke (LM): Okay.

Public Affairs Officer: This is Apollo Control. While the crew of Orion is going through their pre-descent checklist a word on the command and Service Module, Casper. The circularization burn was on time. The current orbit is 53.1 by 67.8 nautical miles. Back to Orion.

104 10 13 Young (LM): What happened?

104 10 23 Duke (LM): Okay. We are clear down to five minutes. At five, we close the Landing Radar breaker.

104 10 30 Young (LM): Right.

104 10 47 Young (LM): Starting a little high [garble] Based on the [garble], it will probably be double at first (Vox)

104 11 11 Duke (LM): The old Earth is sure pretty.

104 11 17 Hartsfield: Orion, bring Battery 3 on at - at minus five.

104 11 24 Duke (LM): Roger; copy.

104 11 37 Duke (LM): (Vox) pull me right up under my - little (Vox)

104 11 50 Duke (LM): Okay. 05:36, John. Everything looks great.

104 12 04 Duke (LM): Hey, Casper. How do you read? Over.

104 12 07 Duke (LM): [Garble].

104 12 10 Young (LM): Okay. Five minutes, Landing Radar breaker is going closed.

104 12 16 Duke (LM): Bat 3 is On.

Public Affairs Officer: This is Apollo Control. During the descent phase all the way to touch down the Lunar Module Pilot will be reading off numbers out of the computer. Three sets of numbers, actually. One [is] the angle at which the Commander should look through the grid on his window toward the landing site. The other numbers have to do with the vertical velocity or descent rate and horizontal rates these are ail coming out of the computer he reads them to the Commander back to Orion.

104 12 17 Young (LM): Altitude Transmitter is 3.4 almost; Velocity Transmitter is 0.82.

104 12 29 Hartsfield: Say again the reading on the velocity, John.

104 12 31 Young (LM): ...[garble] transmitting.

104 12 35 Duke (LM): 3.8.

104 12 39 Hartsfield: Roger. Copy 3.4 and 3.8.

104 12 44 Young (LM): Correct.

Public Affairs Officer: Flight director Jerry Griffin taking a final status of all the positions here in the control center for a Go for PDI.

104 13 09 Hartsfield: Orion, you're Go for PDI.

[The LM transcript for PDI and landing can be found in the Apollo Lunar Surface Journal. The transcript for Casper now follows, with only those items that Ken Mattingly hears shown here.]

103 52 13 Hartsfield: Casper, Houston.

103 52 20 Mattingly: Hello, Houston. Casper did it this time.

103 52 23 Hartsfield: Hey, good show, you want to give us a report?

103 52 35 Mattingly: Okay. Okay, the burn was on time and for the right duration. And the residuals were plus 0.2, plus 0.2, and 0. That was after a trim: and the attitude for those residuals was 161.38, 132.96, and 0.12. Delta-VC was minus 8.5; the oxidizer is 32; the fuel is 34; and the decrease-increase is pegged at decrease, probably because of the short duration. The burn required a trim. The original residuals were plus 1 and plus 0.6 and plus 0.7. So I had to roll in order to take out the Z-components.

103 53 46 Hartsfield: Roger; and would you give us the trim attitude again, please.

103 53 59 Mattingly: Okay, I'll give you again the trim attitude, and this is for these 210 residuals. That's after trimming, that was 161.38, 132.96, and 0.12.

103 54 14 Hartsfield: Roger; copy.

103 54 33 Mattingly: And, Hank, I did complete the fuel cell purge.

103 54 38 Hartsfield: Roger, copy. You completed fuel cell purge. And I would like to get up a P24 pad to you.

103 54 47 Mattingly: Standing by.

103 54 51 Hartsfield: Roger. It's 16-3. T1 is 104:19:11; 104:24:01; 104:25:41; 104:26:29; north 3 nautical miles.

103 55 22 Mattingly: Okay. That's 104:19:11; 24:01; 25:41; and 26:29; north 3 miles.

103 55 31 Hartsfield: Good read-back, Ken. And I'd like to get a Flight Plan change to you there at 98:45 in your Flight Plan.

103 55 53 Mattingly: Go ahead.

103 55 54 Hartsfield: Okay. At this point, we want to delete the Verb 49 to the 52 - the P52 attitude. We're deleting the P52; it's not required. At this time, we would like you to go to P20, option 5, plus-X SIM bay.

