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Web Requests

Submitting a Web Request

Send an e-mail to to submit requests to change/update Web pages managed by the Web Communications Division (WCD). Please be sure to include:

  • Your contact information
  • URL of the pages affected by your request
  • Any supporting documents
  • Contractors should include the name of their federal sponsor

You will receive an e-mail notification when your Web request has been completed.

Content Posting

All Web requests are processed in a timely fashion. There is no guarantee that a Web request will be completed within the requested timeframe due to volume of requests and resource allocation. To meet your deadlines, please submit the request as soon as possible to ensure that it is processed. Processing times depends on:

  • Size of the request (number of new pages, use of tables and graphics, amount of new text, etc.)
  • Section 508-readiness
  • Number of requests in the queue

Posting Dates Required by Law
If the posting date is required by law, please note the date in the subject of the e-mail request.

New Web Sites
All plans for new Web sites should be discussed with your WCD liaison prior to submitting a Web request.

Large Documents
If you are posting a large document, a document with tables or graphics, or a complicated request, you should meet with your WCD liaison. Your liaison will inform the Web team that your official request will be coming and to plan its development, compliance with Section 508, and publishing schedule.

Content Accessibility
Please be aware that no documents will be posted that are not accessible to persons with disabilities (Section 508). Depending on the complexity of the document and whether it is properly prepared for publishing to the Web, you can expect that requests will need at least 1 additional day for simple documents to several weeks for lengthy documents with tables to code a document to comply with Section 508.

Visit our Section 508 resources.

Document Format
Word formats are preferred over all other formats. PDFs and PPTs are discouraged because they are typically not accessible.

PDFs are accepted if:

  • The PDF has been tagged and made accessible for persons with disabilities.
  • All Alt tags are fully descriptive of each graphic.
  • And/or, the PDF is accompanied by a fully accessible HTML version.

Hand Delivery of Materials
Please hand deliver hardcopy, diskettes, CDs or other materials that are related to a Web request to:

HHS Headquarters Building
Room 645F
Attention: Kristen Kayatta-Baldwin