File Specifications

The File Specifications describe the required electronic (Internet e-mail, PC Diskette, or CD-ROM) format in which all institutions must submit their data. The file specifications are a required format and must be followed in order for the data file to be processed.

The HMDA data processing system is being redesigned to improve the efficiency and speed of HMDA data processing. A couple HMDA Transmittal Sheet (TS) and Loan Application Register (LAR) data submission file format changes become effective for HMDA data collected as of January 1, 2010; please read the memo dated January 23, 2008.

Available Formats:

* 2009 PDF File | MS Word

* 2008 PDF File | MS Word

* 2007 PDF File | MS Word

  • Revised 6/6/2007; transfer of HMDA data collection for all institutions regulated by the Federal Reserve System(FRS) to the Federal Reserve Board (Board).

* 2006 PDF File | MS Word

  • Revised 10/2/2006; Encrypted file location updated to C:\HMDADES\HMDASubmission\HMDAENCR.ENC
  • Revised 6/2/2006; language added for FRS reporters.
* 2005 PDF File | MS Word
* 2004 PDF File | MS Word
  • Revised 9/30/2004; includes File Identifier page for FRB use only.
  • Revised 3/31/2004; reflects OMB updates to MSA/MD reporting.
* 2003 PDF File | MS Word
* 2002 PDF File | MS Word
* 2001 PDF File | MS Word
* 1999/2000 PDF File | MS Word
* 1998 PDF File | MS Word