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  • Great Images in NASA (GRIN) Images. Images on the GRIN site may be downloaded in several resolutions.

  • The John F. Kennedy Space Center Multimedia Gallery. Images on this site are available for download in small, medium, and large sizes. For Columbia photos, please select Columbia in the Space Shuttle image drop-down menu.

  • The NASA Human Space Flight Imagery page provides access to images from the STS-107 mission, the investigation, and the memorials.

  • CAIB Images. Images in these categories originally appeared on the Columbia Accident Investigation Report (CAIB) Web site.

    Please click on the categories below to view the images. To download a high-resolution copy of an image, please click on the image thumbnail.
    • CAIB Activities Images
    • Debris Photos
    • Materials Testing
    • People

      The CAIB photo usage policy is as follows:
      Official CAIB photos are provided for the press and other interested parties and may only be used for editorial purposes. Official CAIB photos may not be used as an endorsement of a product or service or for commercial purposes. The photographer’s credit should be attached to approved usage in the following form “CAIB Photo by [Photographer’s Name] [Year]”. Questions regarding use of the images on this website should be directed to the CAIB Public Affairs Office.

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Updated January 28, 2004
Steven J. Dick, NASA Chief Historian
Steve Garber, NASA History Web Curator
Jennifer Troxell, Author
For further information, e-mail
Designed by James Gitlin and
edited by Lisa Jirousek
NASA Printing and Design

NASA Meatball