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USGS/Cascades Volcano Observatory, Vancouver, Washington

Geomorphic Change Caused By Outburst Floods And Debris Flows At Mount Rainier, Washington, With Emphasis On Tahoma Creek Valley

-- Joseph S. Walder and Carolyn L. Driedger, 1994,
Geomorphic Change Caused By Outburst Floods And Debris Flows At Mount Rainier, Washington, With Emphasis On Tahoma Creek Valley: Prepared in cooperation with the National Park Service, U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 93-4093, 93p.

Outburst floods from South Tahoma Glacier form by release of subglacially stored water. The volume of stored water discharged during a typical outburst flood would form a layer several tens of millimeters thick over the bed of the entire glacier, though it is more likely that large linked cavities account for most of the storage. -- Walder and Driedger, 1994

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03/01/07, Lyn Topinka