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Multifamily Housing Clearinghouse

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Complaints of housing discrimination are handled by the Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity, 1-800-669-9777

The Multifamily Housing Clearinghouse (MFHC) is a source of information on initiatives, programs and policies of HUD's Office of Multifamily Housing Programs. It can be accessed by dialing 1-800-MULTI-70 (1-800-685-8470). The line is staffed Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Eastern Time by customer service representatives trained to answer questions from the public, to receive requests for Multifamily publications, and to make appropriate referrals. For example and depending on the nature of the inquiry, callers could be referred directly to subsidized rental properties in their area or to their local Housing Authority. Developers may be referred to Multifamily Mortgagees. Other callers could be referred to a local HUD Field Office or to HUD's Office of Inspector General.

The 800 line also features the Multifamily Housing Complaint Line, which assists HUD by helping to identify owners and managers who are not properly maintaining their properties or who are engaged in illegal practices. Staff address resident concerns directly, make appropriate referrals, or, if warranted, fax or email the complaint to the appropriate HUD Field Office for action.

MFHC staff also take orders for Office of Multifamily Housing Programs publications, including:

 -   Resident Rights and Responsibilities, a brochure outlining what residents of HUD-assisted and -insured properties should expect, are responsible for and what they should and should not tolerate.
 -   Service Coordination: A How-to Guide, a handbook for owners and managing agents of housing developments interested in developing and implementing service coordination under HUD guidelines.

Content current as of 4 February 2005   Follow this link to go  Back to top   
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