GLOBE Bulletin

February 04, 1998:
GLOBE 2000 (TM): GLOBE Plans for the Millennium!

A new millennium is just around the corner. Few people have the opportunity to participate in the celebration of the change of a millennium. In fact, the last time anyone had the opportunity was more that 900 years ago! GLOBE needs your help to plan our GLOBE 2000 (TM) celebration. We invite your ideas on how GLOBE students around the world can prepare for this historical event.

To propose an idea, send us your suggestion (50 words or less) by April 1, 1998. You can submit your idea by going to the GLOBE 2000 link from the GLOBE Resource Room site or by sending E-mail to:

During the month of May, each GLOBE school will have an opportunity to vote for their favorite idea. Votes will be cast at a special GLOBE Web site and winning ideas will be announced via the Web during the summer of 1998.

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