GLOBE Bulletin

August 19, 1997:
GLOBE Partners with Sister Cities International

On August 1, 1997, GLOBE and Sister Cities International signed a Memorandum of Understanding establishing a new partnership between the two organizations. Under this relationship, GLOBE and Sister Cities will encourage and facilitate meaningful partnerships between schools in sister cities -- partnerships based on their participation in the GLOBE Program. GLOBE provides both content for collaboration and a mechanism for communication between schools in sister cities. In addition, Sister Cities will encourage schools in its member cities to become GLOBE schools.

Sister Cities International ( is a nonprofit organization established to foster international cooperation through sister city relationships between cities in the United States and cities around the world. Sister Cities International represents the sister cities programs in more than 100 countries. This partnership will help link GLOBE schools in sister cities, encouraging students to share their GLOBE activities and enter into joint research projects.

GLOBE schools are encouraged to take advantage of this new partnership by establishing relationships with GLOBE schools in their sister city or by helping schools in their sister city become involved in the GLOBE Program!

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