103 56 18 Mattingly: Okay. Following the completion of the tracking, we'll go to P20 option 5 and plus-X. I presently have EMP 509 running, and I will terminate it following the P24.

103 56 33 Hartsfield: That's affirmative. And also, I have the Abort Pads for you that I didn't get up before.

103 56 42 Mattingly: Okay, go ahead.

103 56 44 Hartsfield: Roger. Echo, 104:30 all zips; Foxtrot, plus 0102.3, all zips, minus 0050.0; Golf, 105:18:00.00; Hotel, 107:05:45.00; India, 104:17:23.29; Juliet, 107:05:45.00; Kilo, 109:04:30.00; Lima, 104:42:16.64; Mike, 111:03:30.00; November 106:25:11.81.

103 58 22 Mattingly: Okay, Hank. Starting with Echo, 104:30 all zips; Foxtrot, plus 0102.3, all zips; minus 0050.0; Golf, 105:18:00.00; Hotel, 107:05:45.00; India, 104:17:23.29; Juliet, 107:05:45.00; Kilo, 109:04:30.00; Lima, 104:42:16.64; Mike, 111:03:30.00; November, 106:25:11.81. Over.

103 59 10 Hartsfield: That was a good readback, Ken. And Stu would like to give you some words on the rendezvous.

103 59 16 Roosa: Okay, Ken. I got a couple of comments about - in the event of a PDI abort as far as the rendezvous scheme. And you might want a sheet of paper there to jot down a couple of things.

103 59 30 Mattingly: Okay; I got a little corner here.

103 59 31 Roosa: Okay, we're going to do the navigation in SCS. In other words, the marking routine; and we'll use the CMC to maneuver us into the burn attitude and set us up for the tracking. We'll burn in SCS, and there are three places through here that you can activate that relay, if you're using the normal procedures. Now we've got some detailed procedures we won't read to you now. If we get in that situation, we'll talk to you a bit. But the three times that you want to watch out for are: don't place the Spacecraft Control in CMC with the Optics Mode in Manual. I think you're probably pretty familiar with that one. Don't respond to the 204 display with Spacecraft Control in CMC. And if you make a burn, you'll probably be trimming it with G&N. And wait until you've got your Verb 16, your Noun 85 display up before going back to CMC. And we can talk about it in detail, like I say, later if we need it. We've run a couple of these and they go pretty smooth.

104 00 53 Mattingly: Okay, Stu. The way I understand the scheme is that for attitude holding, while we're doing navigation, we'll do it in SCS; and when we're ready to go to work, why, we'll do CMC maneuver to the burn attitude, and we'll make the burn in SCS to avoid this relay again. Then, we don't ever want to go to CMC control with the Optics in Manual, and we don't want to respond to 204 with the CMC command. And the third one, I didn't copy.

104 01 32 Roosa: Okay. If you do a burn in your SCS, you - depending on what you've done there, Ken, you'd probably end up with your flashing 99 display. And we want to make sure that you go on to your Noun 85 display, before you go to CMC. Then go ahead and trim the G&N residuals.

104 01 57 Mattingly: Okay, Houston. Roger, I understand. We don't want to go through that transient at the end of the P40, certainly.

104 02 06 Roosa: Righto. And that one thing, too...

104 02 08 Mattingly: If they do not respond to 204, Stu - if they don't respond to that, do you mean don't even Enter on it? Go by past it?

104 02 16 Roosa: That's exactly what I mean. Don't Enter on it. Of course, you'll be doing the SCS burn, but don't Enter on that, or you will activate that relay - until you put the spacecraft to SCS control.

104 02 32 Mattingly: Okay; as long as it's in SCS control, though, - I can by pass no problem. the 204 with

104 02 37 Roosa: That's affirmative, Ken. If you're in SCS control, that relay - the power is interrupted, that - the power to that relay goes through the Spacecraft Control switch, and it's got to be in CMC.

104 02 51 Mattingly: Okay.

104 02 52 Roosa: And one other point now I'd like to clarify, Ken, is that for your tracking - see after you go to your track attitude, CMC will start you off on a rate drive, and then go to SCS Control and go to Minimum Impulse and Pitch, and just every now and then, you might have to flip it - like between PPI [?] and Midcourse l, it just took one Minimum Impulse time and kept me right up around the 22 degrees trunnion.

104 03 24 Mattingly: Roger. Sounds like you've been working, too.

104 03 28 Roosa: No, you've been doing all the good work there, Ken.

