About Us (WCD)Consulting ServicesAgencies and programs can contact a WCD consultant for guidance on how to effectively leverage the Web as a communications outreach tool. Design and Content Management WCD consultants provide design and content guidance as well as ensure your site meets federal laws and OMB and HHS standards. WCD, with OCIO, also handles domain waiver requests for .org or .gov Web sites. New Media Talk to a WCD consultant about how to effectively use new media such as RSS, blogs, podcasts, etc. Usability WCD staff can assist you with developing your information architecture, look and feel or provide guidance on usability testing, test design, and participant recruitment. A fully-equipped usability lab is available in the Humphrey Building. The usability lab is available for use by all federal agencies. Please contact Vanessa Williams to schedule the lab. For more information about our usability services, please contact Susanne Furman. Frequently Asked Questions WCD provides Department-wide guidance to assist you in writing consistent, succinct, and professionally written questions and answers. WCD uses Google to search departmental FAQs. Translation Ask WCD about the translation process and requirements. HHS.gov will be translated into Spanish starting in FY ‘08. All translations must be peer reviewed for accuracy, as well as go through OPA product review.
Staff ServicesThe Web Communications Division staff serve as consultants to HHS Operating and Staff Divisions. The creation of sites in a vacuum; sites with maze-like navigation; “flashy” homepages; and office-centric sites that are not user-focused does not work. Our staff will help you to identify your target audience/consumer, related content, Web site goals and agency fit, information architecture, development and maintenance of content and resources. We can assist you in making sure your site meets 508 compliancy.
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