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USGS/Cascades Volcano Observatory, Vancouver, Washington

Assessment of increased thermal activity at Mount Baker, Washington, March 1975-March 1976

-- Frank, D., Meier, M.F., and Swanson, D.A., with contributions by Babcock, J.W., Fretwell, M.O., Malone, S.D., Rosenfeld, C.L., Shreve, R.L., aand Wilcox, R.E., 1977,
Assessment of increased thermal activity at Mount Baker, Washington, March 1975-March 1976: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1022-A, 49p.

In 1975 an interdisciplinary program of seismic, tilt, gravity, gas, hydrologic, petrologic, thermal infrared, and photographic studies by Federal and university scientists was initiated to evaluate the impact of the current thermal activity and to monitor changes that might indicate an impending eruption. By March 1976 only one small earthquake had been identified beneath Mount Baker. Tilt and gravity changes have been observed but cannot be attributed solely to volcanic causes. The data available thus far provide no evidence of an impending eruption, but they cannot be fully interpreted without many additional geophysical and geochemical measurements, as it is not yet possible to clearly distinguish volcanic effects from non-volcanic background effects. -- Frank,, 1977

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02/06/07, Lyn Topinka