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USGS/Cascades Volcano Observatory, Vancouver, Washington

Lava-Cooling Operations During the 1973 Eruption of Eldfell Volcano, Heimaey, Vestmannaeyjar, Iceland

-- R.S. Williams, Jr., (editor), 1997,
Lava-Cooling Operations During the 1973 Eruption of Eldfell Volcano, Heimaey, Vestmannaeyjar, Iceland: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 97-724

In order to protect public and private property from being destroyed by lava flows, various plans and actual attempts have been made in the past on volcanoes to stop or divert lava flows. The most extensive ever attempted, however, were the lava-cooling operations on Heimaey, Iceland, and the two excellent accounts of the operations that were published in Icelandic by a geophysicist, Thorbjörn Sigurgeirsson, and two engineers, Valdimar Kr. Jónsson and Matthías Matthíasson, are translated into English in this open-file report. -- Williams, Jr., (editor)

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12/11/01, Lyn Topinka