
The projects undertaken by the PNASH Center span a variety of subjects and research disciplines. During project development, we select topics that:

  • Address hazards that are the most serious, affect the greatest number of workers, and where that research will make a difference.
  • Meet the needs of Northwest employers, workers, and service providers. We have established a process that engage constituencies from agricultural, health, and safety to help us establish research priorities.

PNASH Research Priorities:
      National Occupational Research Agenda for Farming, Fishing and Forestry
      Occupational Research Agenda for Northwest Farming (pdf)
      Occupational Research Agenda for Northwest Forestlands (pdf)


Active Projects active projects       Forestry Projectsforestry projects        Fishing Projects fishing projects

PNASH Reports:

To learn more about project investigators visit our PEOPLE page.

Page Contents:


Chemical Exposure

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Hearing and Noise Exposure

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Musculoskeletal and Traumatic Injury

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Neurological Effects

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Hazard Evaluations

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Social and Economic Foundations

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Research and Health Care Tools

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Community Partnership Research/Interventions

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Educational Interventions

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Outreach and Professional Education

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