104 03 38 Mattingly: Doesn't sound like you guys have gotten any sleep, if you've checked out all these things, plus today's problem. Whoever put that story together today deserves a life supply of whatever he wants.

104 03 50 Roosa: Watch what you say, Ken. You don't want to overload your pocketbook there. And, hey, I'll give you back to Hank.

104 04 01 Mattingly: Okay; thank you, Stu.

104 04 03 Roosa: Roger.

104 04 23 Hartsfield: Casper, Houston. I'd like to remind you to get your RHC Direct Power Off.

104 04 32 Mattingly: Thank you, sir.

104 06 02 Mattingly: Hank, seems to me I still have my Logic Power Off from early this morning. Maybe I missed where it comes back on. This is the panel 181 Logic. You got any words on where you think that ought to be?

104 06 21 Hartsfield: Okay; Ken. You can leave it Off for now. And after we get into SIM bay attitude, after landmark tracking, we're gonna bring up some of the SIM bay.

104 06 30 Mattingly: All righty.

104 07 15 Hartsfield: Casper, Houston. We're Go for PDI on the CSM side

104 07 23 Mattingly: Okay.

104 11 24 Hartsfield: Casper, I have a mapping camera and pan camera photo pad for you, if you can squeeze it in now - between now and T1 then.

104 11 24 Duke (LM comm): Roger. Copy.

104 11 36 Duke (LM comm): Why don't you pull me right up under my - little (Vox)

104 11 40 Mattingly: What do you show for T1? Maybe I'm out of whack.

104 11 43 Hartsfield: Roger. I've got about 7-1/2 minutes to go.

104 11 50 Duke (LM comm): Okay, 05:36, John. Everything looks great.

104 11 51 Mattingly: Okay, looks like this attitude is gonna be just about the one for T1 then, eh?

104 11 59 Hartsfield: Roger.

104 12 00 Duke (LM comm): Hey, Casper, how do you read? Over.

104 12 05 Mattingly: Let me hold off until I get this thing loaded, then.

104 12 06 Duke (LM comm): (Vox)

104 12 10 Young (LM comm): Okay; 5 minutes, Landing Radar breaker is going closed.

104 12 14 Duke (LM comm): Bat 3 is On.

104 12 16 Young (LM comm): Altitude Transmitter is 3.4, almost. Velocity Transmitter is 0.82.

104 12 30 Young (LM comm): What's the Altitude Transmitter?

104 12 34 Duke (LM comm): 3.8.

104 12 43 Young (LM comm): Correct.

104 13 13 Young (LM comm): Roger. Go for PDI. Okay, Pro for final trim.

104 13 19 Hartsfield: Casper, Houston. We're showing a difference here between your actual CDUs and your final CDUs.

104 13 22 Duke (LM comm): Go [garble]. DET. Go ahead. Enter.

104 13 31 Young (LM comm): Enter.

104 13 35 Duke (LM comm): Go. My watch is set and wound.

104 13 42 Hartsfield: You're looking good now, Casper.

104 14 04 Young (LM comm): [Garble] about a second off here.

104 14 10 Duke (LM comm): Okay. Sta - stand by for two minutes, John.

104 14 12 Young (LM comm): Roger.

104 14 28 Mattingly: Okay, Hank. Tell me again what you just said about the CDUs.

104 14 34 Hartsfield: Okay, we're getting some bad data down here, so really we can't be sure. It looks like you ought to be about 28550. Is that right?

104 14 46 Mattingly: Correct.

104 14 47 Hartsfield: It looks good from here now, Ken.

104 14 54 Mattingly: Okay.

104 15 10 Young (LM comm): Fantastic!

104 15 14 Duke (LM comm): Target about ten miles, it looks like. Excellent.

104 15 22 Mattingly: And, Hank, I'm gonna turn my VHF transmission on. I'll be listening to you, but I won't be answering until after they land.

104 15 23 Duke (LM comm): Okay; 2 minutes; Master Arm, On.

104 15 28 Young (LM comm): Two minutes, Master Arm's On; two lights, Houston.

104 15 32 Duke (LM comm): PGNS is Mode Select; P67 is in. Next thing is at 30 seconds, John. Turn the page.

104 15 32 Hartsfield: Roger. Copy.

104 16 08 Duke (LM comm): Hey, Jim, you want us to turn the ranging back on?

104 16 15 Duke (LM comm): Okay. We have Voice Backup.

