
Checklist for researchers, students and instructors planning fieldwork at BML/BMR:

1- Reserve Use Application
You must apply to use the Bodega Marine Reserve and adjacent areas before you begin your research or instruction. Apply online, see Reservation & Application Form. You must submit an application and an activity request. These are the same forms as you use to apply for Housing or laboratory use. The Reserve staff will receive an email when you submit an activity request, and you will be notified by email when the Reserve staff approves the activity request. We recommend that you discuss your plans with the Reserve Research Coordinator, before application. For additional information, see Bodega Marine Lab and Reserve Policies and Procedures. Most Reserve users will also need to download and submit a signed Reserve Use Waiver.

2- Lab Space and Support
If your research requires Lab space, you will need to complete the BML Reservation & Application Form. Arrangements can be made for desk, bench or general work space through Kitty Brown, 707-875-2006. BML has a computer lab and the BML Cadet Hand Library, both available to all authorized Reserve users. For specific questions regarding computer support, contact the BML Information Technology Group. For specific questions regarding the library contact the librarian at chlbml@ucdavis.edu.

3- Housing
Housing at BML requires a formal (but simple) application. BML housing can fill up quickly so reservations should be made early. A variety of housing arrangements are available. For information and reservations contact Lisa Valentine, 707-875-2002. Also see BML Housing.

Long-term students at BML typically live in Bodega Bay or the nearby towns of Occidental or Sebastopol. Local rental information can be found at the Santa Rosa Press Democrat or craigslist.org

4- Permits

  • DFG Collecting permit (linkjump) The Department of Fish and Game requires a scientific collecting permit for collecting most organisms in California. These permits can take up to 3 months to process, so submit early.
  • NOAA Marine Sanctuary permits- Permits are required to conduct research within the Gulf of the Farallones National Marine Sanctuary, including the placement of temporary moorings. To find out if your study site falls within these boundaries (includes Bodega Bay) see the Sanctuary map. See National Marine Sanctuaries for permit information.
  • Local Notice to Mariners- You will need to post a notice to mariners if you plan to deploy any structure in waters where vessels navigate (which includes flat intertidal areas). This can be done through the US Coast Guard jump.
  • Federal and state park permits-
    You will also need a research permit to work in any of the state and federal parks in the Bodega Bay area. Contact Renee Pasquinelli at the Department of Parks and Recreation 707-865-2391 for an application to work in local state parks. To apply to work in Point Reyes National Seashore, contact 415-464-5202.

5- Diving certification
Special diving status is required to use scuba under UC auspices:

  • Letter of reciprocity from home campus diving officer
  • Regular certification
  • Records of 12 open-water dives
  • Dive medical exam
  • Current first aid, CPR and Oxygen administration
  • Check-out dive with Diving safety officer Henry Fastenau
  • The Diving Control Board must approve any research project requiring scientific diving.
  • Dive policies and project approval forms >>
  • See the UCD/BML Dive Program >>
  • Contact well in advance of planned diving activity.

6- Boating
Training is required to operate BML motorized boats, and a running-time fee is charged. Operators are available but require an additional hourly fee. Useful links:

7- Greenhouse Use
Greenhouses are available to support field experiments or for greenhouse experiments. Contact the Reserve Research Coordinator to inquire about space.

8- Animal Care

  • If your research involves vertebrate animals, you will need an Animal Use and Care permit from the UCD campus.
  • If you plan to keep plants or animals in BML tanks you should consult with the Aquatic Resources Group (ARG) to acquire aquarium space. There is no charge for graduate students to use a reasonable amount of space, and collecting, extra care, or specialized feeding can be provided at an hourly rate.
  • Basic life support and feeding arrangements should be made in advance so that specimens do not suffer through neglect.
  • Consulting with ARG about your project will help you in the planning phase and in determining how to budget for research expenses.
  • Contact: bml-arg@ucdavis.edu, 707-875-1978.

9- Travel grants (For UC Davis Faculty, Researchers and Graduate Students ONLY)
BML offers limited grants for travel from Campus to BML/BMR and for research expenses at BML/BMR. Contact Kitty Brown, 707-875-2006 to find out when the next applications are due. Download Travel Grant application here (PDF)

