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Figure 5.12 is a U.S. map showing any illicit drug dependence or abuse in past year among persons aged 26 or older, by State: percentages, annual averages based on 2002 and 2003 NSDUHs. States listed here in alphabetical order within each group were divided into five groups based on the magnitude of their percentages. States in the highest group (1.85 to 2.99 percent) were Arizona, Delaware, District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Massachusetts, New Mexico, and Rhode Island. States in the next highest group (1.75 to 1.84 percent) were Arkansas, California, Colorado, Maryland, Michigan, Mississippi, Nevada, New York, North Carolina, Tennessee, and Virginia. States in the mid group (1.64 to 1.74 percent) were Alabama, Indiana, Kentucky, Missouri, Montana, New Hampshire, New Jersey, Oregon, South Carolina, Washington, and West Virginia. States in the next lowest group (1.49 to 1.63 percent) were Alaska, Connecticut, Illinois, Maine, Nebraska, Ohio, Oklahoma, Texas, Utah, and Vermont. States in the lowest group (1.32 to 1.48 percent) were Hawaii, Idaho, Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, North Dakota, Pennsylvania, South Dakota, Wisconsin, and Wyoming.

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SAMHSA, an agency in the Department of Health and Human Services, is the Federal Government's lead agency for improving the quality and availability of substance abuse prevention, addiction treatment, and mental health services in the United States.

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