104 16 37 Duke (LM comm): Fifty seconds.

104 16 47 Duke (LM comm): Okay. At 30, we hit Engine Arm; then we - 30 seconds, Engine Arm goes to Descent, then we...

104 16 54 Young (LM comm): [Garble] light. Pro.

104 16 58 Duke (LM comm): Okay. Engine Arm, Descent.

104 17 01 Young (LM comm): Arm is Descent; Altitude light, Velocity light.

104 17 04 Duke (LM comm): Okay. There's no ullage plus-X.

104 17 06 Young (LM comm): Okay.

104 17 13 Duke (LM comm): If no ignition, you Start pushbutton, if we get ullage.

104 17 19 Duke (LM comm): Ullage.

104 17 20 Young (LM comm): Auto ullage.

104 17 21 Young/Duke (LM comm): Pro.

104 17 27 Duke (LM comm): Okay. Engine Start.

104 17 28 Young (LM comm): Start. Descent Engine Command Override is On.

104 17 30 Duke (LM comm): Stick your throttle in Min.

104 17 34 Young (LM comm): [Garble].

104 17 38 Duke (LM comm): Okay, Descent Eng - Engine Command Override; Master Arm, Off.

104 17 41 Young (LM comm): Master Arm is coming Off.

104 17 44 Duke (LM comm): Stand by for throttle up; thrust-to-weight is okay.

104 17 48 Young (LM comm): 22, 23, 24, 25, 26 -

104 17 52 Young/Duke (LM comm): Throttle up!

104 17 53 Young (LM comm): On time!

104 17 54 Duke (LM comm): Feel that beauty come on. Okay; thrust-to-weight is good - 66,000 feet. They were right on.

104 18 17 Duke (LM comm): Looking good at a minute. Hey, Jim, at pitchover, do you want me to go Aft omni or stay Forward?

104 18 30 Duke (LM comm): Roger. Hey, we're way high, John, we got to get down. Way high on the H-dot.

104 18 35 Young (LM comm): All right [garble]. , Charlie. Down to 45 already. How am I doing?

104 18 53 Duke (LM comm): Systems look good. Passing 01:30. Double H-dot almost.

104 18 59 Hartsfield: Casper, coming up on ten seconds to T1.

104 19 01 Young (LM comm): [Garble].

104 19 02 Duke (LM comm): Go ahead.

104 19 03 Young (LM comm): Go ahead.

104 19 11 Duke (LM comm): Plus 00800.

104 19 15 Young (LM comm): Interesting, isn't it?

104 19 17 Duke (LM comm): Okay; we have - Excuse me, John.

104 19 19 Young (LM comm): Okay. That's entered. That's entered.

104 19 26 Duke (LM comm): Passing two minutes.

104 19 28 Young (LM comm): And I'm looking good.

104 19 29 Duke (LM comm): Okay, we're going to have to yaw out here at three.

104 19 40 Duke (LM comm): I can take that out when we get [garble] dot. AGS and PGNS are tracking right on, Jim - within a tenth of a foot a second.

104 20 03 Young (LM comm): (Vox) three minutes; propellants.

104 20 14 Duke (LM comm): Pressures are holding good in the - DPS.

104 20 18 Young (LM comm): All oxidizer pressures looks good.

104 20 26 Duke (LM comm): Three.

104 20 27 Young (LM comm): Roger. Go at three.

Public Affairs Officer: One hundred thirty five miles down range.

104 20 30 Duke (LM comm): I'll check the ED batteries one more time. And they're still 37 volts, Jim.

104 20 42 Young (LM comm): Velocity light's out, Charlie.

104 20 44 Duke (LM comm): Okay.

104 20 46 Young (LM comm): Wrong transmitter, probably.

104 20 48 Duke (LM comm): We got a (Vox) [garble](Vox) way.

104 20 59 Young (LM comm): Cutting out, Charlie.

104 21 00 Duke (LM comm): I say there's no way to (Vox) get that altitude light at this high.

104 21 13 Duke (LM comm): (Vox) minutes.

104 21 27 Duke (LM comm): We're 50,000. Look at that, Altitude and Velocity lights are out at 50K. Isn't that amazing? Copy that, Houston? Look at that data, Houston. When do you want to accept it?

Public Affairs Officer: Ninety miles to go.

Public Affairs Officer: Horizontal velocity 3200 feet per second.

104 21 58 Duke (LM comm): Okay; it's in.

