GLOBE Bulletin

February 13, 1998:
Kingsburg Announces Biome Contest

Kingsburg High School in California invites GLOBE schools worldwide to have their local biome area featured in a ''Match the Biome'' contest. The students are looking for schools from a wide variety of biome, or land cover types, who will send in the following information: 1) latitude, longitude, and elevation of their site, 2) local climatogram data (average monthly temperature and >average monthly precipitation), 3) flora and fauna lists (5-10 of the major plants and animals), 4) MUC code, and 5) a picture of their biomes to be used for this contest and later as part of a GLOBE learning activity. Kingsburg students will be presenting the results of the contest at the GLOBE Learning Expedition in Helsinki, Finland, this summer. Learn more about the Match the Biome game and how to submit your biome data by going to the GLOBE Learning Expedition site, a link from the Special Events section on the GLOBE homepage. The contest ends March 20, 1998, so do not hesitate!

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