HHS Web Policies Policies apply to all Department Web sites (Operating and Staff Divisions, internal or external) whether owned by HHS or operated on behalf of HHS. - Section 508 Accessibility
Section 508 requires that all Web site content be equally accessible to people with disabilities.
- Forms, E-Gov
HHS Policy for E-Gov Forms regulates public-facing electronic forms.
- Domain Names
Internet Domain Names Policy regulates the usage, approval, acquisition and registration of HHS Internet Domain Names. Domain Name Checklist provides guidance on waiver criteria, the waiver application process, and critical things to consider.
- Persistent Cookies
The Persistent Cookies Policy regulates the usage of Web cookies.
- Web Records Management
The Web Records Management Policy identifies Web records and specifies how long a type of document must be kept.
- OMB Policies for Federal Public Websites
OMB issues Policies for Federal Public Websites. You will find recommendations and best practices from the Interagency Committee on Government Information (ICGI).
- HHS Logo Policies
HHS Logo Policies cover the use, colors, and other information relating to the HHS logo.