Public Affairs Officer: Descending at a 112 feet per second.

104 22 18 Duke (LM comm): AGS and PGNS will be getting off a little bit in altitude now. Updates.

104 22 26 Duke (LM comm): Okay, at five minutes. Coming in like gangbusters.

104 22 35 Young (LM comm): Roger.

104 22 50 Duke (LM comm): 39,000. Hey, look at that - hundred - 136 feet difference now. (Vox) radar.

104 22 53 Hartsfield: Casper, coming up on time for DAC On.

104 23 09 Young (LM comm): Roger. We'll get there.

104 23 13 Duke (LM comm): Six minutes; we should be at 32,000. (Vox) not quite back on profile, but almost.

104 23 21 Young (LM comm): [Garble].

104 23 24 Duke (LM comm): (Vox) 45 percent (Vox) [garble] (Vox) [garble].

Public Affairs Officer: Thirty-nine miles to go.

104 23 52 Duke (LM comm): Okay, at 06:30, should be at 30,000.

Public Affairs Officer: Passing through 33 000 feet.

104 23 57 Duke (LM comm): Mark it; 32,000 (Vox) Okay; looking good, John. Sun angle's getting down there. AGS and PGNS H-dot are right on. Good enough.

104 23 58 Hartsfield: About T2, Casper.

104 24 20 Duke (LM comm): Understand; 07:23.

104 24 27 Duke (LM comm): Seven minutes -

104 24 28 Duke (LM comm): Mark it; seven minutes. Roger; go; 104 down and 28,000; still about a thousand high, it looks like.

104 24 37 Young (LM comm): [Garble] look pretty good?

104 24 38 Duke (LM comm): Yeah; 223 (Vox) ready; the AGS ready at 14K. Then I do a P60 and then turn the camera on. Breaker's in. Throttle down.

104 24 58 Young (LM comm): (Vox) on time.

Public Affairs Officer: Sixteen miles to go.

104 25 01 Duke (LM comm): It was right on time, wasn't it?

104 25 05 Duke (LM comm): How you reading, Jim?

104 25 10 Duke (LM comm): Okay. You were clipping a little bit, John.

104 25 12 Young (LM comm): Okay.

104 25 21 Duke (LM comm): 21,000; coming up on 8 minutes.

104 25 25 Young (LM comm): (Vox) I can see the landing site from here, Charlie.

104 25 27 Duke (LM comm): Amazing.

104 25 28 Young (LM comm): (Vox)...

104 25 29 Duke (LM comm): Okay, Go at eight. John's got a visual.

104 25 38 Duke (LM comm): 130. We're right on, John. Right - right back on profile.

104 25 48 Duke (LM comm): How does it look to you?

104 25 50 Young (LM comm): (Vox) right in there.

104 25 51 Duke (LM comm): Okay, standing by to update the AGS. Had a little roll steering here.

104 26 02 Young (LM comm): Roger. Descent 1.

104 26 08 Duke (LM comm): Hey, Jim, we got about a 3-degree roll command in. Okay, Enter, P60 minus 01720 Enter; P67 is coming up, and I'm starting the clock - I mean the camera. Okay, we're out at 12,000, John. Go at 9. Coming down at 182; a little steep. Okay, well, we're gonna be right on. It's just about right on, maybe 10 feet; 10,000 feet. Stand by. P64 at 8200. Pro.

104 26 54 Young (LM comm): Pitchover.

104 26 55 Duke (LM comm): Pitchover. Hey, there it is. Gator, Lone Star, right on!

104 26 59 Young (LM comm): Call - call me the things, Charlie.

104 27 01 Duke (LM comm): Okay; it's 40 deg - 38 degrees. Palmetto and Dot, North Ray.

104 27 07 Young (LM comm): Okay.

104 27 09 Duke (LM comm): Looks like we're going to be able to make it, John. There's not too many blocks up there. Okay, 4000 feet - 4 - 4...

104 27 16 Young (LM comm): Okay. Go for landing.

104 27 17 Duke (LM comm): ...42 LPD.

104 27 18 Young (LM comm): 42 (Vox)

104 27 20 Duke (LM comm): Okay, 3900 feet.

104 27 23 Young (LM comm): Okay. Two to the south, Charlie.

104 27 24 Duke (LM comm): Okay. It's in. Okay, 42 - 41 LPD. 3000 feet on profile.

104 27 31 Young (LM comm): Okay, there's - we're coming right down. Going to be a little past [garble]...

