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Figure 9.3.1 is a District of Columbia map showing Alcohol Use in Past Month among persons aged 12 or older, by Substate Region: percentages, annual averages based on 1999, 2000, and 2001 NSDUHs.

The lowest group, Group 1's percentages ranged from 17.93% to 30.96%.
The next to lowest group, Group 2's percentages ranged from 30.97% to 36.98%.
The next lowest group, Group 3's percentages ranged from 36.99% to 43.22%.
The middle group, Group 4's percentages ranged from 43.23% to 51.34%.
The next highest group, Group 5's percentages ranged from 51.35% to 56.52%.
The next to highest group, Group 6's percentages ranged from 56.53% to 59.99%.
The highest group, Group 7's percentages ranged from 60% to 71.11%.

This figure has the following footnote: The legend's ranges were created by dividing 331 substate regions, nationally, into 7 groups based on the magnitude of their percentages. For substate region definitions, see Section D of the report on Substate Estimates from the 1999-2001 National Surveys on Drug Use and Health.

District of Columbia's substate region, Ward 1, is in group 5.
District of Columbia's substate region, Ward 2, is in group 6.
District of Columbia's substate region, Ward 3, is in group 7.
District of Columbia's substate region, Ward 4, is in group 4.
District of Columbia's substate region, Ward 5, is in group 3.
District of Columbia's substate region, Ward 6, is in group 4.
District of Columbia's substate region, Ward 7, is in group 3.
District of Columbia's substate region, Ward 8, is in group 2.

Return to Figure 9.3.1