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FDIC Banking Review

Table 3
Comparison of Median Ratios between Young and Established Institutions
(as of December 31, 2004)
Variablea Young Established
C&I 11.85***b 6.59
RE Agricultural 0.00*** 0.14
RE C&D 8.58*** 3.93
RE Multifamily 1.04*** 0.75
RE Nonfarm nonresidential 21.14*** 13.12
RE 1-4 family 15.77*** 20.47
Noncore liabilities 24.72*** 17.33
Asset Growth 22.32*** 4.9
Equity Growth -3.50*** 0.68
No. of observations 905 2002

aLoan ratios are expressed as a percentage of assets. The growth measures are one-year change (in percent) in assets and equity.

bBased on Kendall’s rank correlation test.

*** Indicates statistical significance at the 1% level.

Last Updated 07/29/2005 Questions, Suggestions & Requests

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