104 27 37 Duke (LM comm): 41 LPD.

104 27 38 Young (LM comm): Okay [garble]....

104 27 42 Duke (LM comm): 2000 feet, 60 on profile.

104 27 43 Young (LM comm): Okay.

104 27 48 Duke (LM comm): Okay, 42 LPD. Couple of more in. 1400 feet, 44 down. Looking good. Okay, out at 1000 feet. Right on profile. 54 LPD; dropping out the bottom now. 800 feet, 30 down.

104 28 12 Young (LM comm): Okay, Houston. We're going to be just a little long. But, we're just now abeam Double Spot.

104 28 20 Duke (LM comm): Okay, 23 - 22 down at 500 feet.

104 28 25 Young (LM comm): Okay.

104 28 26 Duke (LM comm): Some big blocks over here to the left, John.

104 28 28 Young (LM comm): Okay.

104 28 31 Duke (LM comm): Okay, 300 feet, 15 down.

104 28 33 Young (LM comm): Okay. Okay. Take over, Charlie.

104 28 37 Duke (LM comm): Okay. Okay, fuel is (Vox) at 10 percent. There comes a shadow. Okay, 200 feet, 11 down. Give me a couple of clicks up. Okay, 5 down at 130 feet; 2 forward.

104 28 59 Duke (LM comm): Lo Mult. Drifting. Okay; looking good. Perfect place over here, John. A couple of big boulders. Not too bad.

104 29 07 Duke (LM comm): Okay; 80 feet, down at 3 - looking super. There's dust.

104 29 13 Duke (LM comm): Okay, down at 3, 50 feet. Down at 4. Give me one click up. Okay, back it up slightly.

104 29 21 Duke (LM comm): Okay, 2 down. Stand by for contact. Come on, let her down. You're leveled off. Let her on down. Okay, 7 - 6 percent. Plenty fat.

104 29 36 Duke (LM comm): Contact. Stop. Boom. Pro. Engine Arm. Wow! [garble] man. Look at that!

[Orion has landed.]

104 29 47 Young (LM comm): Pro. Engine Arm. Descent Engine Command Override.

104 29 50 Duke (LM comm): Okay.

104 29 51 Young (LM comm): Okay, 413.

104 29 56 Duke (LM comm): [Garble] in. Check the APS.

104 29 58 Young (LM comm): Well, we don't have to walk far to pick up blocks, Houston. We're among them.

104 30 03 Mattingly (CM onboard): Good show, gang.

104 30 04 Duke (LM comm): Close, open, close. Old Orion is finally here, Houston. Fantastic !

104 30 11 Young (LM comm): And I can look right out to the left and see - see Double Spot, and we 're about...

104 30 20 Duke (LM comm): Okay, you got it.

104 30 22 Young (LM comm): Okay, we're forward and to the north - forward and to the north of Double Spot; I would guess about 200 meters to the north and maybe 150 meters to the - to the west. (Vox) It's not flatlands, though, Houston.

104 30 45 Duke (LM comm): Well, that attitude is super though, John.

104 30 51 Young (LM comm): Yeah, and I could see - I could see all the way to the ground. Just like flying the LTV - piece of cake.

104 30 57 Duke (LM comm): (Vox) good. Ascent pressure...

104 33 00 Mattingly: Henry, I'm standing by to copy. Do you want me to take Dead Band [garble] this Option 5, or a Wide?

104 33 09 Hartsfield: Stand by, Ken. I'll get an answer for you, and we're working on whether we got a stay or not on T1.

104 33 18 Mattingly: Okay; sounds like you did pretty good.

104 33 21 Hartsfield: They did a beautiful job.

104 33 40 Hartsfield: Ken, we'll went Narrow dead band on that. We got a camera pass coming.

104 34 19 Hartsfield: Casper, Houston. Orion is stay for T1.

104 34 27 Mattingly: Okay. Thank you.

104 34 43 Hartsfield: And, Ken, while you're maneuvering with this P20 attitude, I'd like to tell you about the Flight Plan. We want you to go - to do everything that's in the Flight Plan through doffing your PGA up to what's in your Flight Plan at 99:20. And then, we're in the process of getting you a whole new thing to operate from. And I have you a mapping camera and pan camera photo pad.

104 35 13 Mattingly: Okay. Yeah, I don't mind taking the suit off. And, okay; want to give me those pads now?

104 35 22 Hartsfield: Okay. Mapping camera: T-start 105:29:27; T-stop 108:2...

104 35 36 Mattingly: Wait a minute, now. Wait a minute. Hank, I don't have any place to write these things, I don't think. I've got to go look for them. Thank you.

104 35 44 Hartsfield: Okay.

104 35 48 Mattingly: What's the best place to work from? The basic time line with the real GETs?

104 35 55 Hartsfield: I'll tell you what our overall plan, Ken, we want to get in a - the camera passes tonight. They're terminator passes - the - before we lose the opportunity, because the terminator's moving. And then we're gonna do a clock sync somewhere during the night, and scrub and get back on the Flight Plan. We're gonna scrub out about six hours of stuff.

104 36 22 Mattingly: Okay. Tell you what, I got a page here that I can work on. Why don't you give me a summary of the next couple hours, here? And I'll just write something in the Flight Plan here.

104 36 37 Hartsfield: Okay. Stand by. I'll see if I can get something worked out for you.

104 36 43 Mattingly: Go ahead with the camera pads. Yes, I ought to have those, they'll come up on the next rev.

104 36 56 Hartsfield: Casper, Houston. You're almost unreadable. I'll have to wait until we get a little better comm.

104 37 50 Mattingly: Is that better comm now?

104 37 52 Hartsfield: Hey, that sounds much better. We're putting together a little summary here for you.

104 38 01 Mattingly: Okay.

104 40 16 Hartsfield: Casper, Houston. Could you bring up the High Gain? Pitch, plus 41; Yaw, 228.

104 42 50 Hartsfield: Casper, Houston. I have your little rundown for the next rev, if you're ready to copy.

104 42 57 Mattingly: Okay; all set.

104 43 00 Hartsfield: At 105:20, MC/LA cover, open; 105:23 MC, Extend; 105:28 LA, On; 105:29 PC, Standby; Stereo, Power, Operate; T-start; MC, M is Motion; Increase, barber pole/On; MC, On; T-start; 105:50 AOS; 105:50, same time, SIM bay activation, NS deploy to 8.4 feet at 61 seconds; GR, deploy to 7.5 feet 53 seconds; that's 53 seconds. Then MS, Experiment, On; Ion source, Standby; AP - should be Alpha P/XR, Cover Open; XR On; 105:59, TC Mode Standby (P-stop), Power Off (MSFN-Q).

104 46 41 Mattingly: Okay. You ready for a feedback on that, or have you got some more to fill in?

104 46 45 Hartsfield: Go ahead and read that back, and then I'll give you your pad.

104 46 51 Mattingly: Okay...

104 46 52 Hartsfield: Stand by there, Ken.

104 46 54 Mattingly: ...if it will help you any, I'll be glad...

104 46 56 Hartsfield: Would you give us P00 and Accept? We'll up-link your state vector while you're doing that.

104 47 05 Mattingly: How about if I just give you Accept?

104 47 07 Hartsfield: That'll do fine.

104 47 14 Mattingly: What I was gonna suggest, if it'll help you - do whatever's easiest - I'll be glad if you want to give me the code and tell me to have it - have the SIM bay in a particular mode by a given time.

104 47 28 Hartsfield: Okay. That's a good idea.

104 47 29 Mattingly: Then, when we get on the front side, I'll just sort of hustle around and do whatever you suggest until we get back to a written Flight Plan. I do need about 20 minutes here somewhere to get my suit off and get the cockpit stowed. It looks like a disaster area.

104 47 51 Hartsfield: Okay. I concur in that. I'd like to give you the pads now if you're ready.

104 48 00 Mattingly: All set.

104 48 02 Hartsfield: Okay; mapping camera pad is T-start, 105:29:27; T-stop is 108:28:13. Pan camera, T-start, 105:29:27; T-stop, 105:59:27. And they just pointed out they made an error here at 105:29 in your Flight Plan. The Image Motion should come On after T-start with the mapping camera. That was a procedural error.

104 48 59 Mattingly: Roger. I understand that; no sweat.

104 49 07 Hartsfield: Okay, let me read back what I have. 105:20, you want the mapper door open; at 23, you want to extend it. At 28, the Laser Altimeter comes On; 29 we get Pan Camera to Standby, Stereo, and Power; to Operate at P-start, which is 05:29:27. The Mapping Camera comes On at 105:29:27. The IMC comes On, and we put it to barber pole, on the Image Motion. At 50, we'll get AOS, and we'd like to have SIM bay activation. It's my understanding you'd like for me to hold SIM bay activation until we're within AOS.

104 49 51 Hartsfield: That's affirmative.

104 49 52 Mattingly: Mass Spec Boom deployed to eight feet, which is T plus 01. I got your answer, thank you. Gamma Ray deployed to seven and a half feet. That's 53 seconds. The Mass Spec Experiment On, and the Ion Source is Standby. The Alpha X-Ray door comes open; the X-Ray goes On. At 59:27, the Pan Camera Mode goes to Standby, and the Power comes Off when you give me a call.

104 50 16 Hartsfield: That's a good readback, Ken.

104 50 21 Mattingly: Okay. I think we've got it made. We may get caught up yet.

104 50 34 Hartsfield: Okay. And I guess when we start bringing that on, Ken...

104 50 36 Mattingly: [Garble].

104 50 37 Hartsfield: ...and we ought to bring the S-Band Aux TV to 5, so we can get the data.

104 50 45 Mattingly: Okay. Any harm in my doing that now so we don't forget it?

104 50 49 Hartsfield: Go right ahead.

104 50 53 Mattingly: Okay. You've got it. And when we get AOS next time, I'm content to - while we're reading things up, I'll be prepared to copy some things. And I'll be prepared to hop around and reconfigure whatever you need in real time.

104 51 11 Hartsfield: Okay. That's real good, Ken. Go ahead and get your suit off and get comfortable.

104 51 16 Mattingly: Okay. I'll - I'm just about to the point where I'll take my comm carrier off so I'll be off comm here for about ten minutes. What's LOS time?

104 51 30 Hartsfield: Casper, we have LOS in about 12 minutes, somewhere around 03.

104 51 30 Mattingly: Okay. I may not be back up for that, but, if not, I'll just execute this Flight Plan.

104 51 45 Hartsfield: Roger; Ken, and good work.

104 51 48 Mattingly: You guys did all the work today. I tell you, if we ever get a chance to look out that window, it's gonna stand you on your ears. That earthshine is as spectacular as any of the other things, which is much to my surprise.

104 52 00 Hartsfield: I hope, with our position now, we can get on to doing some looking.

to copy.

Public Affairs Officer: This is Apollo Control and Orion is safely on the ground at Descartes, having landed at 104:29:36 Ground Elapsed Time. In local time that's 8:23 p.m. [The] time of landing [was] not to far away from the planned landing point. After the crew has a chance to power down the Lunar Module, do some housekeeping they will have a sleep period which will begin at about 107 hours, about two hours and ten minutes from now. With EVA 1 starting tomorrow morning out about 10:30 a.m. Central Standard Time. This is Apollo Control at 104:51.

104 52 13 Mattingly: Yeah, well - I cheated a little bit there, and we didn't really have an awful lot to do while we were just spinning around. And some of those low revs came up with some very interesting observations. In particular, the one that strikes me most vividly is the fact that - if you remember all of those apparent lineations we saw in Silver Spur in the places around Hadley in the pictures. Those same kind of things appear all over the surface of the Moon down now. It's just everywhere I look in the area where there's any topographical relief. They go in all different directions. I haven't been able to sort out if there's some preferred direction or some reason for it. What - what I did happen to notice as I came across Theophilus on one of those passes was that you see this in the walls of Theophilus - that's on the interior - and in the places where there are craters around the outside or some kind of - looks like some fracture or something of that nature that goes across Theophilus or into it. You see what looks like a reflection in that these patterns - if you had a crater on the rim - these patterns would sorta show up like you would expect from a shock pattern. They would be radial and concentric to that crater. And these little lines seem to take that kind of a twist and then the fact that some of them go along with topographic highs. I'll see if I can get some photos. I didn't take any photos on this stuff because I didn't have a chance, but I looked out and saw some of these things, and they're just everywhere.

104 53 50 Hartsfield: That sounds like a real interesting observation there, Ken.

104 53 58 Mattingly: Okay. I'm going to get my suit off, and if I don't catch you at LOS, I'll see you at AOS.

104 54 02 Hartsfield: Okay.

104 54 18 Hartsfield: The computer is yours, Ken.

[Tech transcript ends until 105:53:13]




Day Five Part Four
Rendezvous and Waiting,
Revs 13 to 15

Journal Home Page

Day 5 Part Six
Lunar Observation and Rest
Revs 16 to 21